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Posts posted by TPI

  1. On 10/31/2017 at 1:53 AM, swissie said:

    A Male Farang at 65 looks old.

    A Female Farang at 65 looks VERY old.

    A Female Thai at 65 looks not so old.

    A Female Thai at 45 looks far better than a Male Farang at 65.

    At this point, money comes into play. All said.

    If that's not an honest answer, then I don't know what is.

    As honest as you can make it!


  2. 6 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

    why would anyone put their money into a pension plan, when there is no oversight, responsibility, guarantee, or enforced regulation of any kind, especially in an endemically corrupt system and country?

    Agreed, all it takes is one poo yai to want another island and Poof! The money is gone!

  3. On 10/3/2017 at 11:47 AM, VocalNeal said:

    I could ask, why do Thais in my soi walk around shirtless? They even go into 7-Eleven. So Ok they are local and only 100m or so from their houses. 

    But i doubt they leave the soi shirtless so same should apply to tourists . On the beach or 100m away in nearest 7-Eleven OK. But downtown in Tesco supermarket, NO. But then Walmart gets all sorts of weirdos. 


    Much the same can be said about walking around in BKK wearing a "wife-beater shirt, shorts and rubber thong shoes. It is after all the capital city.

    What a load of nonsense! If you were from Oz then you would be aware that singlet, shorts and thongs are standard wear, in the summer, for most people, women included, and for semi drivers year round! While this may confirm your opinion of the "great unwashed" in the land of Oz, we find it suits our temperament and our lifestyle.

    • Thanks 2
  4. On 10/2/2017 at 11:55 PM, khunPer said:

    Come to think about the post notes in the film "Air America", which is supposed to be based on true facts and real characters:


    "Gene Ryack joined his family in Thailand. He started 6 business which failed, in 1975 he won the Thai State Lottery.

    Billy Covington went to Thailand and eventually became a computer whiz. In 1976 he was deported for fixing the Thai State Lottery".

    Typical of the Thai system, they train you to be very good and when you show how good you are.....they deport you!!


  5. On 9/10/2017 at 2:25 AM, nisakiman said:


    And therein lies the rot that has set into our society. The 'precautionary principle'. Wrap 'em in cotton wool.


    The attitude of "...would you be happy with random adults either from your own country or from other countries approaching and trying to interact with them?" is borne of reading the gutter press and believing every word. According to the papers, there's a paedophile lurking under every bush, and for that reason we shouldn't let our kids talk to anyone, in case they're raging paedophiles.


    What rot. It's attitudes like that that have created the current 'snowflake' generation, demanding 'safe spaces' and 'trigger warnings'.


    I've found when in Thailand that kids react well to me, and many times I've had teenage (and younger) girls or boys come up to me and practice their English. It's great. Where I've lived for the past 15 years (Greece), it's the same. There's been no 'Paedophile Panic' whipped up by the gutter press, and kids roam freely. And it's not unusual at all to be sitting in a café and have some kid from another table come and chat. And mum will just look over and ask if he / she is being a nuisance. If not, she'll just go back to her coffee and friend(s) or smartphone and leave me to chat with her kid. No big deal. The kid learns how to deal with strangers, and mum gets five minutes peace.


    And I say this as the father of four (now adult) kids who were encouraged to interact with other adults. Of course be sensible, but don't be scared. There's a big world out there full of all sorts of people, and kids need to learn how to deal with that.

    Agreed! I'm not sure who or what has prompted this horror of "men" but it's influence is stronger in places where "women" have taken control of the media.

    My great grand children are ok although their mothers and fathers tend to twitch a bit when I pick their little darling up! Maybe in the future, when things calm down a little, common sense will rule again and we can all get on with our lives??

  6. On 26/5/2560 at 9:37 PM, tonray said:

    How about listing the boys with rich parents who knock up the  girls in class forcing the girl to be sent to grandma's in the province and the boy stays in school to seek his next conquest with no repercussions ? (yes...I did teach high school here for 3 years)

    I've taught in the LOS for nearly 20 years and this behaviour is very common, of course the pregnant girl cannot continue in school as it would be seen to be forgiving the young girl for her indisgretion! It would be impolite to punish the young "prince"! :post-4641-1156693976::wai:

  7. 9 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    You mean since 1770

    Now they are complaining that they don't have a treaty promising them money and land and and and! The 300,000 part aborigines in Oz not get all the benefits of being citizens plus they split a billion dollars between them as extra gratuity fo having more genarations in Oz that the european folks, who, after all only came about 250 years ago and made Oz the land of plenty it is today! :post-4641-1156693976::wai:

  8. On 9/6/2560 at 11:10 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    He served his time according to the plea deal he agreed to. It was the state attorney that was going to renege on the deal.

    It's not about supporting Polanski personally, but pointing out that the justice system is broken.


    There is doubt that he was a "rapist" as such, though under California law it was statutory rape.


    Describing the event in his autobiography, Polanski stated that he did not drug Geimer, that she "wasn't unresponsive", and that she did not respond negatively when he inquired as to whether or not she was enjoying what he was doing.[26] The 28-page probation report submitted to the court by Kenneth Fare (signed by deputy Irwin Gold) concluded by saying that there was evidence "that the victim was not only physically mature, but willing." The officers quoted two psychiatrists' denial of Roman being "a pedophile" or "sexual deviate".[27]

    He has served his time, let it go! The Justice system in the US is a far cry from its "father" the British system!! :sad::wai:

  9. 7 hours ago, claffey said:

    I am not a fanatical Christian but I find your comments disturbing. Suicide or Euthanasia or whatever you want to call it is a cowards way out. If you have no family or responsibility then OK. But if you are leaving behind wives, children and other family then you are a coward. I also believe euthanasia should be illegal as life is precious as is the life of your family. By doing this you are destroying their lives too... As for jumping from a high building. Wouldn't it be easier and less gruesome to take an overdose of something...A cowards way out...

    I don't agree, you are the only person who can decide what to do in any circumstance! It is emotional blackmail to make someone responsible, against their wishes, for somebody else. that is why governments have welfare departments. Everyone should have the right to terminate their life. Now think about it, jumping from a high place is not like putting your head inside an electric oven, it's for real, there's no going back, it's final! That's true courage! :sleep::wai:

  10. 6 hours ago, jvs said:

    Nice reaction.If it was 'your daughter'you are guilty of neglect.Nine months pregnant and you did not notice?Your daughter did not trust you enough to tell you?You forgot to tell your kids to come running to you when something like this would happen?I know you probably reacted from a western mindset and that is how i responded,but in Thailand things are handeld differently.

    Like some one else mentioned it is all about saving face.

    reason for edit,scared of spelling police.

    I think that the young lady (who can now no longer go to school) should be allowed to make the grandfather take financial responsibilty for her and her son until he dies and then must leave his house to her! That would be the most painful cut of all!! :sad::wai:

  11. 3 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

    Trump only reads headlines, if that. Maybe he can't read because he is not an educated man.

    Having said that, the Brits should not be alarmed at seeing more police and military on

    the streets. Having open borders and inviting those without documentation to come visit is a recipe for disaster.

     But this attack was committed by the children of Muslim migrants. From an Aussie point of view, I have been

    warning about this for decades.

    The original migrants came to a civilised country with good intentions. Their children, with low esteem, little

    assimilated education, unable to fit in, unable to play sports, probable low IQ, are teased and taunted. They

    have no future unless they resort to crime or become "bouncers" at pubs and so on. More than that, the parents

    complain that they have no influence on their children. "Too much freedom" they complain.

    Unfortunately, this event will pass into history as even more atrocities occur. And will continue to occur.

    The mayor was right. Don't be alarmed, get used to it

    Agreed, In Oz my mother was afraid to open her front door to speak to strangers because of unprovoked attacks by muslim refugees (somalies, sudanese and Yemanise), why should anyone in this day and age be surprised to see well armed police on the streets after a muslim terrorist attack! The Lord Mayor of London is living in an elitist bubble to think that his fellow citizens give a toss about more police.....but then maybe the audience he was addressing wasn't the non-muslims of the city??? :smile::wai:

  12. 3 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    The fact that Tony rather than the police decides when he will turn himself in suggests that a financial consideration for a short term reprieve has been made. That will probably allow time for the CCTV tape to be "lost", witnesses intimidated, weaponry disposed of, threats made and implausible excuses thought up. 

    It happens in the land of smiles every day, obviously, because of the tape, it should run to 7 figures?:wai:

  13. On 30/12/2557 at 8:48 PM, Seastallion said:

    Sounds like she is jaded and leading up to a close-down of services. Time to spice up your sex life.

    Plainly, it is NOT a Thai attitude that sex after 40 is inappropriate, so on top of spicing things up, you should point out to her all the over-40 Thai women that have toy boy giks.

    Go for a second honeymoon.

    Ignore the chauvanist pigs.

    I would love to travel to the planet you live on, look around, how many woman in your circle, over 40 who still have sex with anyone?? Why do you think Thai men have mia noi's and gik's?? It's not because they're getting too much sex or even "loving" at home! My wife of 50 years apologizes because she has pain during sex so has asked me refrain for 2 or 3 nights a week! The fact that she is Chinese might explain a lot?? :wai:

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