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Posts posted by TPI

  1. Why give up on the boat idea? A friend of mine bought a nice "Nichols Tri" and staffed the boat with Ozy, Kiwi and Asian birds for ten years! Buy a second hand one in NZ crew it from NZ and sail it up to Asia! The longest leg is NZ to Oz, you don't sound too old, think of the fun!!  :smile:

  2. On 06/04/2018 at 10:03 AM, Dazinoz said:



    Pyramid selling, as the name suggests the price goes up each person. As I wrote about the price is the same for ALL distributors and same price for ALL customers so I can't see how you call that pyramid selling.


    Nothing wrong with being a "believer", used to one myself, It got too complicated so I turned to religion instead!! :smile:

  3. On 07/04/2018 at 11:51 AM, Brunolem said:


    I thought they had disappeared from the country...never seen one in 20 years!

    Even the small bats have all but disappeared in my area, along with the fireflies, tropical birds, butterflies and anything that flies..save for the bang fai, that will return soon...

    In Singapore and Malaysia they're considered a delicacy. Here in Phrae I see about 3 fireflies a year, mobs of butterflies and, of course, very few native birds..... (brown skinned "he-men") equipped with "ghost nets"!! 

    • Like 1
  4. 19 hours ago, JimGant said:

    When I've got some hotdog on my bumper, and I approach an intersection where the light is switching to red, I've learned to accelerate into the intersection just as the light turns red -- as the <deleted> on my bumper has already figured to run the light. Had I stopped, as I normally do when no one is on my bumper, I'm sure there would be a rear ender. How the cops would fault that would be interesting.

    Dangerous Jim, if someone T bones what excuse do you have?

  5. On 03/04/2018 at 11:51 AM, possum1931 said:

    I would dispute that as there is the odd occasion when a vehicle cuts in right in front of you then has to slam on his brakes before you get the chance to drop back a bit, on the sort of occasion, how can the rear end collision be the drivers fault?

    A nit pick perhaps :smile:

  6. On 24/03/2018 at 11:00 PM, Chrisdoc said:

    I understood the OP is interested in buying gold not selling it. I have sold gold in pawn shops and they used a magnet to do a quick check before they analysed it further. The ones that failed the magnet test they gave back, the ones that passed they tested further to gauge purity. I don't understand how you thought I was sugesting any illegal behaviour in Thai gold shops?

    Sent from my SM-G900I using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    How can you use a magnet to check gold if they use copper or other nonferrous metals? I can understand if they use iron or some steels? 

  7. On 22/03/2018 at 9:43 AM, owenm said:

    It's all relative to your living costs. I've paid 6k, 17k and 20k thb a month for a small condo in Bangkok over the past 3yrs. And 6 mths ago moved to a 2 level, 3br and 2 bathroom house in a gated community with 24hr security in Bang Yai in Nonthaburi province, 25km from BKK city for rent of 5,500thb per month. Total for rent, electric, water, 50/10 internet and mobile phone plan is AUD$300 per month.. So even with the Aussie dollar dropping from 31thb/AUD $ several years ago to 24thb/AUD $ currently, your money can go along way depending on how much you want to spend on your accommodation etc..

    Sent from my SM-N915G using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Oz folks are not helped much by the $5 raise/week in the combined pension, Krungsri bank has been charging THB20 exchange whereas SCB is doing THB24....!

  8. Isn't it a case of (horror) low IQ? If children going to kindergarden lose an IQ point after one year then how much do they lose over 12 years or 16 (after Uni) by being exposed to the Thai education system? Sad but true, anyone involved with training the locals quickly realises the intellectual short comings of our hosts!

    • Sad 1
  9. 9 hours ago, LukKrueng said:

    to the op - there are thai universities where they teach nearly all subjects on English, and in many other universities there are English programs in some faculties. In order to do a degree in thai language just speaking and understanding thai won't be enough. He'd have to be able to read and write as well.

    And to falcon - don't know were/what you heard about thai universities but you are totally wrong. I don't know if ALL universities, but certainly many thai universities are recognized around the world. I personally know many thai people that got their first degree and/or second degree here in Thailand and then studied further in other countries such as in Europe, Australia and the USA. I also know many exchange students from around the world who come to Thailand for a semester our 2 and credits earned here count towards their degree in their home countries and many thai students that go overseas on exchange programs as well.

    I also personally know students who didn't reach the minimum gpa needed for their degree and couldn't graduate until they retook some subjects and got the higher grade and needed gpa

    Three of my Thai nieces went to Australia to improve their chances of getting a good degree, when they applied they were told to go back to High School and redo the 2 year HSC (year 11 & 12) as no university in Oz would accept their Thai results! They have now completed their 2 year course, topping parts of their courses! Just think how wonderful it would be if Thai students were allowed to shine in Thai schools? Of course Thai teachers couldn't be their teachers!

  10. 34 minutes ago, stropper said:

    why are you british people always so negitive about  everything that happens in thailand, its there country, you are only a guest, the empire times are over ,if you hate it so much why dont you all <deleted> off back to where you come from, and whinge and moan there, englands <deleted>, you pommies, are nothing but whingers, why not try to be constructive for a change!

    Stropper, please take a number and join the queue, "every" newbi has the same rant....."if you don't like it etc etc". Don't you think that maybe, just maybe, the long time expats might be right this time and they as well as you are sick to death of being blamed for all of the things wrong in Thailand? :smile:

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