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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. Not only did they have sex, the perv took videos. The mother has even accused the guy of giving her daughter gonorrhea. Not sure why some of you are defending this guy. He's a sexual predator, preying on very young girls. This current situation is not his first rodeo.
  2. Read the thread title. He was arrested for having sexual relations with a 16 yr old without the parents' consent. As for the US law, should be plainly obvious.
  3. It's been apparent for some time that Trump supporters are the unhappiest people in America. They're mostly unhappy because no one takes them seriously.
  4. Geez man, haven't you read some of these other posts that detail the specific crimes that this guy committed? Nevermind Thailand, this guy is an American and he violated American law. [Under the Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to End the Exploitation of Children Today Act of 2003 (PROTECT Act), it is a crime, prosecutable in the United States, for a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident to engage in illicit sexual conduct in a foreign country with a person under the age of 18, whether or not the U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident intended to engage in such illicit sexual conduct prior to going abroad.] https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/emergencies/arrest-detention/crimes-against-minors.html
  5. So you're perfectly ok with a teacher banging his underage student? I'd imagine most parents would not agree with your "moral stance."
  6. Agree. The Thai authorities can easily contact US authorities and the dude is toast. [Under the Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to End the Exploitation of Children Today Act of 2003 (PROTECT Act), it is a crime, prosecutable in the United States, for a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident to engage in illicit sexual conduct in a foreign country with a person under the age of 18, whether or not the U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident intended to engage in such illicit sexual conduct prior to going abroad.] https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/emergencies/arrest-detention/crimes-against-minors.html
  7. Impeachment? Republicans will first have to figure out what they're impeaching Joe Biden for. It will have to be a charge that doesn't require evidence as they clearly don't have any.
  8. 5555....that would be priceless. I for one want Trump to be on the ballot and be the GOP nominee. Not just for entertainment's sake, but because Trump is about the only Republican that Joe Biden can easily beat.
  9. The most relentless and vile haters in America are Trump and his supporters. There is simply no disputing this.
  10. Sounds like a Trump presidency would fulfill your wildest wet dreams. You must know that it'll never happen. Trump will never be POTUS again. You should try for something more plausible. Like, say, maybe one morning you'll wake up and look like a young Brad Pitt....555
  11. It's amazing to me that Trump--a self-proclaimed rich guy--has to go begging his flock to part with their measly income. It appears even that is not enough. His sheep will need to send more! Trump is running out of other people's money to pay lawyers. Save America PAC is almost broke https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-running-other-peoples-money-092036400.html
  12. The only way to know for certain what happens when you die is to actually die. I look forward to it, actually, as it will answer the ultimate question. I'm certainly not in a hurry to find out, but don't fear it at all. I just hope it's painless....555
  13. Yes, legalize drugs for adults....with the caveat that committing crimes while under the influence is absolutely no excuse. Drunk driving comes to mind. Adults should be allowed the freedom to make choices for themselves and also be held to account.
  14. One can argue that being a Trump supporter is about the most un American thing one can do.
  15. The only people who will "view this as an attack on Americas democracy" are people who already support Trump. The majority of Americans will see this as Trump finally paying for his crimes.
  16. Most knowledgeable Democrats want Trump to be the GOP nominee for obvious reasons. Because Biden will beat Trump....again. In fact, many knowledgeable Republicans have come out and said that the only person Biden could beat with near certainty is Trump.
  17. From the article.... Majorities of Americans say the charges are 'serious' For one thing, large majorities of Americans say the crimes he’s been accused of are, in fact, “serious”: Falsifying business records to conceal hush money payments to a porn star: 54% serious crime, 34% not a serious crime Taking highly classified documents from the White House and obstructing efforts to retrieve them: 66% serious crime, 20% not a serious crime Conspiring to overturn the results of a presidential election: 70% serious crime, 17% not a serious crime Attempting to obstruct the certification of a presidential election: 70% serious crime, 17% not a serious crime
  18. al·le·giance /əˈlēj(ə)ns/ noun noun: allegiance; plural noun: allegiances loyalty or commitment of a subordinate to a superior or of an individual to a group or cause. By the above definition....not sure. But as an American, I'd never take up arms against the US. I'd never commit treason or conspire against the US with a foreign gov. Etc. There are elected officials in the US that I can't stand nor agree with, but that's the nature of democracy. I do receive various entitlements from the US, pay taxes, have assets in America, vote, and follow US news every day. So I'm still very interested in what goes on in my home country, although I still prefer to be in Thailand.
  19. It seems you're still stuck on the GOPs few talking points. Inflation has been steadily going down since the middle of last year. So yes, the US economy has been doing well and inflation is well under control....
  20. What polls are you looking at? Nearly every one that I've seen has Biden leading....or statistical tie. Look for yourself, in the general election categories.... https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/
  21. Some on the right are already suggesting that by Trump skipping the primary debate(s), Joe Biden can certainly do the same when the general election comes around. [According to The New York Times over the weekend, Republican National Committee (RNC) chairwoman Ronna McDaniel reportedly warned Trump that by skipping the debate he could give Biden an excuse to get out of debating him should they face one another again on the ticket in 2024.] Others in conservative media agreed. ["If Donald Trump says 'Everybody knows me, I don't need to do it,' then Joe Biden does, 'Everybody knows me! I'm the president," Fox and Friends co-host Steve Doocy said on the program Monday morning.] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/is-donald-trump-giving-joe-biden-a-gift-by-not-debating/ar-AA1fzViV?ocid=wispr&cvid=958b9136291b4be5aa3d5ecb1199e2a8&ei=59
  22. That's highly debatable. Quite a few independents/moderates abandoned Trump in 2020. And now that he's an indicted felon, you think they're going to come back to him? That bridge was burned long ago. Someone like Tim Scott or Chris Christie would certainly do better than Trump with independents/moderates. The problem for the Republicans is no matter who they nominate that's not named Trump, a big chunk of their base will probably sit out the 2024 elections. Which is a shame as I think someone like Scott or Christie might be more of a unifier for the country.
  23. A few certainly will. Chris Christie is already out there savaging Trump every chance he gets.....
  24. Washing machine in the kitchen? Hmmm....I have my washer/dryer in a different room altogether. Maybe a dishwasher would be more appropriate in that spot. But if that's your preference....
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