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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. What was VP Pence's policies? I have no idea. But he was a VP, he doesn't get to announce his policies. Same with VP Harris.
  2. I think they will. What's not been mentioned is that they'll be doing it predominantly on right wing media. We've all heard that many Republicans only follow right wing media like Fox, OAN, Newsmax, etc. These people live in an echo chamber as they avoid mainstream media. They rarely hear negatives about Trump and DeSantis. Well they'll be hearing a lot of extreme nastiness in the next few months.
  3. Perhaps you should define "far superior." If he's being taught that climate change and evolution are not real--among other things--one has to wonder if your kid would have benefited more from a public school education.
  4. It seems you already forgot your original question. Regardless, what "name calling" are you talking about?
  5. I answered you in earnest and you conveniently ignored. Seems you want an unserious answer....so you could complain about it.
  6. Hmmmm....perhaps we misunderstood. I took the above to mean that's you're a Democrat. But looking at it again, you could have been talking about "they."
  7. You are clearly a MAGA Republican. Why would you lie and say you're a Democrat?
  8. Republicans seem to have a chip on their shoulder, even DeSantis. Is that why they're always pi*sed off at the world?
  9. Yeap. Sure it plays to the base, but I'd imagine there's quite a few moderates and independents who are aghast by these comments.
  10. You'd have a point if the GOP was in control of PA, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin....but they're not. And GA won't play ball with Trump. Relax man, it's all good.
  11. The big difference this next time is that Trump won't be the incumbent President. He just can't call up state legislators or Governors and demand anything. Heck, he can't even demand to go on Fox News. And he won't have the power of the Presidency to try any behind-the-scenes maneuvering with DOJ, DHS, DOD,....the dude will be toothless. And these far right militia groups.....5555. Compared to the US gov, these people are a joke.
  12. People can only predict the future....but past performance/behavior are pretty good indicators. What kind of "truth" are you looking for?
  13. Funny. No one is going to look up this stuff. All they know is DeSantis attacked an iconic American company for exercising their 1st amendment rights. And DeSantis forced the NAACP to announce that Florida is anti-black. DeSantis is also censoring all manner of books in schools and stifling education. And of course, he hates gays and migrants. Not real visionary.
  14. Should have gotten 25 yrs, but 18 will do. It'll give him some time to realize what a loser in life he's been.
  15. Lordy. Are you suggesting that white nationalists are not racists? Even they would admit that they're proudly racist. You're just being deliberately obtuse.
  16. A rather desperate attempt to do.....what I'm not sure. AG Garland would do well to just ignore this mindless drivel. Or he could just refer all inquiries to Mr. Jack Smith.
  17. I agree! The best example is the right constantly using the word "woke" when most clearly have no idea what it means.
  18. Not surprising at all. Watch the movie Spotlight. That was about Boston, but it was clear from the movie ending that it was a worldwide problem.
  19. Nice to see you embracing reality. A Trump/DeSantis ticket might be rather formidable. And DeSantis would be able to slide right in as the nominee in 2028 with Trump's full blessing. But that would never happen. And seriously, the guy at the top of the ticket is the ONLY one that matters. And Trump cannot win a general election.
  20. DeSantis better be prepared to get dirty. Otherwise, khun Trump will btch-slap him into oblivion.
  21. "...all the proof she had....."??? Dude, she didn't have any proof.
  22. Have to agree. Can't be real. A guy let's his wife have a boyfriend and on top of that, gives the guy money. Nobody can be that weak and stupid.
  23. This would be quite an increase in scope if the feds are now looking into Trump's foreign dealings during his Presidency. This could delay the investigation significantly. I would imagine they found something that would lead them to dig deeper. We know Trump to be someone who would have sold Alaska to the Russians if he could keep the proceeds.
  24. Trump may be inclined to choose a woman. But if he picks Tim Scott, Dems may be in trouble. Of course, Trump's hardcore racist base may not be real supportive. Not sure what they would do in a case like that.
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