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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. Do you even know the current state of the Republican party? The de facto favorite to win the nomination right now is D. Trump. Yes, the same Trump currently under indictment with a slew of investigations ongoing. Trump cannot win the general election, but he has this knack for destroying presidential contenders in his own party. So even if one were to emerge from the primary, Trump would have severely damaged said individual. President Biden will win a 2nd term, almost guaranteed.
  2. If Tucker plans on suing Fox for, say, wrongful termination, he'd better have his ducks in a row. By that I mean evidence, e.g., recordings. Just like Gretchen Carlson and Abby Grossberg. I doubt Tucker has anything. Fox probably has a mountain of stuff on Tucker. He needs to do like Roger Ailes and just ride quietly into the sunset.
  3. I agree that Biden would beat DeSantis. Mostly on abortion, book banning, Disney, as well as social security and medicare. By the time DeSantis gets through the primary (assuming he does), Trump would have done the dirty work for Biden. And no one gets dirtier than Trump. Which is why I think Trump will (hopefully) be the GOP nominee.
  4. This is just one of many stupid moves DeSantis has engaged in lately. Just curious to know what DeSantis' idea of "victory" over Disney is? Disney is an iconic US institution, they're not just going to roll over. This court case will cost the Florida taxpayer quite a bit....especially if Disney wins.
  5. If any one of those 3 were to be the nominee, I'd venture to say Biden would step down. His objective in 2020 was to get Trump out and by extension, the MAGA agenda. I think Biden would be competitive against most any Republican, but he knows he'd trounce Trump....again.
  6. That would eliminate MAGA Republicans.
  7. Wishful thinking. Wherever he decides to go, it won't have the same reach that Fox News has. Look at the guy that he replaced, Bill O'reilly, who was just as popular as Tucker is when he was forced to leave. Ole Bill is practically invisible now.
  8. It doesn't take brilliance to spout lies and crazy sht. I'll say one thing about Tucker.....he knows his audience.
  9. [Tucker Carlson received an offer from Russian state media after Fox News announced it would part ways with the longtime host on Monday.] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/tucker-carlson-gets-an-offer-from-russia-state-media/ar-AA1ahHcI?ocid=wispr&cvid=4a6520fca89e45fdaadb1d8444f22687&ei=63
  10. True. Hard to know if he believes what he was spouting, e.g., he claims to support Trump but in private hated the guy. Fact is, Tucker's aim in life was to profit by making Americans hate each other. The dude was good at his job.
  11. Every Dem who answered that Biden shouldn't run should be required to provide a name of who should. The key question is who can win a general election. Biden may be old, but he's proven he can do one thing.....beat Trump like a drum. And Trump will most likely be the GOP nominee.
  12. If that's true, the Fulton County DA just needs to turn over her evidence to Mr. Jack Smith. I'm sure he'll know what to do with it.
  13. While I agree with your sentiments, there's not much that an outsider can do. It's basically a civil war....although rather one-sided. Just look at Sudan. Those people are blowing each other's brains out and foreign countries just want to get their people out. Not quite like Ukraine where Russia invaded a sovereign country. I do believe that the leadership of Myanmar are just pure evil. Their government shouldn't even be recognized by other governments....but what are you going to do.
  14. So Lindell is refusing to pay what he promised he would pay. Why does it seem like every hardcore Trump supporter is a liar and cheat?
  15. I can see only one way that the SCOTUS can rule. Because if they allow one judge to decide which drugs can be taken off the market, then why do we even have a FDA? But being that this SCOTUS is right leaning (read a bit nutty), they may rule against science and common sense.
  16. Yeah, I think everyone's disappointed that Fox won't be in court to explain their deceit. But $787 mil isn't small change, at least not to Dominion. As strong as their case was, they knew that a defamation case is risky, not to mention years of litigation and appeals, even if they had won. I can see why they took the money. Luckily, there are a few more cases ongoing. So the Fox lies will be in the news for awhile.
  17. The only way Fox News will change their ways is if somehow, telling the truth becomes more profitable. What's the chance of that happening? Their idiot audience wants to be lied to. Needs to be lied to. So Fox will continue to deliver.
  18. It's not over for Fox News.... [“Dominion’s litigation exposed some of the misconduct and damage caused by Fox’s disinformation campaign,” a Smartmatic spokesman said in a statement obtained by The New York Times. “Smartmatic will expose the rest.”] https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/smartmatic-vows-to-finish-what-dominion-case-started/ar-AA1a1BIQ?ocid=wispr&cvid=a0ffeec316054d44a5b9fcee1028eb03&ei=10
  19. I would imagine the Smartmatic case would be a slam dunk. All the company has to do is hire the same lawyers used by Dominion and just wait for a juicy settlement offer. Regrettable that this didn't go to trial, but at least Fox is paying through the nose for their non-stop lies.
  20. I wish this was a criminal trial but it's not. Either Fox will pay, or they won't. No one's going to jail....unfortunately. But even with all this out in the open, some Fox viewers still believe that the 2020 election was rigged. Frankly, stupidity should be against the law.
  21. You're right, the more the right tries to clamp down on abortion, the more young people will head to the voting booth. The issues most important to young people appears to be abortion rights, gun control, and the environment. Interesting that the GOP is on the wrong side on all of these issues.
  22. Are you equating a drag show with being sexually abused? I doubt that you intended to minimize what happened to you, but that's exactly what you're doing.
  23. I saw the Rocky Horror Picture Show as a young student. It didn't make me want to put on a dress, nor did it turn me gay. Just sayin.....
  24. The US economy is doing well. I'd believe President Biden over Fox News every day of the week, twice on Sundays.
  25. As an American, I have no freakin idea what you're talking about.
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