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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. That's funny. Criminals deny crimes all the time. Alex Murdaugh denied that he killed his wife and son, but was still found guilty and sentenced to life. The fact that Trump refused to testify in court under oath speaks volumes.
  2. I don't think most people--especially Republicans--understand the full impact. Not just those getting gov benefits, e.g., social security, fed/mil retirement, medicaid, etc., but the stock market will crash. As will the dollar. Your 401Ks will be decimated. And this is just for starters.
  3. You seem to be taking this rather personal. Relax, no one's coming for you. And the rich guys out there, I doubt they're worried. Unless they've done something in the past. Then perhaps they should be worried.....that's a good thing.
  4. This is the breakdown of the damages... Sexual assault — $2,000,000 Punitive damages — $280,000 Wanton disregard — $ 20,000 Defamation (loss) — $1,000,000 Defamation (reputation repair) — $1,700,000 Total: $5,000,000 https://www.thedailybeast.com/e-jean-carrolls-lawyers-leveled-a-knockout-blow-on-trump?ref=wrap
  5. Not so fast Sherlock. Regardless of whether he files an appeal, he'll still have to fork over the $5 mil.... [If Trump files an appeal, that would not stay the $5 million verdict against him, which Carroll can attempt to collect beginning 14 days from now. Rather, in order to obtain relief from having to pay Carroll while he appealed, Trump would have to file an appeal bond (called a “supersedeas bond”) for $5 million (plus interest at 9 percent) with the Court. If the Court approves the bond, Carroll would not be able to collect from Trump until all appeals were exhausted. If Trump were to lose all appeals, the bond would be paid over to Carroll.] https://www.thedailybeast.com/e-jean-carrolls-lawyers-leveled-a-knockout-blow-on-trump?ref=wrap
  6. Hmmm....again, it's all golf. And golf is played the same way on LIV as it is on the PGA. They're not doing anything different on LIV. Again, except for the shorts and the loud music...which has nothing to do with golf. The shotgun start, 54 holes, team format, etc., just gimmicks. I can only surmise that you prefer LIV because the players are more recognizable. I have a friend who feels the same.
  7. You've got a point. While Kayleigh certainly has street cred within MAGA world, i.e., prolific liar, she can never be as vile as Tucker was. Tucker's most loyal fans are the hardcore white supremacist, incel types who are mostly guys. Of course, there are quite a few female airheads in the MAGA movement, so she might appeal to them.
  8. Rather amazing that this "crafty woman" would only take his Rolex. How about his wallet, cash, CC, phone, laptop, etc.? Not real crafty....
  9. Wow man, you're really out-of-touch. Try Google. The case didn't go to court because Fox settled, i.e., admitted they lied and paid off the plaintiff to avoid a long and embarrassing public spectacle.
  10. Tucker is desperate to get back on the air because he knows that by 2025, no one will remember his name. Yesterday's news, has-been, just a pee stain in the bizarro history of conservative news. But I think you're right, Fox has got him by the gonads.
  11. I would think Mexico's drug lords would be able to make their own fentanyl. Why would they need to import from China?
  12. I'm "older," but not that old. Single digit handicapper. Not sure how you would know it's popular with younger golfers. But even if so, would like to know why. I doubt the interest is genuine long-term, more like a curiosity.
  13. I've watched LIV golf. It's just golf. Except with the same players every tournament, playing in shorts to blaring music. There's no history. No legacy. No professional significance. And of course no OWGR points. Just a bunch of rich guys playing for a ton of oil money. If that's your thing, more power to you.
  14. Trump loses again. Does this guy ever win at anything?
  15. So predictable and so tired. Don't you guys ever comment about the ACTUAL CHARGES?
  16. DeSantis still fighting the culture war, at his state's expense. Give it up Ron, you can't out-Trump Trump. He'll be the GOP nominee for President.
  17. Asking hard questions isn't the problem. It's getting Trump to actually answer and do so truthfully. CNN: Sir, should there be a federal mandate for abortions in the USA? Trump: The 2020 election was rigged. I won in a landslide. CNN: Should the Russians pull out of Ukraine unconditionally? Trump: If I was President, Putin would never have invaded. CNN: Any comment regarding the debt ceiling debate? Trump: I built the greatest economy ever. It's not even close. CNN: Do you view China as a threat? Trump: Xi is my buddy. I love the guy. He's among our greatest leaders, right up there with Putin and Kim Jong Un. CNN: Have you given any thought to a running mate? Trump: The 2020 election was so rigged. And everyone knows it. And so on....
  18. Gun owners don't care. The 2nd amendment can be interpreted a hundred different ways. One way is that gun rights are enshrined in the Constitution, equating it to God-given rights. That's the one they'll go with and nothing anyone says will change their minds.
  19. It seems you have clear evidence of adultery on her part, which is against the law in Thailand. You have grounds for a divorce at minimum, as well as possible compensation. You should discuss with a good lawyer your options under the circumstance.
  20. I'm skeptical that these bills will do anything. Firstly, any restriction on guns in one state won't change the laws of another state. So anyone in Colorado can still drive across state lines to any red state and buy whatever they want. Secondly, these bills are so watered-down as to be near meaningless. A ban on assault rifles aren't even included. Point is, these laws won't impact gun deaths....which the pro-gun folks will undoubtedly jump on and say "more gun laws don't help!"
  21. I beg to differ strongly differ sir the vast majority of Americans are supportive of stronger gun laws it won’t fix things but it will help we have little kids getting slaughtered in school folks being murdered in their places of worship folks being killed because of the color of their skin a ball across a lawn knocking on a door driving up the wrong driveway sir we effin do care deeply care it’s the cowards in the house and senate that don’t do what we want I want you to know we do care I think you completely missed his point. Nothing will happen as a result of these murders. Nothing. Nada. Zero.
  22. Yeah, it's so glaringly obvious that Trump cannot win the general election. Which is why it's comical when people allege that the Democrats are investigating Trump because they don't want him to run. LOL!! Every knowledgeable Dem wants Trump to be the GOP nominee, myself included. It will ensure Biden a 2nd term.
  23. Yeah, this case is pretty tiny in the overall scheme of things. Trump won't even go to jail over it regardless. But it's deeply embarrassing for him to be so publicly accused of rape. And it's another reason why educated suburban women won't vote for him.
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