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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. Ok, let's do that. Awhile back, I was having some beers with about a dozen Thai guys and they were admiring this new waitress who was serving us. Someone asked how old she was and a guy answered "17"! There was a gasp of disappointment from everyone, implying she was untouchable. Now I'm sure the guys you hang out with may think differently, but that's on you.
  2. Take it anyway you want. But if a visiting westerner reads this thread and thinks it's perfectly acceptable to buy a 14 year old, he may be shocked to find that the prisons in Thailand aren't all that accommodating. That's my point.
  3. There was no mention of morality in my post(s). I was pointing out the legality.
  4. Perhaps it is you who don't get it....but fair enough. If it's something you would do or recommend to your visiting friends, go for it. And your reasoning would be because "everyone's doing it." I'm sure the dudes in brown uniforms would understand.
  5. Sex with an underage girl is just nuts. You're looking at some serious prison time. Not worth it. Why would any guy do that in Thailand when there's so many legal options available? In the USA, we call them jail bait....for a reason.
  6. I don't know if Kanye is a Republican or if he even has any core beliefs. What is certain is that he's a Trump supporter. During the 2020 election, he made a haphazard run for President in a childish ploy to siphon off black votes from the Dems. It didn't go so well for Kanye or his buddy Trump. Does he have mental issues? Even his wife (ex) suggest that he does. The fact that he's aligned himself with Trump would certainly suggest some defects upstairs.
  7. If Trump wasn't allowed to fleece the US government, he may decide not to run for POTUS. So the Trump Org case may be rather significant politically afterall... [Conviction could prompt the government to bar the Trump Organization from doing business as a federal contractor, including cutting off the spigot of Trump's lucrative — and critics say exorbitant — billing of Secret Service agents who stay at his properties while protecting the former president and his family.] https://www.yahoo.com/news/conviction-trump-orgs-upcoming-trial-150103068.html
  8. Yeah, the son doesn't sound like the law abiding type. Maybe the father can claim self-defense.
  9. It's not just the Republican politicians, it's their voters. This movie is basically about lying to make money. But the only way they can make money is if enough stupid people believe it. And that's where the Republican party comes in.
  10. False equivalence. All Presidents travel, but they don't typically have government money being paid into their own pockets. Can you understand the difference?
  11. I'm trying to be reasonable with these people. It's not easy, but I try....:-)
  12. Where on Earth did you ever get that idea? Thais are arrested all the time for drug trafficking.
  13. This could be related to Trump's claim that over 10,000 dead people voted in Ga. Brad Raffensperger investigated this specific claim and found something like 4 or 5.
  14. It seems just about every investigation pushed by Republicans end up to be nothing burgers. Whitewater, Benghazi, Hillary e-mails, and now this. The term they often employ--"witch hunt"--seems to apply to GOP investigations. And they want to do more if they win the midterms? It would be funny if it wasn't such a colossal waste of our tax dollars.
  15. Yes you can. I've done it, at Big C. I believe it needs to be returned within 7 days.
  16. *Deleted post edited out* It sure didn't take you long to swoop in and defend your cult hero. But it's legit news when the POTUS--who's paid by our tax dollars--uses his position to further steal from the American people. Why this doesn't bother the typical Trumpist is beyond me. Appears Trump supporters are ok with rampant corruption....so long as it's one of their own.
  17. If you ever hear the words "hairgrowth remedy," don't event think twice. It's a scam.
  18. There are old folks in America--especially Asians--getting beat up for no reason, quite regularly. Surely you know this.
  19. There are quite a few MAGA wingnuts in prison right now, with Trump soon to follow. So clearly, you have no idea what you're talking about.
  20. I understand Jones has managed to hide his millions. It was such an obvious ploy to escape paying court judgements. I hope the authorities can see through this and bleed this vile human being dry.
  21. That's just not true. There is no such training....anywhere.
  22. Was thinking the same. Maybe the daughter needed the money pronto and couldn't wait for her mommy to croak. Because seriously, no one can be that dumb.
  23. Exactly. Most Dems would have no problem with Hunter Biden being indicted if he committed a crime. But with Trump, his supporters go absolutely batsht crazy, even with legitimate cases of criminality, with cries of "witchhunt," "hoax," "miscarriage of justice," etc. What's wrong with these people?
  24. Come on man. Trump made gaffes constantly, many of which were much worse. The injecting bleach, nice people on both sides, believing Putin over his own intel agencies, shthole countries, buying Greenland....and that's just off the top of my head. Trump was far, far worse.
  25. Maybe Hunter and Trump can be indicted on the same day. Perhaps then the right wing nutters will see that no one's above the law. Who am I kidding....they'll still whine "witch hunt!"
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