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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. Fox News? Come on. I get Fox articles on my MSN News feed (along with many other sources) and I refuse to click it. Reason 1 is due to the algorithm, I'm afraid I'd get more right wing cr*p on my feed. Reason 2 is that I know it'll be bogus right wing misinformation. If you're only reading right wing sources, you're going to be woefully misinformed.
  2. Agree. Musk is a strange one. The guy used to be reasonable and moderate politically. But he seems to have lost it ever since his son became a trans female. He blames this on the "woke left." Maybe he should consider that his parenting had something do with it.
  3. This cop-out answer of leaving abortion access to the states will not work in this election. I understand Trump's position: he really doesn't care. If blue states want to legalize all manner of abortion, fine. If red states want to outlaw abortion, fine. Trump wants to please his right-wing pro-life faction, but not upset the suburban women and young people because he needs all of their votes. The problem is Trump will be allowing the most extreme right-wing states to dictate his abortion policy for him. Which means the Democrats will be able to hammer Trump on this issue where the majority of Americans believe that women should be in control of their reproductive decisions. This issue is a loser for Trump/Vance and there isn't a darn thing they can do about it.
  4. That's not true. There's documented evidence of Musk shutting down accounts supporting the left. Just recently, there was an account called "White Dudes for Harris" that raised millions. Musk promptly shut it down....only to reinstate it after massive backlash. I also recall the right organizing boycotts against corporations who support LGBTQ rights, as well as DEI. And DeSantis in Florida with his "Don't say Gay" bill. Many more examples of the right being against free speech much more than the left.
  5. Not only the free market, but free speech. Musk hates free speech that he doesn't agree with.
  6. So you think everyone who doesn't support Trump must be a left winger? I can think of many examples to the contrary....Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, Geoff Duncan, etc. There's quite a few conservatives and moderates who just simply hate Trump. Can't say I blame them.
  7. Geez man, you guys are just coming up with cr*ppola and hoping it sticks. I saw a bio on K. Harris the other day and both her and her sister spoke prominently of their Indian mother. Both her parents were college professors, but it was mostly her mom who raised her. You should know that in America, if you have any black blood, you're considered black. That's why Tiger Woods is considered black, even though he's half Thai. But whatever man, keep trying.
  8. She went to a predominantly black university, joined a black sorority....so clearly she knew she was black at a young age. Do you have any idea what you're talking about? You shouldn't keep repeating Trump's words because the guy lies constantly.
  9. I'm sympathetic to your situation, not trying to come up with conspiracy theories. The fact that you started this thread means you are a tad concerned. Your friend is behind on 150k of payments, which means she's in a desperate financial situation. It's not a stretch to suggest that she may employ desperate measures.
  10. Ah, I see. So since she holds the mortgage, she technically owns your house (like a bank would). In theory, you should be safe. But if your friend is in a difficult financial situation....hmmmm. Falling behind in payments to the tune of 150k....not good. If she starts getting desperate, not sure what she would do. The land with your house on it....could be worth quite a bit. You might get your own lawyer to look over that mortgage to see if there's something in the fine print. She may have told you about the "possible repossession of her house" to justify any future harsh measures she may take.
  11. A tad confusing. So the land that you live on you hold a mortgage....which is to say you got a loan from a bank. But a bank was never involved? Just not clear what you mean when you say you have a mortgage on your land.
  12. The Dude is all in for K. Harris....555 [Some famous “white dudes” — including the guy who played “The Dude” — rallied in support of Vice President Kamala Harris, who would be the first female president if elected, in the inaugural event of a new group called White Dudes for Harris Monday night.] [“White guys are really tired of the endless parade of weird MAGA Republicans trying to bend our democracy to its breaking point,” Brad Bauman, a longtime Democratic communications consultant who helped organize the call, told NBC News.] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/white-dudes-rally-to-elect-the-first-female-president/ar-BB1qRol3?ocid=windirect&cvid=741f15ecb0024501862c507afc7bb245&ei=17
  13. The thing is, this wasn't even about the Last Supper or Christianity. It seems some Christians want to believe everything revolves around them. [But the opening ceremony’s artistic director, Thomas Jolly, has insisted that the scene is not a reference at all to the Last Supper. Rather, the performance is a nod to a pagan celebration featuring Dionysus, the Greek god of fertility, wine and revelry.] https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/other/did-the-olympics-mock-the-last-supper-explaining-dionysus-and-why-christians-are-angry/ar-BB1qQ0as?cvid=ce7b1f0174e2436cf1ad92a85e608f77&ei=21
  14. Impressive. I honestly didn't think there would be this much enthusiasm for her candidacy. And the VP selection, as well as the Dem convention, hasn't even happened yet. Looks like the so-called "honeymoon period" will occur right before the election. Trump is toast.
  15. Get serious. No one has been able to solve the border problem, including Trump. And Trump was President, Harris was not. Biden and a bipartisan group of Senators tried, but Trump squashed it. Trump was a failure on immigration.
  16. Agree regarding Shapiro. The dude is sharp, articulate, and doesn't say stupid sh*t like Vance. He'd absolutely crush JD in a debate. I read somewhere he's known Kamala going on 20 years (they were both state AGs). I really think it'll come down to Shapiro or Kelly.
  17. If Trump wants to bring up ancient history regarding sexual misconduct, he will have "Stormy" days ahead....5555 At least Harris has never been found to sexually abuse anyone, unlike a certain DJT.
  18. Agree. Trumpworld had been beating the drum for months that America should not/cannot have an old guy as POTUS. Not only is Trump now the old guy, he's also old news. America is sick of Trump. Everybody wanted someone new, not Trump or Biden. Well now we got one. Get used to hearing the words "President Kamala Harris."
  19. Good news for old dudes taking Viagra/Sidegra on a regular basis. Research has determined that it's good for your heart! I kid you not. Live long and prosper.... [Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and similar medications used to treat erectile dysfunction, as this condition is formally known, help men achieve an erection by increasing blood flow to the penis. However, these drugs can also affect blood vessels in other parts of the body. A new study suggests that this whole-body effect may protect men from heart attacks, stroke, and other major cardiovascular events.] https://www.healthline.com/health-news/viagra-may-help-you-live-longer
  20. Seriously? I would have to disagree. Bargirls don't make money by being honest, they make it by lying and lying their as* off. Which is ok, it's the nature of the job. You won't find a bargirl telling a customer "I'm repulsed by you and would really hate having sex with you, but I need the money," or "I have a Thai boyfriend, even though I tell all my customers I hate Thai men," or "I spend all of my money on myself, not on my kids or my sick mother back home," or....well, you get the picture.
  21. It appears you're talking about bargirls. If you can speak the language, then it's clear that you've been in-country for awhile. But that doesn't mean you can't be fooled. Of course, they may just know you as a cheap charlie.
  22. Good points, especially number 1. I'm not on my laptop a lot, so I suppose it's ok as a temporary remedy.
  23. Perhaps I'm missing something here, but why not just use the wi fi hotspot option on the phone for the laptop at home. That's what I do to get internet access on my home laptop.
  24. Funny you should mention "baseless assumptions." Isn't that what you're all about? I'm in Chiang Mai and I see normal Thai couples all over the place. If you're in Pattaya, you will see something completely different. Believe what you want, doesn't really matter to me.
  25. I don't know where you're getting your information, but if it's from Pattaya bargirls, then it obviously will be a bit slanted. Sure there are guys like that, but they're not in the majority.
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