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Everything posted by billd766

  1. I got one this afternoon 31 January 2025 from the Ministry of Defence about my military pension. It was dated 15 January 2025 and sent by Airmail. I have 60 working days from 15 January to reply, with the completed form. It took 16 days to arrive and I can send the completed form back by email or/and by post. The stupid thing is that they have my email address and mobile number, so they could have emailed me for free or called me at their expense. I am 80,m and this is the first one I have had for my RAF pension. I will go to the local hospital and get the doctors word (who should know better than him) that that I am alive.
  2. I think that you have it the wrong way around. The USA, under Trump, is the country which is threatening tariffs, other countries will retaliate as they see fit, IF, and only IF, Trump goes ahead with his stupid tariffs.
  3. What Trump does not seem to understand is that 100% tariffs are a two way thing. If the USA under Trump wants to impose the tariffs, he can do so, but other countries can also do the same to the USA.
  4. Of course you wouldn't doubt that. Any sensible person can see that by your posts.
  5. All he needs is proof and some people may believe him. YOU obviously do, even without proof, other than his word, which is already discredited.
  6. Yet another unproven, unsupported conspiracy post by the homeless village idiot. Put your money where you mouth is and PROVE it.
  7. So, you have no response other than the same old, same old tired story. How sad for you.
  8. Says who? Have they broken any laws? IIRC, freedom of religion is still allowed in the UK. Just because you don't like or agree with it does NOT make it illegal.
  9. Sack then for what? Are people not allowed their own private lives under the Labour government? Did they break any laws, commit any crimes. or simply attend a farewell dinner in their own time?
  10. I might be able to understand it, IF running a child care centre for foreign children really did affect the maintenance of safety and security on the island as described by General Surapong Thanomjit, Commander of Provincial Police Region 8. Of course the children may have been under training to annex Phuket and declare it a colony of Russia un 20 or so years time. Of course, there are no signs of a replacement child care centre run by Thais who are fluent in the Russian, Ukrainian, and Myanmar languages.
  11. If that is what you believe then simply provide the proof. Your unsupported word is meaningless.
  12. Just another conspiracy theory and should be filed in the bin marked trash, along with the others such as the one about JFK's death and the one that asks if the USA ever landed on the moon. The sad thing is that many people actually believe that these conspiracy theories are true.
  13. Who woke him up? He is just another part of Thai history that is much better not seen or heard of ever again.
  14. Like you, I have no idea. The only thing I do know is that I cannot and will not take the word of an serial liar which is what Trump is. It would have been a pleasant surprise if you had bothered to answer the question that I asked you, but I wasn't expecting you to answer it anyway.
  15. Why the handcuffs you ask? I have no idea if they are criminals. Do you? Or do you simply take Trump's word for it?
  16. That was the way I took it. You are e braver man than me. Any water deeper than about 2 metres has always scared me.
  17. What is fake about the truth. Rachel from accounts will get paid and a fat civil service pension whatever happens, so why should she care?
  18. Why? They didn't honour the contract with the Shah of Iran, even though the weapons were bought and paid for.
  19. And look at the smirk on Netanyahu's face. More US supplied bombs, to kill more innocent Palestinian men women and babies, and perhaps some Palestinian "terrorists".
  20. Thank you. Your comment applies to many people, and I for one agree with you whole heartedly.
  21. But that is only your opinion. Other people have different opinions which are equally valid.
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