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Everything posted by billd766
Russia Dismisses Proposed Peace Deal from Trump Transition Team
billd766 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Do you have any links or facts for what you are claiming? Or is everybody just supposed to take your words as fact and the truth? -
Russia Dismisses Proposed Peace Deal from Trump Transition Team
billd766 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Is RT a propaganda arm of the Russian government? Also according to the internet RT is banned from Meta. Yet you seem to believe it. Perhaps it is you that is incorrect. -
Thank you for that. However I don't think he did that alone. As for free school lunches expanded to seven-to-11-year-olds, when I went to both Junior and Senior schools in the 1950s in Poole, I was on free school lunches back then, and that was 70 odd years ago. Back in the 1950s and 60s there were apprenticeships. So while he may be doing the right thing, he is a long way behind on other things. And the people in Poole local council and also Dorset county council never got a mention, they also did not get elevated to a knighthood. They simply did their job.
What a pity you could not be bothered to follow through with your explanation. For an offence to be stopped it first has to be seen. Only then can the police intervene. It seems from the OP, that the RTP tried to stop the stupid young tourist, who then assaulted the policeman, who in turn took the sky lantern away. The RTP showed restraint which the tourist did not, and no charges were laid though they could have been.
Scott Jennings. It is so very easy to criticise when you personally are not capable of doing the job yourself. Whether what you claim is true or not, only the future can tell. At the last presidential election the US electorate voted for a convicted criminal, a convicted sex offender and a serial liar to become POTUS. Was it a good idea? Only the future can tell.
Well there are approximately 34 million Thai males ranging from new borns to elders in Thailand. Please explain and give a percentage of the number of farangs attacked in Thailand compared to the 34 million Thai males that actually attacked the number of farangs that you seem to have no idea about. Then explain to all and sundry if it was more than 17 million Thai men + 1 which would give a more accurate representation of your ridiculous claim. Please don't forget to add all the verified links as well. BTW, a majority is normally 50% plus 1.
Pattaya man seriously injured by wife in new year’s knife attack
billd766 replied to webfact's topic in Pattaya News
She should have binned him long before that stage. -
Former Thai PM Yingluck May Escape Prison if 5-Year Sentence is Reduced
billd766 replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Why not ask Prayuth? After all it was his illegal military coup government that sold the rice off. -
Former Thai PM Yingluck May Escape Prison if 5-Year Sentence is Reduced
billd766 replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Of course there is. Don't you find it suspicious that both Thaksin and Yingluck were both overthrown in separate military coups and both were charged and convicted in courts owned by the military? It has been said that a fish rots from the head down. in a play by William Shakespeare, one character says "There is something rotten in the state of Denmark". It could equally to the state of Thailand nowadays. An internet search turned up with this: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=there+is+something+rotten+in+the+state+of+denmark+meaning&sca_esv=0635d3d6759e2514&sxsrf=ADLYWIIjOCdeBh5QYchf5FFQHXNAIW1d_Q%3A1735710055919&source=hp&ei=Z9V0Z9yGMt2O2roPstzEqQY&iflsig=AL9hbdgAAAAAZ3Tjd4BIJAVsIXpKVn-Bs-ljjw-g9-Br&oq=there+is+something+rotten&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6Ihl0aGVyZSBpcyBzb21ldGhpbmcgcm90dGVuKgIIATIIEAAYgAQYywEyCBAAGIAEGMsBMggQABiABBjLATIIEAAYgAQYywEyCBAAGIAEGMsBMggQABiABBjLATIIEAAYgAQYywEyCBAAGIAEGMsBMggQABiABBjLATIGEAAYFhgeSIqnAVAAWJJzcAB4AJABAJgBlQGgAeERqgEEMjMuMrgBAcgBAPgBAZgCGaACsBPCAgwQIxiABBgTGCcYigXCAgQQIxgnwgIHEAAYgAQYE8ICChAAGIAEGAoYywGYAwCSBwQyMC41oAfCtQE&sclient=gws-wiz AI Overview The line "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark" from Hamlet by William Shakespeare is used to describe a situation of corruption or wrongdoing: Meaning The line is spoken by Marcellus in Act I, Scene 4, and refers to the political corruption in Denmark. Marcellus is suggesting that the corruption is systemic, and that the problems at the top of the country are affecting everyone. -
Teenager Dies After Gun Misfire in Samut Prakan
billd766 replied to Georgealbert's topic in Bangkok News
I can remember at range firing practice when I was in the RAF. It ran something like this; Gun fires, gun stops 1 remove the magazine, if it is empty you ran out of ammunition. 2 remove the magazine, if it is NOT empty, work the cocking mechanism 4 or 5 times, always pointing the weapon down range. 3 Cock, lock and look. Cock the weapon, lock with the safety catch on, point the weapon up and forward, put your thumb into the chamber and look for daylight on your thumbnail. If you see daylight the barrel is clear. If not call the range master to deal with it. 4 NEVER turn around with a weapon in your hands and point it. I saw that happen once, and the range master simply kicked the guy as hard as he could before the guy could turn around very far. Nasty dangerous things guns. NEVER to be used as toys or as "look at me. I am a big man with a gun". Out of curiosity, does anybody know if homemade guns have a safety catch? -
IMHO what Nigel Farage ought to have done is said to Kemi Badenoch that she can believe what she says, I can believe what I say, but it is what the UK people think and say, that really matters. Most pensioners are old and there are lots of them available to vote. They also have long memories, which is something that politicians tend to forget and ignore, until it is time for elections. Pensioners have lived under Labour governments before. Some forgive and forget, some simply forget, but many have long memories and neither forgive or forget.
Italian Journalist Held in Iran Sparks Outcry Over Press Freedom
billd766 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
In retrospect, it may be a good idea to collect all the reporting details that you need, then leave the country and publish it from a safer haven than Iran. The big problem with that is that other journalists who follow you may or may not be allowed to enter Iran. If they are allowed in the may face a higher chance of being arrested. This is the downside of being an international reporter. -
From what I remember when I used my Garmin GPS, is that you can select your destination, select your mode of transport. and select the type of route you want. The option is always yours. If the water is already 30cm deep, and getting deeper, the best idea is to do a U turn and go back to where it is drier, then re-plan your route. The other option would be to look where you are going and not rely exclusively on the GPS. Also updating the GPS every so often helps too. GPS is only a driving aid but there is no better way than keeping alert and your eyes open.
Flights may be cheap, until you add getting to and from the airport at each end. Also the flights are direct which is of little use if you want to stop off part way along the route where there is no airport. In addition, how many flights are there per day and at what times compared with the number of daily buses?
New Poll Reveals National Pessimism and Challenges for Starmer
billd766 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Tory statistics ending in March 2024 when the Tories were still in power. If you are going to post a link, at least post an up to date link and NOT one that is 9 months old. -
New Poll Reveals National Pessimism and Challenges for Starmer
billd766 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
Which immigration has decreased, the legal or the illegal immigration? Did it occur to you WHY the Tories were in power for 14 years? Might it have been due to what the Tories inherited from the last labour government? -
IMO carrying a knife makes some people think that hey are bigger. bolder and tougher than they really are. That is fine until your opponent has a bigger knife and actually is bigger. bolder and tougher than you. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=No+this+is+a+real+knife&sca_esv=80f698adf446134a&sxsrf=ADLYWIK-uG6Oe1S1jYGMEv0hVq65eXW_qg%3A1735527151573&source=hp&ei=7wpyZ5GuIIDhseMP4KikuAE&iflsig=AL9hbdgAAAAAZ3IY_z_RI73Dn5FYVwFza6iB_9bo2OsV&ved=0ahUKEwjR4fW6vs6KAxWAcGwGHWAUCRcQ4dUDCBc&uact=5&oq=No+this+is+a+real+knife&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IhdObyB0aGlzIGlzIGEgcmVhbCBrbmlmZTIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigAUioWlAAWJlHcAB4AJABAJgBxgGgAeQTqgEFMTAuMTO4AQPIAQD4AQGYAhegApUVwgIEECMYJ8ICDBAjGIAEGBMYJxiKBcICBxAAGIAEGBPCAg0QABiABBjLARhGGP8BwgIIEAAYgAQYywHCAgYQABgWGB7CAggQABgWGAoYHsICBRAAGO8FmAMAkgcGOC4xMy4yoAfZbw&sclient=gws-wiz#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:5428a021,vid:WWl8EbNN8NM,st:0
I am not sure if genes have much to do with it. Both my Dad and Mum died in their 69th year, 15 years apart. Dad had a heart and my Mum died of lung cancer, she was a heavy smoker. My eldest brother died at 10 months old in 1926. OTOH my maternal grandfather died aged 82. I am 80 and I know that I will die one day, but I hope to hang around, certainly until my Thai son graduates from University in the middle of 2026 and hopefully make it to 100 in 2024 so that I can get a congratulatory telegram from King William. I am just wondering if the telegraph office in the UK still use BSA Bantams, hopefully equipped with a GPS.