IMHO it is not so much that the poorer people can still pollute the country.
But until EGAT and the PEA upgrade the whole network of cabling across the country, installing new transformers and upgraded access, plus free new meters for those who actually want EVs an to charge them at home, they are wasting their time.
I can't see many rural people lobbing out 8mn baht for a BMW, especially if they have to travel somewhere else just to charge it up.
Also I have yet to see or hear of EV replacements for ANY farming vehicles, tractors, etans, iron buffalos, rice or sugar cane harvesters.
As for motorcycles....
At least 2 major manufacturers are headed in the right direction.ส่อง_9_ฟังก์ชันเด่น_Yamaha_Y-Connect&cate=reviews