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Everything posted by billd766

  1. Does anybody read Ebooks and have a library that they would like to share? I have about 1.6 Gb of Ebooks that I am slowly working my way through.
  2. My satisfaction.
  3. I want KBank as that is my Thai bank, Wise as that is my UK bank, XE as a comparison and for amusement I have now added BBK Bank as that is where I transfer funds from Wise. If you transfer money from the UK to Thailand, you won't get the official rate anyway, so for what I want, the official rate is useless.
  4. Thank you for that. It is what I wanted. I managed to do it about an hour ago using Libre Office. Much easier than Excel.
  5. I loaded Libre Office this morning, (I haven't used it for 2 or 3 years) and it quickly brought up the bar chart that I needed and now I have to tweak it to get it correct. Thank you also for your help. It is much appreciated.
  6. I tried bar chart this morning and unless I missed something, it gives me the forex rate in general and not as I want which is bank specific. Thank you for our help.
  7. IIRC both times it was ended by a military coup. It is the military coups that need to be permanently ended, and if it means executing a few generals, well there are hundreds more.
  8. Then how do the legitimate voters get counted, those who are sick, those who are unable to get to a polling station, the military, those people who know in advance that they will be out of the area on polling day? I know a good way. A postal vote.
  9. It gets a little better day by day but I think another 3 or 4 weeks before it is sort of normal again. Meanwhile my left handed, 1 fingered typing skills have improved enormously.
  10. I have gone back to Chrome with Opera as a backup.
  11. Thank you. I have the X and Y functions sorted but I can't seem to get the graph to go into line 1 where I want it to be.
  12. I am not re-inventing the wheel, merely trying to get a simple answer to a fairly simple question. If you had read my post I am looking specifically at KBank, XE, and Wise forex only as I have done certainly over the last 8 years. I don't need loads of sites going back over the years. I am merely trying to get a simple answer to a fairly simple question.
  13. I did, I can get the date on the horizontal axis, the forex rate on the vertical axis OK. My problem is getting the data on the chart in the right place.
  14. Thank you. I will look at that tomorrow. I am looking specifically at the KBank forex, XE forex and Wise forex rates on a daily basis.
  15. Thank you.
  16. No. It is simply for me to keep up with the daily forex rate.
  17. T Excel chart is already free and installed on my pc.
  18. Can anybody help me out? I am trying to make a line graph in Excel for daily forex rates. I have X and Y axes sorted out but I cannot remember how to insert the data. I have followed the how to guides from MS and I can sometimes get what I want but not where I want it which is in line 1. I have tried to cut and paste but that doesn't seem to work for me. I haven't done one of these in years and my memory has failed me, at 78 it is hardly surprising.
  19. Have you any proof that Thaksin actually ordered the executions of innocent citizens, or are you simply saying that he was the PM, so he must have ordered it. Do you truly believe that the 'sacred' military and police would never act on their own initiative? If so why have there been so many coups.
  20. Why would I want to try it?
  21. Then please go ahead and do so, and then post back here with your conclusions and the links to support them.
  22. NO civilian PM can control the military and that is why there have been so many coups since 1932. In addition there has been NO punishment for any generals involved in a coup. The military are a law unto themselves and until they can be put under control, no civilian PM can be blamed for what them military do. The Tak Bai incident was carried out by the army, and who investigated it? The army who found no fault with themselves.
  23. I had no idea what it was so I did a Google search and found this. https://edition.cnn.com/2013/11/22/health/9-things-molly-drug/index.html By Drew Griffin, Nelli Black and Patricia DiCarlo, CNN Updated 10:57 AM EDT, Thu March 29, 2018 The drug called Molly isn’t what most of its users think it is. Many articles online say the drug is “pure” MDMA, the active ingredient in Ecstasy. Users often talk about the “purity” of taking Molly, as if it’s somehow better; after all, MDMA was originally developed as a medication to treat depression. But today’s Molly is most often not MDMA: In the past few years, the drug has become a toxic mixture of lab-created chemicals, according to the US Drug Enforcement Administration. Here are nine things everyone should know about this rapidly changing party drug: 1. What is Molly? Someone who buys or takes Molly now is probably ingesting dangerous synthetic drugs that have not been tested and are produced in widely varying strengths. The DEA says that only 13% of the Molly seized in New York state the past four years actually contained any MDMA, and even then, it often was mixed with other drugs. The drugs frequently found in Molly are Methylone, MDPV, 4-MEC, 4-MMC, Pentedrone and MePP. More in the link. People actually take <deleted> like that for enjoyment? There must be some very strange people out there.
  24. Does everything that has happened in the last 8 years make Prayuth responsible? Should he take full responsibility and resign? Should every general who called military coups since 1932 have taken full responsibility and resigned? TBF if you blame Thaksin for what the army did at Tak Bai then every general who has made a coup must accept the responsibility. Also remember that though Thaksin was the legally elected PM, he too, could not control the military.
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