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Everything posted by billd766

  1. Big issues to who? Yet for me to open a single name account in Kbank I have to be there with all my documents and so does my wife with all her documents.
  2. I have just finished a book by Mall Nunn called A beautiful Place to Die. Set in South Africa in the 1950s about a detective assigned to investigate the murder of a white police captain. I had problems putting it down even to sleep and I always wanted to read more of it. It has more twists and turns than a Thai politicians statement.
  3. Many years ago I had to fly from the UK to Mexico City via Dallas/Fort Worth. There wasn't any problem back then as I was in transit at the airport and not actually entering the USA. The same thing happened when I flew from PNG to Bangkok. I stopped at the Changi airport hotel inside the airport and never entered the country proper. Plus of course I wasn't obviously pregnant.
  4. And your proof is what exactly? Because Trump and the republicans said so?
  5. Not much of a wife then. Sorry I missed that in the original report. https://thepattayanews.com/2022/07/15/skeleton-report The victim’s wife who lived in Chaiyaphum province told the officers over a phone that the victim had a history of memory loss issues and poor health and she believed he went for a walk, got lost, and tragically passed away. Yet she doesn't seem to have reported it. According to the Pattaya police, a hotel, in which Mr. Glenn stayed, was located around 500 meters away from the field. They reported him missing on July 12th. However, it appears Mr. Glenn may have actually vanished as early as July 6th. At least the hotel did report it.
  6. Nothing strange about that at all. Perhaps he has no wife, Thai or Canadian to report him missing.
  7. Not really surprising at all. If he has no family left in Thailand and only kept in touch through Messenger, email etc his accounts will stay open until they are legally closed. Friends and family can send a message and if it is not answered, who is to know what happened?
  8. If I felt the need to, then yes I would. He had enough sense to take his passport with him to be identified by. I have no idea of his circumstances as I wasn't there nor did I know him. Perhaps he was alone in the world, perhaps he had a disease which was slowly killing him, perhaps he felt that there was no point in staying around, so he found a quit place to simply lie down and die without bothering anybody. There are many places in Thailand where, if you wish, you can walk 1 or 200 metres off the beaten path to simply give up. Unless he had family or friends in Thailand or Canada nobody will miss him. I have a couple of friends in their 80s on Messenger that I haven't heard from in months. They simply stopped using messenger and if their families were in contact on Messenger they could simply have put a message out, that sadly the person has died. If not then there is no way to find out.
  9. Quite often when you transfer funds from your bank they may go to a third bank on the way:=. I had that problem before I went to Wise. My state pension was first transferred to Citibank in the UK, then to Citibank (in the US I think) and then to KBank head office before it turned up in my branch account. I know how much pension money was sent but I had only a rough idea when or the route. It seemed to progress 1 bank per day and overnight there before moving on. I would get the forex rate of the day. Using Wise and BBK I know how much I sent, when it will arrive in my back, I can track it all the way AND I get a better guaranteed forex rate.
  10. But who would pay the salary that they would deserve? Who would equip them properly? Most importantly with the Thai labour restrictions, how would they even be able to get the job?
  11. quote "What on earth were the lifeguards doing at this time ??? - they knew it was dangerous, told the British Guy (Ali Mohammed Mian) not to swim and then forgot about him and didn’t even watch him in the sea ???" Were you actually there at the time watching to see what the lifeguards were doing? I have a problem with many of your posts simply because you were never there and all you have to offer is your opinion based on other peoples posts. So please satisfy my curiosity. Were you there at the time? Yes or no?
  12. How many lifeguards, how far apart, how well are they trained and how well are they equipped? Who pays their salary?
  13. I am 78 and could walk up to the back of my wife's land, over the fence into the national park 100 metres or so and nobody would find me after the smell died away.
  14. But IF you need to prove that the funds came from offshore you will need a credit advice note from Kasikorn. You can order them through the KBank call centre and they will email them to you,
  15. Actually the next bank working day. I just transferred to Bangkok Bank and the money will be in my account on Monday afternoon at 2:15pm. Transfer Friday, money arrives on Monday. Any day, Sunday to Thursday it arrives next working day UNLESS it is a bank holiday, then it is the next working day. Songkran is usually the worst time of the year for transfers.
  16. Here are 3 drawings of pork. Perhaps you could work out which cut you need, print it out and circle it, then either get your wife or the pork butcher to either cut or order the cut you need,
  17. What a boring response and, NO, it isn't a modified agricultural utility vehicle. Pickup trucks were designed and built as a light cargo carrying vehicles from the beginning, which is what the pickup in the picture is used for. Yes they are used in farming, also s parcel and load carriers, I even modified mine into a water carrier during a couple of dry seasons. My wife also used it for load carrying when the house was being built. It has loaded with bricks, sand, cement, roof tiles. doors windows etc. I use it as a car and a great load carrier for bulk shopping. I suppose its nearest use as an agricultural vehicle nowadays is when I load my grass cutting stuff in it to clear the brush and scrub around my wife's old shop. It really is a multi purpose vehicle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pickup_truck Once a work or farming tool with few creature comforts, in the 1950s U.S. consumers began purchasing pickups for lifestyle reasons, and by the 1990s, less than 15% of owners reported use in work as the pickup truck's primary purpose.[2] In North America, the pickup is mostly used as a passenger car[3] and accounts for about 18% of total vehicles sold in the United States.[4] Full-sized pickups and SUVs are an important source of revenue for major car manufacturers such as GM, Ford, and Stellantis, accounting for more than two-thirds of their global pretax earnings, though they make up just 16% of North American vehicle production.
  18. Without logging in to read it it seems to me that here is yet another Republican more interested in scoring points than caring about the victim and the doctor. Yet another despicable politician claiming to be a human being. Free to read https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/indiana-attorney-general-says-will-investigate-doctor-treated-10-year-rcna38223 https://www.thedailybeast.com/indiana-ag-todd-rokita-escalates-war-on-caitlin-bernard-doctor-who-performed-10-year-old-girls-abortion According to the Daily Beast quote " On Thursday afternoon, Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita doubled down on the outrage after a 10-year-old rape victim traveled to his state for an abortion—going so far as to suggest that the doctor involved could face criminal charges for not reporting the procedure. But mere hours later, his claims were smashed to bits when a local TV station published documents showing Dr. Caitlin Bernard had properly reported the abortion. In response to Rokita’s threats, Bernard’s lawyer alleged the AG had “smeared” her client, adding that a lawsuit against him is now on the table." I am glad that there is a lawsuit against him and I hope that he is fined millions of dollars and banned from ANY political position for life. Nasty vituperous (put your own words here) piece of soi dog ex--------------
  19. Really good advice. Always remember that the fingers under any sharp blade are YOURS. Blunt knives will make cutting harder and cause more damage to your fingers.
  20. Almost as horrific as a 17 hour flight to LA according to one poster. Total BS on his part.
  21. So some words on a piece of paper over 200 years ago carry more weight than the reality of today. Why not leave what properly belongs in the 18th century and come into the 21st century of today.
  22. And did your sons have an operation or an abortion during that period as the 10 year old girl did?
  23. Great idea. Blame the 10 year old victim for not reporting it or going to hospital. She is now 10 years old <deleted>, and 9 when it happened. At that age she was most probably scared to do anything at all. I can't imagine ANY 9 year old girl going to a hospital and telling them that she had been raped. It must have taken all of her courage even to tell he mother, nor would I think that she would even be able to find the words to describe what happened to her.
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