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Everything posted by billd766

  1. There are no EVs where I live in rural Kamphaeng Phet. The weather was dry and no storms were heard, yet from 8:40pm until 9:35 last night we had a power cut. On average we get 2 or 3 per week, some for a few seconds, some for minutes and some for more than hour or two. All this is before EV are bought. What will it be like when 50 or 100 people all try to charge their EV overnight. I have said it before. Rebuild the MEA and PEA lines and transformer network. Find places on ALL of the roads to put chargers and only then sell the EVs
  2. But to testify under oath leaves you open to legal penalties if you are found to have lied. Also in my mind anyway, to take the 5th amendment means that you re guilty of something that may or will incriminate you.
  3. If anybody can speak all sides of a conversation word perfectly held less than a week ago, I am very impressed. Hayaguma seems to be under the impression that HE is running the investigation and not the committee that was set up to do so. If he has a problem with those who testify then take it to the committee who do have the power to do something, not to an English language forum who don't have enough combined power to turn on a 2 watt light bulb .
  4. So in your opinion the west should ignored the invasion of a democratic country and let the Russian invaders simply take the country of 40 million people and all its resources for nothing. Putin will stop there. And when Putin next invades Latvia, Finland, Romania or Poland that the west should turn their backs and let him get on with it. Putin has already announced that all the eastern states that were satelittes of Russia before, he wants under his thumb. I am so glad that Joe Biden and not Trump or you are in the White House. If targeting a foreign countries leader is a declaration of war, What do you call invading a foreign country, if it is not a declaration of war?
  5. How about to bomb and strafe Karen refugees from Burma. The Burmese know that they are safe from retaliation from the Thai military, #1 because the F16s had to come from Tak Fa airbase well over 100km away, #2 because the RTAF has no QRA (Quick Reaction Alert) aircraft available at less than 1 minutes notice, #3 because the Thai military PM and the Burmese military PM are best friends. The only way to make the border more secure is to have several pairs of QRA aircraft airborne 24/7 equipped with air to air refuelling and several tankers available 24/7. The RTAF does not have the aircraft or crews to operate like this for any extended period. .
  6. And you know this how? Because 2 generals said so?
  7. Well unless Thailand has 2 aircraft, pilots and ground crew on 24/7 QRA (Quick Reaction Alert) and a second set on 5 minutes readiness they are wasting their time. The Myanmar Mig-29 would have been over Thailand, done its dirty deed and been halfway home before the RTAF had even got airborne. You cannot play at defending your country. Every scramble must be the real thing, because one day it will be. Too late to play catchup then.
  8. Do you not think that most children are not smart enough to use the internet with a fake ID or "borrow" their parents or an older friends ID card? Cannabis has been around a long time before it was legal and there will be even easier ways to get it due to the half arzzed way that the law was set up in the first place. All these problems should have been sorted out long before the got to this stage, but look who has been pushing it the most.
  9. No No No. You cannot do that. The customers/international travelers MUST always be blamed for not knowing the rules.
  10. I did have a PayPal account in Thailand and I may still have despite numerous attempts at closing it. I haven't used it in years. I also have a Pink Thai ID card but nothing I see in PayPal attracts me anymore.
  11. It also depends on the weapon load. A weapon that will take out a tank or a bunker would be useless on troops in an open area.
  12. It also only costs about $2 million per unit excluding the control vehicles. It is also in service and very effective with a number of countries. It is a newer design than the Israeli version and well proven in combat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baykar_Bayraktar_TB2 The Israeli model costs around 570.xxx.xxx each and come complete with control systems
  13. Actually what drove the Hindenburg were diesel engines and the hydrogen was in gasbags for lifting the airship. The cause was most likely an electrostatic spark and ;leaking hydrogen. https://www.airships.net/hindenburg/disaster/#:~:text=Almost 80 years of research, spark) that ignited leaking hydrogen. In road vehicles the hydrogen will be in a strong metal container and not in a loose gasbag.
  14. Then of course how do you charge your EV at home? Well, the MEA and the PEA will have to upgrade the transformers, cables and meters nationwide. While I am on a roll, how do you charge your EV when you live in a Hi Rise Condo of perhaps 30 floors? Also, how do you stop other people from charging their cars at your charger, or even using your parking space? How about a 2 car family n 1 condo and 1 charging point, or on street parking? It is a great plan using EV, but I think that the PM is putting the cart before the horse as usual. Soon Kuhn LA will be along telling us we are all wrong and the PM is right.
  15. How long do the effects of cannabis last?
  16. But it didn't happen elsewhere but at a school in Thailand. I have no doubt that if it happened in a different country the local/national news would have picked it up and reported it.
  17. Why is it BS? when you are at work you are on company time. They pay you and have the right to know that you are fit to work during that time. If you don't like the way that the company operates, you can always quit working for them. Of course at your interview for you next job will you tell the interviewer the truth as to why you left, or simply gloss over or lie?
  18. Why? The government announced a week ago that mask wearing is now optional. Do try to keep up.
  19. The only way that will do him any good is if ALL the opposition parties are eliminated one way or another.
  20. Not if you have a wife and even one child and your salary is 500 baht/day. For you perhaps with a much higher income the BTS is a reasonable price but for a Thai who is living and working in BKK it is a lot of money every day. And how many Thais do you see at bus stops waiting for a bus to work? Now try comparing the Skytrain trip with the London Underground against the average daily wage for London commuters' https://tfl.gov.uk/campaign/new-fares?intcmp=34454
  21. It proves very little at all. Did you not read the long thread about a guy who wrote a bit on Trip Advisor slamming a hotel/guest house that sued for defamation even though what he claimed was correct, and he wasn't even in Thailand at the time.
  22. Because IF you get it wrong you can be taken to court for defamation and IF you get it right the same applies.
  23. I can take it. It is like water of a ducks back to me. Like or dislike me. I don't care. Like Popeye says. I yam what I yam what I yam.
  24. I will have to take your word for that as I don't watch Fox News. Perhaps it is part of my elderly intolerance that stops me watching Fox. Perhaps I am biased against it for some reason.
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