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Everything posted by billd766

  1. That is your choice, but it isn't mine. You're correct it is the choice of the shop owner, but not the choice of the employees. Whilst I won't wear a mask, I will carry one and if I am asked to put it on, I am quite happy to do so. As for shopping elsewhere, why would I bother when I am in the shop I want, mask or no mask. The staff that work there don't make the rules, they just carry on doing their job.
  2. Where did you get the Tramadol from? I got it from the hospital for a backpain problem and it has done my arthritic knees a lot of good as a sort of side effect. I am on 50mg twice a day and I can only get it from the hospital doctor as my pharmacy tells me that it is prescription only.
  3. What example will that be? How to upset people in 1 easy lesson? Be my guest and if you are not allowed in 7/11 without a mask please remember that the staff are only doing their job and it is private property and not a government owned shop. If it were me, I would take a mask with me and if they want me to wear it, then I will. I certainly wouldn't throw my dummy out of the pram over it. After all they have a job to do and AFAIAC until they are told differently I will abide by what they say. After all, they have to wear the damn things all the time.
  4. Try reading the whole report from the Phuket Express, especially the part where the culprit agrees to pay for the damages.
  5. I was still riding for fun at 73 but I had quit at 75 as I felt that My body would take longer to recover and I would have a problem picking up my Honda Phantom 200cc as it weighs around 160kg.
  6. I will try again. Damn predictive texting. Out here in rural Kamphaeng Phet to get caught in hanging communication wires I would have to ride 10 or 20 metres off road to where the power poles are.
  7. I rode my bike until I was 75 before I quit. Out here in rural Kamphaeng Phet to get caught in handing communication wires I would have to ride 10 or 20 off road to where the power poles are.
  8. I don't bother to wear a mask in the truck, alone or with my family.
  9. I don't think that I forgot it, as it must be difficult to have a coup against yourself. If anybody else holds a coup against you, you are likely to be chucked out anyway. I suppose the really hard and embarrassing part would be to hold a coup against yourself and still be chucked out.
  10. quote "I was sent this. Should i be paying tax on any earnings whilst on a tourist visa?" I have no idea who sent that to you but the only way you will pay income tax in Thailand is if you are working and you actually declare that you are working. You would have to get a work permit, declare your earnings and unless they exceed 150,000 thb you pay no tax. This of course assumes that you can get a work permit in the first place. If you are under the radar nobody will know anyway. Tax rates https://home.kpmg/xx/en/home/insights/2021/09/thailand-taxation-of-international-executives.html Taxable income bracket Total tax on income below bracket Tax rate on income in bracket From THB To THB THB Percent 0 150,000 0 0 150,001 300,000 7,500 5
  11. IMHO if you live out in the sticks, there are only likely to be the local plods, and they don't really care as they live out in the villages as you do. The Thai guy who lives next door to me has a quad bike and a big old Honda trike and nobody bothers him. Still it is up to you but as you probably won't be taking it on the expressway or the main highways the chances of even being seen are low.
  12. They are paid to turn up and NOT to play pass the parcel. If you don't want to do the job that you are paid to do, then there is an easy answer. Quit, resign, let somebody else do the job that you are not doing, and do it properly.
  13. If you have a problem with his posts you can report them to the moderators and accept their decision. He has the same freedom to post in any thread just as you do. If you don't like his post then just move past it and make no comment. I have been doing that in this thread from the start.
  14. Thank you. Yes it did clear the air for me. I have nothing like that to claim as I have never used illegal drugs and at 78 they hold no interest for me at all. There are quite a few posters on here who claim so many things bur in reality they know little or nothing of the subject.
  15. So even though Thai still has operating losses of 3.1 Bn baht YoY, and they are working on a new financial plan, they expect to be out of debt when exactly? Whilst it is good to cut the operational losses, how much debt does Thai actually have in total? Who, and how will it be paid off?
  16. The U turn is a complete waste of money. On the route 1/32 north of Ayutthaya the U turns have been blocked of and overpasses have replaced them. All of them are well signposted and 2 lanes wide and so much safer. The only drawback is that pedestrians still walk/run across 2 frontage lanes, 4 lanes of highspeed traffic just to get to the middle of the road. They then do the same on the other side of the road. Just to avoid walking 100 metres to a pedestrian bridge and cross safely. The bridge even has a roof to keep the rain off. The traffic on the main highway is travelling between 100 to 150 kph.
  17. BTW what qualifications DO you have? I suspect that he has a greater knowledge of the subject than you do. Certainly a greater knowledge than me, as I have never tried illegal drugs, preferring to stick with alcohol. I gave that up a couple of years ago and I have has one shot of whisky in my soda and ice last NYE. I had a mouthful and threw the rest way as I didn't like the taste.
  18. I wrote a little excel program to log my BP results and I just update it every day and change the year at the end of December.
  19. I do have a BP monitor and I take 5 readings when I come back from grass cutting and use the median as the rate to save, and the same thing an hour or so later after a shower and breakfast. I have been doing this for years. I actually ran out of my BP tablets last week and did a reorder tonight. Oddly enough I feel better without them. I have been taking them since 2006 after having a couple of stents put in. I think that I will slip on my doctors white coat and not take any for a week and see how I feel and how my BP readings go. I can always start them again if I need to.
  20. And there are many Americans who die of heart attacks and many other diseases and never even reach the age of 65. He is fitter than I am and I am his age. That isn't saying much.
  21. That is a tricky subject. They say that if you take the average between Mother and Father, all things being equal that is roughly your estimated expiry date. My Dad died in 1959 at 69 of a hear attack and my Mum died in 1973 at 69 of lung cancer. My brother died a few years ago at 81 from a stroke. I am 78 and still wandering along nd I am on tablets for high blood pressure. I spend about a hour a day in the mornings 5 days a week cutting the grass and scrub which is my exercise. I am determined to hang on and get my 100th birthday email from King William. Besides if I live to be 100 I will have earned my frozen pension. The downside is that my wife will be an old woman of 79. ???? I wish I had the time to be bored. When I get some spare time I edit my EBook library and look for more books to read. It is about 1.6Tb in size and is likely to take the rest of my life to finish.
  22. Which is fine up to a point, but out in rural Thailand many lottery ticket sellers are older and quite a few are disabled and they use motorcycles to get around and sell their tickets. The price of gasoline has risen a lot in the last few months which must have put a dent in their "profit".
  23. Try leaving the big cities and get out into the countryside where there are many disabled vendors selling lottery tickets. Just because you haven't seen one, doesn't mean that they don't exist.
  24. But this is Thailand and not the USA. It won't be easy for many of the lottery sellers as they are disabled and this is one of the few jobs that they can do,
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