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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Seems that his post went right over your head. Do you believe every person in those countries is evil?
  2. Thank you. It's where it's not obstructing anything and the colour is much less vivid and distracting. Very much appreciated.
  3. It would be great if you can do that, please. Where it is, it always seems to be over the little star that we use to go to our last post on a thread. Where it used to be was just fine- I never had a problem with it there. A less distracting colour would be welcome too.
  4. 555555555555555555 I don't have one of those phones and never will, if I can help it.
  5. Thinking back, the western world was great when world population was about 3 billion in 1960. IMO it's gone downhill in direct proportion to the increase in world population. Now, compared to the 1960s, life sucks. Having a phone in our pocket is no compensation for what we have lost- quality of life.
  6. The only property damage I've seen on tv news was caused by thuggish cops. The protestors were not damaging anything but grass. The cops will come to regret behaving badly, I hope.
  7. Why? I don't think he is any "wing". IMO he just does whatever he wants to, and labels don't apply. Apparently he used to be a democrat and I think he only joined the GOP to be a candidate ( I could be wrong on that ).
  8. Is that because men are wising up and not falling into the "marriage trap" so much anymore?
  9. Not this boomer. Everything I have I did hard graft for. I worked like a dog to get enough to have a decent life For a year in London I worked 3 weekends in a row and had one off before working every day for another month. Only stopped because the law changed and couldn't do it any more. I even got a bonus from the agency as I made them so much. Even when I became permanent staff sometimes I had to get up at 5 am to be able to get to work when I had to travel to a satellite hospital. However, the idea of existing on the dole was never attractive. My first job on a dairy farm I worked 84 hours a week for a pittance.
  10. I agree, but the thought of spending time in a Thai jail prevented me from doing anything to my wife. She knew all the buttons to push to get me irate. Her sister was as bad. The last trip we did together she told my wife that she didn't want to go anywhere with me again and I retorted that that would make me very happy.
  11. Obviously he has a mental condition. Perhaps caused by use of steroids. Locking him up isn't a solution, but he needs some sort of help which he is unlikely to get in Thailand. Not saying he should be let off, but just spending time in jail won't cure him. As for his girlfriend, she probably knew he had a problem but stayed with him for the money. It's not uncommon for women to stay with bad men, sadly. My wife used to wind me up to the point I had to go for a long walk to calm down, and once I resorted to hitting my head on a door to prevent me doing something I'd regret. I'm a zillion times better off for having divorced her. If all Thai women are like her I'm not surprised so many Thai guys beat them up.
  12. We had a name for boys that spoke like that at school. We called them juvies ( short for juveniles ). It was a great shame to be called a juvie.
  13. That's the sort of thing kindy kids like to spread about each other. Most of us stopped doing so when we grew up.
  14. Some say that attempting to deflect from some man's reality is by lying about their penis. Unless you can back up your support of a woman that made her living by having sex with strangers and having it on a movie for other strangers to watch I suspect you are falling for a lie.
  15. Rubbish. I watched it on tv as it happened and the majority were just wandering around looking at the place like on a tour. If they were intent on looting they'd have covered their faces. Rioters . Yes a few attacked the cops, but a minority. The majority were as calm as a Church picnic. I suppose that doesn't fit your narrative, so you are making it up.
  16. I'd be fascinated to know your reasons for thinking it will get better. The young generation would have to get their face out of the screen to even know what day of the week it is, never mind making the world a better place.
  17. What does that have to do with the topic? Are you obsessed about it?
  18. The Roman empire lasted a 1000 years, the British 400, the American apparently about 250 ( I can't find an exact number ). At this rate we'll be down to a couple of years per empire by next century.
  19. Your crystal ball is amazing. You already know what the court case is trying to decide. You should offer your services to the justice department as it would save them having to have any court cases. Just ask your crystal ball. Case solved.
  20. LOL. They are living on THEIR land, so why should they leave? The land does NOT belong to israels who are stealing it through force. If you disagree, tell us when the UN gave the West Bank and Gaza to israelis. The 1948 borders are the legal boundaries of israel. Everything outside those boundaries are illegally occupied.
  21. LOL. Is that rewriting history or just making it up? If it was true why were the British running Palestine till 1947? I suppose it is true in that they did eventually give them independence, but not after WW1 as promised. Independence was promised after WW1, but those promises were lies as they intended to implement the Balfour declaration. Lawrence was ashamed of his government's duplicity ( which he knew about even while he was telling the Arabs they'd get independence in exchange for attacking the Turks ) and spent many years after the war trying to bring about independence for Arabs. If anyone is interested in the reality, read https://www.penguin.co.nz/books/lawrence-of-arabia-9781405945974 It's a good history and easy to read.
  22. All those heavily armed cops dressed up in full riot gear to deal with unarmed and peaceful students are looking like thugs. If they don't think they are sending the wrong message they should be. They are alienating the very people that will be community leaders and politicians in the future, and they will not forget how they were treated.
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