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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Correct. Before the land was given to them by old white men half the planet away, Arabs and Jews lived together in Palestine. Zionists were the ones that stirred up the hatred.
  2. You continue to ignore the fact that Palestinians live on their own land, and expect them to move to live as refugees in a foreign land. Why should they? Israel should get the <deleted> out of the West Bank and Gaza and let them have their own state. Israel has zero right to that land.
  3. Has Starmer said he will cancel it? IMO both the Tories and Labour are just the same, with different notepaper headings.
  4. Having read the linked article, IMO the Colonel is a moron. He says we must act to prevent WW3, yet he proposes exactly the actions that will make WW3 inevitable- NATO boots inside Ukraine. Furthermore he ignores that we now have nuclear weapons, something not available in 1939. If idiots like this are in charge, IMO WW3 is inevitable, and a local conflict between Russia and Ukraine will be the least of anyone's problems.
  5. Given that you are on ignore I probably never answered you. I'd make the israelis stop killing Gazans. The Houthis are only doing it because of the Gaza conflict.
  6. WOW. THREE months since anyone commented on this thread. Is that because the Houthis stopped attacking israeli aligned shipping or because it just wasn't very interesting?
  7. Either you believe propaganda, or you are not aware that NATO has nuclear weapons and Germany is part of NATO. BTW Germany wasn't part of the USSR. Do try and keep up. https://www.quora.com/Was-East-Germany-officially-incorporated-into-the-USSR-i-e-as-the-East-Germany-SFR-or-was-it-a-technically-independent-state
  8. If you think Ukraine has democracy, IMO you should seek psychiatric help. If you are so worried about wars are you demonstrating in support of Sudanese civilians or the tribes of Burma. The war in Ukraine is no more the business of the US/ EU than they are.
  9. Perhaps he thinks he doesn't have to worry because the election has been fixed. Ooooh spank me!
  10. You're better off than I then. I've only had respect for one politician in my life and he got back stabbed by his own minister. Far as I'm concerned all of them are as bad as each other. I did quite like Boris, but even he had feet of clay.
  11. Sir will be interested in them till the very second he becomes PM.
  12. I don't think Sunak is alone in running down the British military. It's been on a downhill slide since BAOR ended.
  13. There were no age limits on sex education in my schools. Didn't make any difference as we didn't have any sex education. A teacher once told us to get a bed with a strong foot board, if that suffices.
  14. You are speaking into the wind. Greed always wins.
  15. Speak for yourself. I hate having to pay $59 just to get a new prescription every 3 months. Let's treat people as being responsible for themselves instead of a nanny state controlling every aspect of our lives. BTW they were warning of this 20 years ago, and there are not many drugs that work any more. When it happens it's going to be like pre penicillin.
  16. Who writes this stuff? Of course Bkk has better nightlife than Pattaya which is why it costs more.
  17. Do you think the Gaza conflict will still be going in November? If it doesn't stop soon I think all the Gazans will be dead by then. I don't think anyone that would vote for Trump will change their minds because of that. Biden and Trump are pretty even on israel, so that cancels out.
  18. I couldn't care less about his debating skills; I just want to see Biden humiliated. On the other hand, if Biden is destroyed in the debates it would be likely for him to be replaced and that might ( depending on the new candidate ) be enough for the Dems to win. Sooooo, I half want Trump to win and half to lose. I'd still like to see Biden humiliated, so perhaps 60% for Trump to destroy Biden and 40% for Trump to lose, but not by too much.
  19. Seems that "our side" or at least the so called leaders are getting into the habit of getting involved in far away wars that are nothing to do with them. Did the EU and UK have a mandate from the population to get involved in the Ukraine and the other one- no they did not, yet they took it on themselves to send lots of money that should have been spent on their own countries to buy weapons to send to a country that they have no treaties with and no obligation to help.
  20. As I have said many times on here. Ukraine has no treaties with the US or EU, is not part of NATO and it's nothing to do with western countries, which should have done what they normally do, which is make a speech in the UN about how bad the invader is and should go sit on the naughty step for a while, then IMO go and sell lots of weapons to both sides. I'm guessing but IMO the US thought it was a chance to bloody the bear's nose without American boys in bags, and of course the sycophantic EU and UK went along with it. Major miscalculation.
  21. I agree with most of that. I used to wonder why attractive women that could have had any guy went out with complete scumbags that treat them badly till they get pregnant and then abandon them. Genes answer that question I'm a Beta male and I got lumbered with an alpha's brats, so I do know something about the results. Unfortunately I only found out the answers after I'd left the using b****h, when it was too late. She managed to trap 2 guys after myself too, so there are a lot of dumb guys out there. Sadly there are no classes in school for boys about "women and how to protect yourself and your assets from them", and given a male teacher is as rare as a hen's tooth nowadays, I doubt any such will ever be held.
  22. From that post I have no idea of which side you are on or what your point is. It makes it so much clearer when you include a quote so we know what you are on about.
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