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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Gee wizz, I should put on a dress and claim Trump raped me and get awarded 70 million $. Strange world we live in when an IMO politically motivated faux case is rewarded with an obviously excessive payout. I hope she gets zilch of it.
  2. Brilliant. Now, perhaps Trump should sue the posters on here that claim he is a rapist.
  3. If you are critiquing me I must be doing something right. Thanks for showing me that I'm on the right path.
  4. Well, for sure he's not going to employ Kelly or Bolton, is he? He got dragged down last time because he didn't understand how devious the Washington establishment is and isn't going to get fooled again. Trump didn't have any political experience last time, but he's had 8 years to wise up. He knows what he wants to do and is employing people to help him with that, not stab him in the back. There will be no Democrat fake Russian dossiers this time and no Sessions traitors to let the wolves have him.
  5. There was context? Well goodness gracious me, who would have known that?
  6. I really, really like that. Has anyone seen her recently or is she still crying somewhere and refusing to come out?
  7. I bet that in Thailand katoeys don't participate in female sports.
  8. Singapore Chinese are not ethnic to the country. They were brought in by the British, and there is also a large Indian and Malay population. China has no realistic relationship to it.
  9. It might take a while, but eventually, IMO, some people are going to perhaps think it was better when the former dictator was keeping the country sort of under control. Now it's all under the equivalent, IMO, of the Taliban. People should be careful of what they wish for, or whom they support. PS The US supported the "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan, the Russians left and we got 9 11 and stupid security checks when we fly.
  10. If it agrees with my opinions It's hardly at fault itself, is it? I was speaking in general, not specifically. I'm sure you are aware that this is an opinion forum populated by old people ( like myself ) that don't always post according to your druthers. Jai yen, jai yen. Have a nice cuppa and a biscuit and chill. I wasn't aware that you were pedantic, but I might have to change my mind on that.
  11. You might have a point if Biden wasn't in Lala Land. The rules also state that a POTUS has to be a functioning adult or removed, and if they don't they should.
  12. Trump is the MAN! Not even inaugurated and in effect the POTUS already. Given that Biden is out to lunch and Harris has apparently vanished, someone has to do the job. World events don't go on hiatus just because there is a transition period in the US. Normally the current POTUS is still functioning, but, well we all know why Biden isn't doing much. Never has dead duck been a more appropriate description.
  13. I fully support any man's right to live as a woman, dress as a women, etc, but it is a nonsense to ever believe that they ARE a woman. They will always be a man acting the part of a woman, unless science invents a way to change chromosomes.
  14. They were probably losers in men's sports so put on a dress and joined the women's team.
  15. Another man supporting women in their right to a fair competition. Your attempt to use cancel culture is pathetic.
  16. Women hold the key to all this. If they refuse to compete against men, then it will be pointless for men to join women's teams. As long as they continue to compete they are doomed to continual defeat. If they don't care enough to do that then I don't see why I should be concerned about it.
  17. If you read my post I didn't comment on the VDO.
  18. Except they are winning in the east and hungry soldiers don't win anything. I did a survival course and we did a week without food, and it was all I could do to get up and walk every day. I suspect the vdo is relevant to a very small part of the war.
  19. A very good question. Let's see how they justify it being "different" for Russia.
  20. The west doesn't own the M E so why does it need "God's fist"? We haven't had borders there since they became independent. All the west has been doing is causing mayhem and death and destruction. Is that what you want?
  21. That would depend on how long the NATO countries are willing to send them bullets etc. Not much of an army if all they can do is point the rifle at the enemy and shout "BANG".
  22. Are you Ukrainian? Do you have family, friends anyone that you love in Ukraine? Do you have a business there, or plan to start one? Are you intending to move there after the war? Any reason at all to have a personal interest in Ukraine? If not any of the above, why do you care? There is a far worse conflict going on in Sudan, compared to which Ukraine is a side show, bar the threat of WW3 and nuclear winter, so do you have any opinions concerning that, or is it "nothing to do with you" just as Ukraine is if you answered no to all my above questions, or is it that Ukrainians are white and Sudanese are not?
  23. I was happy being socially impaired, and then I went and got married. HUUUUUUUGE mistake. Much better being socially impaired, psychologically and financially. Marriage is not the answer. IMO it's the doorway to hell.

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