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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. They have history on that. In Afghanistan they apparently did that by supplying just enough weapons to keep them in the game against Russia without winning. That didn't change till some US politician forced them to supply ground to air shoulder launched missiles.
  2. Stating the blindingly obvious. It's apparent to all but the willfully blind that when it comes to israel some western leaders are all too willing to ditch the rules. Shame on them for doing so when they take a 180 degree approach to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
  3. I wonder if any government members were present? If so they must have had burning ears!
  4. IMO it would be like prior to 7/10 but 10 times worse for Palestinians. It's been worse for West Bank Palestinians since7/10, and I suspect that once the conflict ends that will be increased. IMO the plan is to make life for Palestinians so bad they want to leave, and that likely includes Arab citizens of israel. Short of a two state solution, and I see no way that is going to happen "voluntarily", how else can israelis be free from the threat of violence against them? However, given the level of hatred the Palestinians must have by now, I expect the future threat to come from outside Palestine, anywhere in the world that israelis are.
  5. IMO it's just another "this is going to win the war" propaganda exercise. I very much doubt the US is going to risk the latest tech falling into Russian hands, so the planes may not be as good as the MIGS. Perhaps they'll end up shooting drones far away from the front.
  6. Seems she thinks Ukraine is all that's going on in the world. She also doesn't understand that the US doesn't have loads of instructors hanging around waiting to be employed. Seems it's all going wrong for Zelensky and co.
  7. Sooooo, all Russia has to do is send 1,000 drones and an entire year's production is gone, leaving the sky open for the next 1,000. That's assuming Ukraine even gets a full year's production.
  8. The 800,000 was my lifeline when I had to leave LOS. I'd have been in deep doodoo if not for that.
  9. You must have a great job and lovely co workers. I love not working for a boss.
  10. That would be showering.
  11. Sounds like a money maker. There is zero need to stay in hospital after if the op was done under local ( very rare not to be ). The UK stopped overnight stays for cataracts about 2006, though that may be a year before or after. They even closed the cataract ward in the hospital I worked in- day stay only. Patient arrives, gets eye drops to dilate the pupil, puts a gown and hair cover on, goes into theatre, local anasthetic drops, about half an hour later plus or minus goes back to wait for the surgeon to check, then goes home. In rare cases the patient may need sedation if they can't stay still.
  12. Agree. If an eye operation is botched ( it happens ) it could mean blindness. IMO the most important thing is not getting both done at same time. Cataract operations are basically a standard procedure, only the surgeon's skill varies. Best get a surgeon that has done a lot in a reputable hospital and try to speak with a prior patient.
  13. One can only hope that his plane develops engine trouble and he has to land in a Muslim country on his way to the US.
  14. What none of the posters on the anti Trump side point out is that Americans are apparently an extremely unhealthy population with an large number of obese people. IMO that is a recipe for a higher death toll than a less fat population.
  15. Never let a chance to blame Trump go by unused. Do you guys ever read the stuff you post? Ooh, there is a drought in Africa, it must be Trump's fault.
  16. There were many Valentine tanks in NZ at war's end. Sadly most were used as targets by future tank crews. Never overestimate military intelligence!
  17. IMO the Britain they fought for is as dead as the bodies moldering in war graves in France.
  18. How can it be a "lack of money" when they have been giving so much of it to Ukraine? Don't they have a money tree out back of Number 10?
  19. LOL. You just proved him correct with your one liner soundbite based on your warped view of reality.
  20. I thought that was about Biden till I saw who posted it.
  21. I want Trump to win just to upset people that think it's OK to waterboard another human being.
  22. Democratic process? Do tell. IMO if the Dems were not so obviously bad, there would likely be no right wing outrage, and America would not be descending into chaos. Look no further than Clinton and Biden/ Harris to see why middle America is rebelling against Washington. I just realised that I have no recollection of Clinton's VP pick. Poor Senator Tim Kaine to be so invisible and forgettable.
  23. Did anyone care when Tibet got taken over? Faux concern over Ukraine does not impress me. Why would I care about who runs Ukraine? Give me a valid reason to do so. I care more about what is happening in Burma, but there isn't much outrage in Europe about that, is there? Is that because they ain't Caucasian, or there isn't much profit in it for the 1%? Next.
  24. Yes, but the one south of the town is encroached below high tide. I know as I tried to walk along it to the promontory at the south end. Had to take a tuk tuk to get there. I stayed on a gulf coast beach once with my wife to be.The place we stayed at and a private residence next door were the only human habitations for miles. That was real bliss.
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