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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. and you apparently think education is better in western countries . As usual one has to pay large to get good education and the kids I see ( if they even bother going to school, are a bunch of numpties that probably can't subtract 3 from 5. They are, however, really good at bullying on social media, looking at porn and taking days off to protest about things they don't understand like climate change.
  2. In someone's dreams they did. Perhaps they sat around chatting about how good it used to be under a Kaiser, but thinking they could actually overthrow the government and the people would welcome the return of the Kaiser is barking, IMO. I reckon the German government is using it as a distraction from the problems they have at the moment.
  3. Hamas is an idea founded because of israeli oppression, and an idea can not be defeated by force. As long as israel oppresses Palestinians there will be recruits. Even if the entire leadership were to be assassinated, more will rise up to replace them. Kill every Palestinian under israeli control and there will be more fighters from the millions that live outside israeli control. Is israel going to invade Jordan to kill them there?
  4. and I'm saying that Spencer is making it up. He's obviously israel all the way hey hey hey, and not trustworthy as a neutral voice on the subject. 30,000 + dead Palestinian non combatants ( mainly women and children ) are proof that he's just another israeli sycophant blindly supporting israel in it's vile conflict destroying Gaza.
  5. Nothing unexpected there then. Israel leaders and it's sycophants in foreign governments must be really worried about it to mount such a vehement response, especially when Norway has apparently said it will arrest netanyahu if the warrants are approved, and he goes to Norway. Seems Norway isn't in with genocide.
  6. Pull the other one. Where is your proof that many have died, and don't quote the IDF- I don't believe anything from them. There is a reason israel doesn't allow independent journalists into Gaza, and it's not to keep them safe. Even if thousands die, there are many more willing recruits waiting for an opportunity to kill IDF soldiers. Netanyahu is Hamas's best recruiting agent.
  7. Absolutely extraordinary that US politicians can say that and have zero condemnation ( at least I've seen none ) for it. It's as though the US politicians think they are above international law and can do whatever they like- hmmm, I seem to remember there is another country like that.....................
  8. Doesn't look like it. Typical modern London building- very very ugly and destroys the historical environment. The rot set in with the gerkin and progressed to the shard excrescence. Seems that it has become a competition to build the ugliest possible object, with the connivance of the horrid London council that is trying to make London a place to avoid with such as closing all the public toilets.
  9. You could be right. They apparently tried that in Afghanistan, It keeps the taxpayer subsidizing the US arms industry, which makes the 1% happy. If the war ends, there is little need to keep investing in offensive weapons.
  10. Try to keep up. Trump wants them to commit to the accepted level of expenditure, and even 3% is not excessive. I'm sure he's not the only American unhappy that Euro countries want the US to bail them out without fulfilling their side of the bargain. As for conscripting the youth, good idea. Get them out of mummy's basement and show them that life isn't a bed of roses.
  11. There goes the neighbourhood! How long before the new immigrants start whining about the night life and trying to get it banned- for the sake of their sprogs, of course?
  12. It's certainly a better place to live than the UK, and I have lived in both. I have no regrets not living in the UK, not being a gazzilionaire and able to afford a decent place to live. A council flat among the criminals is not my idea of paradise.
  13. Excellent news. Smith needs a wake up call IMO.
  14. Excellent news. Hopefully the US will lose this case.
  15. I've been angry for a couple decades at politics, local and international, I will probably be angry to my last breath. Frankly, the world is so toxic now that that day will be welcome- no rage against the dying of the light for me. Meanwhile Britain deprives it's own citizens of 3 billion quid of their own money to bring death and destruction to a country they have no treaty with. Is it any wonder I'm angry?
  16. The writing may be on the wall, but one fears that it will be erased by IMO bad actors in the US.
  17. IMO even the ICC would be afraid to indict Biden. Anyway, when netanyahu is convicted, Biden will be tainted by association.
  18. Oh, I'm lovin' that. Nothing will make me happier than to see netanyahu in the dock, with a long stretch in pokey after.
  19. Don't cheer too soon. The warrants have been applied for, but with colluder in chief Biden and his henchman Blinken whining in the background they might be able to sabotage the process and only Hamas warrents approved. Nothing like that will surprise me. The main problem I have with it is that the entire israeli war cabinet should have arrest warrants, not just 2 of them.
  20. LOL. When the new dictionaries come out, look up TDS and your name will be there as an example of it. 🙂
  21. Big news on Al Jazeera. Apparently the helo is 45 years old and spare parts are hard to find because of sanctions. I know it's tempting to think israel did it, but more likely a mechanical or pilot failure IMO.
  22. Good grief. Just leave her the money and she can build a house herself. You sound like you think she can't do anything without you to do it for her. As for the land, you already know the answer. You don't own it, PERIOD. Up to the family to let you stay or not. Would you even want to live in the house if she wasn't around?
  23. I got a legalised copy of whatever was required from a local lawyer in C M. Accepted by amphur in Lamphun. Have you tried asking the amphur what they actually need? I did and saved myself a lot of headaches I'd have had if going by this forum.
  24. You think he is trying to sell cacti? We've all ( probably ) been there. No need for words.
  25. If ever ridden a horse, if one falls off one must get back on again. You know what to do, just don't fall in love ( or even worse get married ).
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