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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Errrr. Are they forcing anyone to go on their vile scum sucking sites? No, they are not, so blame the idiots that voluntarily go on them, and stay on. I was on FB for a bit till I saw the light and never been on again.
  2. Not just the youth of America, either. I see the local brain dead louts causing trouble far too often. Mandatory conscription of them to a boot camp for life would improve life for the rest of us somewhat.
  3. The only good thing about the internet, apart from getting movies and music for free, and watching snowflakes cry after Trump won, and Russian car cam VDOs, and hamster VDOs, IMO, is porn, which is as close to real sex as I'm ever going to get in my remaining lifetime ( and yes, porn VDOs were better in the old days too ). Whereas his GOP opponent continues to amaze by his ability to yak on for hours without much aid from technology. I love it when he rips into all the camera crews from the channels that hate him, and they just have to take it.
  4. Young people embracing it does not mean it is a good thing. Young people are dumb because they haven't been around long enough to know anything. S M is toxic swamp garbage that makes kids kill themselves because vicious morons bully them on a medium they can just turn off if they were smart enough.
  5. Stop babbling on about boomers. Boomers in the main are not clever enough to invent the technology. It just didn't exist when we were young. If you ain't clever enough to not go on it you only have yourself to blame if you don't like it.
  6. Perhaps you might like to reword that so it makes sense.
  7. all the while the R's will vote for a babbling idiot that orchestrated an attack on the Capitol and then as CIC did nothing to protect it. It's because of posts like that that I hope Trump wins, and not just wins, but destroys Biden. I want to see the snowflakes bawling again, but harder than last time.
  8. Sadly the "green party" in many countries has apparently abandoned the environment to concentrate on loony tunes idiocies like cycle paths that cost millions of $ and trying to ban cars from city centers. IMO only woke nutters vote green now.
  9. Are MOST voters investing in the stock market? If not why would they care? I don't care about the stock market an iota. Makes zero difference to my life. Citizens are more concerned about the threat from illegal immigrants than unemployment, IMO. Millions are wondering why they have to pay taxes to cover student loans, and putting 100% tariffs on EVs will be seen as making them too expensive to buy if they can't afford to make Elon richer. I love fossil fuel. Fossil fuel gave me a life that would have seemed inconceivable to my ancestors, dependent on horses to get around and candles at night. I only got to visit Thailand because of fossil fuel. If Trump wants to help fossil fuel producers, that's 100% OK with me.
  10. It's completely barking, IMO, to be calling the election based on polls now. Does anyone know who the bookies are backing?
  11. All empires rot from within. Could be that America's time as head honcho is almost over. IMO a Harris presidency would be the end.
  12. You are boring me with your lies about the Palestinians not owning Gaza and the West bank, and your pathetic insults, so off to ignore with you.
  13. It's called ethnic cleansing. IMO they are using that BS excuse that they are human shields to blow them up till the rest want to leave their own land.
  14. They have nothing but personal attacks as there is no way they can justify what israel is doing in Gaza that is acceptable. All they can do is try and insult posters till they stop posting about what is happening.
  15. Agree, and we have all the israeli atrocities on film. There will be no way for netanyahu and his cabal to claim it never happened.
  16. I'll send you to all the other posters that think it's OK to insult people. Welcome to my ignore list.
  17. I'd rather have a narcissistic sociopath as leader of the free world than a geriatric that can barely walk unaided, talks to dead people and has Harris waiting till he drops dead to take over.
  18. LOL. You and I have both been on this forum a long time. Surely you knew that I was living in Thailand for years? I suspect you know that nursing would not be a job available to farangs, even if I had wanted to be one in Thailand. Nurses are trained to know how to not infect patients, just as they are trained not to get infected by patients. It's basic nursing. Anyway, your point is pointless. As the vaccine does not prevent anyone becoming infected, vaccinated nurses would be as likely to be infected while looking after patients as a non vaccinated one. The vaccine mandate didn't just apply to nurses. It applied to loads of different situations. I was not allowed into a cinema without proof of vaccination, even though I might have been infected anyway.
  19. Excellent post. I know someone that thought he was dying after his Pfizer booster he was in so much pain. I only got covid AFTER I was vaccinated.
  20. If that is referring to the poster you quoted, I'll give you a for that.
  21. Indeed it can. It might not either. A week is a long time in politics, so who knows what will happen in the next 5 months? Either could die or be incapacitated, a full scale war might have broken out in the M E, nuclear winter may have descended over Europe; who knows. As usual, people will vote depending on the situation at the time of the vote.
  22. IMO you are being disingenuous. You must know that that is how Russia has always fought, and that they have far more men to send than Ukraine has available. Russia lost between 20 million and 40 million ( depending on the source ) in WW2, so they have a ways to go yet.
  23. I did. The NZ government was very tardy in obtaining it.
  24. Not unless they have been to university. I was trained on the job like an apprentice. You don't call a mechanic that did an apprenticeship a professional, do you?
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