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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. You posted something about transvestism which IMO is not the same as trans, which in current usage IMO refers to men preferring to be female and visa versa, whereas transvestites do not want to be women, just wear female clothes. Perhaps you can come up with something a bit more relevant that was published in the 1930s or before. Perhaps something about gender reassignment surgery or silicone boobies.
  2. What was nonsense was Which you made up as you don't know enough about me to make claims like that. The rest of your post was off topic as Trump was not the topic. Perhaps you need a long lie down and a
  3. IMO correct. Some on here should do a bit of research before posting nonsense. If I'm correct, the emperors lost power after the shogun came to power in the 17th century, and became figureheads
  4. Ooh you are awful, but I like that, especially the bit about making them cry, again. It was great seeing them cry the first time.
  5. In that case I hope they are not copying the US and calling for more aid while providing bombs to kill them with.
  6. Is Business Insider a reliable source? I've never heard of it and if what is claimed is true, you should be able to provide a more reliable source.
  7. Link or you are making it up. Am I wrong to remember you asking a poster to provide a link a while back, or was that someone else with the same username?
  8. An incompetent man as POTUS is very dangerous man indeed, and Biden has IMO proven himself incompetent many times over. Don't need to look much further than the Afghanistan debacle.
  9. Rubbish IMO. It's about recognising that Ukraine can't win and the sooner they negotiate an end to it the more lives will be saved, not to mention not throwing good money after bad. Anyone that wants the war to continue is colluding in the death of all those that will die if the war continues.
  10. Actually you are making it it up. Took me just a couple of minutes to find the true version. I bet you don't apologise for making it up though. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/04/14/officer-who-killed-capitol-rioter-ashli-babbitt-wont-be-charged-doj-says.html
  11. You need to provide a link for that or you are making it up.
  12. LOL. It was certainly more secure than it became after Biden became POTUS.
  13. I did see that movie, but I don't recall how many truckloads of ammunition they carried to kill that many people. Perhaps they carried the legendary Hollywood inexhaustible ammunition magazine. I've always wondered where they got a large enough time machine to bring a helicopter back from the future. 🙂 PS. I did enjoy the movie, too. Burton and Eastwood together- it doesn't get much better than that
  14. I'm not going to look for it, but I'm sure I said something along the lines of it existed in society but those that were didn't shout about it. No one is forcing them to be something they ain't. If they were born with a penis they are a man and a woman if they weren't. Before the luvvies started going on about it I'll bet there were a lot less people that thought they were different. Anyway, most of us can be whatever we want in the privacy of our bedrooms, even a cat. BTW getting blown up or starved just for being of a particular race is a much bigger crime against humanity than being forced to wear trousers
  15. Err, given NZ has no military capability to resist a Chinese invasion, they don't need to destroy it. As the best use they can get out of it is to grow food they are unlikely to nuke it.
  16. Small bombs beget bigger one in return and before we know it, they send the really big ones. Never trust a military man to not use the best toys, even if it means the end of everything. "We had to destroy the planet to save it".
  17. and the overpopulation problem.
  18. You obviously didn't hang out on Thai beaches for 30 years. All the decent ones I used to stay on got concreted over trying to get the flashpackers to stay at their grotty resort, just so they could make more money. Phi Phi before and after the tsunami is an example of greed destroying the very reason people went there in the beginning. Early days Hat Rin was actually a decent beach ( probably one of the most beautiful in Thailand ), but jump forward twenty years and the grotty concrete hotels and the "soap party" places had completely ruined it as any sort of decent beach to enjoy. The wonderful place I stayed at in the 1990s with a large rock occupying part of the bathroom, had been destroyed so a big concrete monstrosity could be built, no doubt with hot water, AC and cable tv, so the trendies could feel like they never left home.
  19. It was only good for cheap places to stay ( off KSR itself ) and contacts to hang out with while traveling. Far as the street itself was concerned, it was where silly youths paid too much for "ethnic" clothing that looked ridiculous, bought bus tickets from rip off private travel companies, watched VDO movies and told other people BS stories about all the adventures they made up. Apparently the trendies discovered it some years ago, and in true Thai style it was bought up, and destroyed by greedy developers, just like they destroyed every decent beach in LOS.
  20. Do you see yourself as a pig or a lesser animal then?
  21. Any that have been nurses or suchlike will have some expertise in the field and it is part of nurse training. For the most part, most in distress probably just want a friendly ear to whom they can vent their problems on, but most would, IMO, be either unwilling or unable to provide an ear and actually listen. Bottling problems up is not good, but finding someone to confide in is the hard part and most of us are too poor to afford professional help. Some years back I went to the hospital health nurse because I was feeling somewhat depressed, but when I said I wouldn't take drugs for it, she kicked me out- did she make me feel better, or worse? I should have reported her for it.
  22. No, They show signs of it but those signs are either not understood or ignored. In any event, it's hard for men to find someone that cares enough to do something about it. Women are much better than men when it comes to having support.
  23. First I ever heard of that. Anyway, she's entitled to her opinions.
  24. If they give the money to Ukraine, can we expect that most of it will be stolen? Ukraine is, after all, a very corrupt country.
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