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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. You can add me to that. I never used to want Trump to even run before they whacked him with 91 court cases, but now I want him to win just to see them cower. Like many Americans, every time they come up with yet another politically motivated nonsense against him, I only support him more. Why do I consider the 91 court cases politically motivated? Because they had 3 years to bring them, but IMO waited till they thought it would cripple him politically, and most non biased people IMO understand that.
  2. I had had hopes that Cameron was going to be a light in the darkness, as he seemed to be saying the right words, but ,sadly, that speech could have been written by netanyahu. It's also a Lala land dream that calls on Palestinians to be making all the compromises, and does not address the israeli stated intention of fully controlling any Palestinian entity post conflict. IMO his 5 points are dead on arrival till he deals even handedly with both parties.
  3. Seems there is a vast chasm between the British public and the government, led by that <deleted> Sunak. Unfortunately it seems that Labour isn't leading the opposition to the Tories and their lapdog support of israel. The next election is going to be interesting.
  4. Substitute the US for the UN and you might be right. The israelis have been ignoring anything not to their advantage coming out of the UN for decades. IMO it will take a world wide anti apartheid style campaign to force israel to even contemplate a Palestinian state, plus a US president and congress that is not biased to israel.
  5. You are correct of course, but israel has been and still is making it near to impossible to actually have a West Bank that could be come a state given the illegal settlements and their ongoing expansion. Of course it's ignored by the US, even as Biden and co spout the IMO lies about wanting a 2 state solution. The only way to make a state out of the West Bank would be for every israeli to vacate their settlements and short of the US forcing them to do so, I give that a non starter.
  6. Let's never forget that israel came to be when Irgun and Stern gang terrorism drove the British out of Palestine, and a terrorist ( Begin ) even became PM. Born of terrorism, and IMO still uses it against Palestinians.
  7. Seems Biden was a bit over eager to big himself up and Monday has come and gone and no ceasefire in sight, apparently.
  8. Thank you for opening a general discussion thread. There are many topics that don't fit into a specific OP.
  9. He doesn't deceive me. I just dislike his opponent more than I dislike him. Same went for her. I'd have voted for Bernie, both times, except the Dems backstabbed him, twice.
  10. I would like to be a caveman, as a cave might be more habitable than the place that is all I can afford. I'd prefer it if the outside didn't have sabre tooth tigers, and Og's tribe wanting to steal my women and kill me with a big rock.
  11. When I went to school we were very taken with the part that goes along the lines of " shall I sit on the wall and eat my own s**t and drink my own p**s. What can I say, boys are easily amused.
  12. I used to pray to God but all I got for it was sore knees. I grew up and wanted a good woman and I got the bad ones, I wanted to live in LOS till I died and I couldn't. IMO it's a one sided conversation. I know God isn't going to give me the winning Lotto number. I work on the principle that if God is indeed God, then God knows what I'm saying to myself without getting sore knees, so I don't bother any more.
  13. I'd add killing each other comes after reproduction ( sex ) and before survival. Is there any country where we are not killing each other with abandon, or if not actually killing each other, wanting to.
  14. Add me to that. Modern life sucks.
  15. He's back. 19 posts on one page and 16 short enough to actually read. Keep it up- not the number of posts, but the length of them.
  16. but apparently the sunsets were wonderful. I'd be lovin' it.
  17. There is more money in death than life, war than peace. Follow the money.
  18. It amuses me that those with TDS think he is the only madman in US presidential politics.
  19. Some of us are trying to keep this forum sane and rational. I gave your post a laugh emoji for that. Whenever you mention Trump apparently TDS takes over your typing hands.
  20. You made a good decision. After leaving the military I had 3 choices, Australian mines, Oil drilling industry or nursing + woman. Of course I picked the worst possible option, and suffer for it still.
  21. That'll be interesting. I wonder how he can circumvent Thai law of farangs doing jobs a Thai can do, and I'm pretty sure Thais can be receptionists. Anyway, doesn't one need to apply for a work permit outside Thailand and have a company that has agreed to employ one before getting one. I wonder how his Thai language skills are. I think I can see the end of his little adventure in the not too distant future, as he creates a Go fund me site to pay for his return ticket. If it were that easy to stay in LOS, I'd still be there.
  22. I actually agree with you on that, but there is nothing to say that the SAS guys did anything wrong while on active service in harm's way.
  23. Where did it say they are guilty of a crime? If they say they did it for operational reasons, that's good enough for me. When they are proven to have dropped dirty great bombs on defenseless children, I'll agree that they are guilty of war crimes.
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