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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Still ranting without any proof whatsoever, I see. Didn't I see you demanding a poster provide proof the other day? Are you one of those "do as I say, not what I do" guys?
  2. Let me get this straight. I've often seen it claimed that Trump doesn't pay his bills and hasn't for many years. Surely if that were true the word would spread and no one would work for him. Sooooo, IMO either American businessmen are easily conned, and keep working for a man that doesn't pay his bills, or it's not true.
  3. Talking of unsupported lies, you post a lot without proof yourself. My thought on illegals is that as they are criminals they should be arrested and either deported or prosecuted.
  4. Every time you talk about Trump you have posted from a negative viewpoint. I look at Trump from the point of view that it's always better to talk to the enemy than to go to war. Would you rather boys in bags or a bit of chat? How many wars did Trump start?
  5. Trump could bend over to pick up something off the floor and you would likely conflate it to something to blackmail him over. You seem to constantly obsess about Trump. Perhaps you should count to 100 and breath deeply before doing so in the future.
  6. I can't agree. If that was correct, why are the US and various European countries supplying munitions? Western governments must know many of their citizens don't support the conflict, and risk electoral punishment for doing so. For sure Biden will be punished in states with large Arab origin populations. If israel could supply it's lethal material, western countries could focus on non lethal and defensive assistance, but obviously it can't.
  7. They need to live apart, and the israelis need to get out of land they have no right to be on and allow a Palestinian state.
  8. Sadly, I was wrong on that. Two months on and western governments still support the israeli government's IMO attrocities. On a more positive note, the protests against the conflict continue to grow around the world, and a court in Holland has banned the export of aircraft parts used to support the bombing of innocent people in Gaza. Hopefully more courts in more western countries will also ban military assistance to israel.
  9. A small victory for sanity in Holland. https://apnews.com/article/netherlands-court-f35-israel-b33608b054a33fbacc518395b53b74e8 Dutch appeals court orders Netherlands to stop exports of F-35 parts to Israel, citing war in Gaza “It is undeniable that there is a clear risk that the exported F-35 parts are used in serious violations of international humanitarian law,” Judge Bas Boele said in reading out the ruling, eliciting cheers from several people in the courtroom. The exports must cease within seven days.
  10. I don't know what your point is. Are you saying that no Gazans have been killed, or it's a few thousand less than claimed? Does it matter if it's one thousand or 12 thousand children got blown to bits- any child blown to bits is a child too many. Is your point that it's OK for israel to commit crimes against humanity as long as it's less women and children getting blown up than Hamas claims? Next I expect you to be claiming that all those building we see blown up are actually still standing and it's all just AI propaganda, while the Gazans are having picnics on the beach.
  11. Apparently in "good health", contrary to claims the prisoners were being treated badly. Certainly in better health than the Gazans killed the same day by israeli delivered bombs, likely provided by America. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/12/middleeast/israel-hostages-rescued-gaza-rafah-intl-hnk/index.html The hostages, 60-year-old Fernando Simon Marman and 70-year-old Louis Har, had spent 128 days in captivity. Both men are in relatively good condition and have since reunited with their families.
  12. I agree. However, in politics there are no guarantees, and I can forsee the day when the US is forced to give the finger to zionist interference in US politics.
  13. Trying to do so will backfire as it would likely evolve into Iraq version 2 or Afghanistan. The Americans must be sick to the back teeth of Middle East wars, and paying large for the two they ain't sending boys to ( yet ). It's not as though the conflict would be confined to Yemen either. What happens if Iran opens a second front against shipping on their coast? At some point even US warmongers will hit a wall. Also, I can't see Britain or the EU joining in. They have enough problems of their own domestically, and Yemen is far away. However, I'm 100% certain that Russia and China are gagging for the US to get bogged down in yet another bound to end badly adventure in the Middle East.
  14. IMO no one is bored unless they want to be or are not able to self motivate. As for retirement, I love it. I love that no <deleted> is telling me what to do with my time, I love getting up when I want to, eating when I want to, doing what I want to and going to sleep when I want to.
  15. and I don't care what anyone else thinks about it and you don't get to tell me what I can or can't post.
  16. My belief comes from my Damascus moment. It doesn't require examination as it happened, and I accept it as my proof that God exists. There is absolutely no way you can disprove my Damascus moment. I was not on drugs, I was not drunk, I was not tired, I was fit and healthy ( it was a long time ago ), I wasn't a believer, and I wasn't looking for it. I have never suffered hallucinations under such conditions before or since.
  17. Not that many times on here. The way the universe started is IMO entirely relevant as we that believe in God believe that God created the universe. Feel free to not comment on something if it bores you.
  18. War is never clear or concise, and generally devolves to a man with a rifle grovelling in the dirt to try and not get blown up, and if future circumstances means the UK can't get spares or replacement planes from the US their carriers become irrelevant. Making their own planes means that situation can't arise. When did cost effectiveness mean a <deleted> in the middle of a war? 2/ If that is irrelevant why did you reply to any of my posts about making aircraft in the UK?
  19. Seems the only option the US is not considering is taking the Houthis at their word and making israel stop killing Gazans.
  20. I do so enjoy your humerous posts. I enjoyed this one so much I put a laugh emoji on it. Is it your contention that US presidents pick their VPs from people that will not have loyalty to them? Just asking.
  21. LOL. Trump says something outrageous and the opposition has a tantrum. He used to say "lock her up" and he didn't do that either. IMO Trump is playing the anti Trumpers and the MSM for fools. He probably has a good laugh reading the rants that follow.
  22. If I were the world's dictator I'd make anyone that wants a war, especially politicians, go serve on the front lines. I can guarantee a world of peace and prosperity would follow.
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