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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Exactly, though I have heard on occasion that it's supposed to be a homeland for Jews, which overlooks all the Israeli Arabs living in it.
  2. Sure to be a best seller in that case. People have been drawing porn ever since Og discovered that a burnt stick was good for drawing on cave walls. These sad days it's as close to the real thing many men will ever get, even though they may be married to an actual woman.
  3. "Love" has to be the most misunderstood and most improperly used word in the English language. Doesn't help that it's a cover word for many different things eg mother love, love of country. The most accepted meaning IMO has to be "romantic love" which IMO is complete BS. It's either lust or a way for girls to get stuff for free, IMO.
  4. Do some good then and give it to an orphanage.
  5. LOL. They will IMO only make them more determined to attack more, and if Biden thinks it's going to "limit the risk of escalation" IMO he needs to see a good psychologist to return to the real world.
  6. Except with Biden it's probably true, IMO.
  7. You are so easy to refute https://jacobin.com/2023/11/joe-biden-polls-reelection-israel-war-gaza-palestine-democratic-party Voters Are Leaving Joe Biden in Droves Over His Support for Israel ...................................... In fact, young Democrats effectively flipped their position over the past month, ending up with nearly 21 percent less likely to back Biden because of his handling of the war
  8. Actually Kennedy was a womaniser and the MeToo movement would crucify him today. My call was not for the man himself but for someone that could emulate the promise of Camelot, a shining city on a hill for the population, someone that could send a man to the moon when they used slide rules, someone that faced off the USSR when it really mattered, a real hero ( Kennedy was a war hero ), someone to inspire the nation. What we have now is two geriatrics trying to outdo each other in negativity. Oh USA, how low you have fallen to be in such a situation!
  9. It must worry someone in Britain's government that if the Falklands situation were to happen today they likely couldn't do anything about it. Britain's navy used to rule the ocean waves, but now it seems to have run out of steam. How could a once proud nation go from ruling half the world ( the empire on which the sun never set ) to the rather pathetic semblance of a navy in such a short time. The Romans took hundreds of years to decline this far. https://www.quora.com/How-long-did-it-take-the-Roman-Empire-to-fall The fall of the Roman Empire was a complex process that took place over several centuries.
  10. Seriously I just about fell off my chair at that one. Thanks for a bit of cheer in a gloomy world.
  11. I don't. All polls are worthless IMO other than keeping some in employment and giving some people something to talk about. Only one poll counts in the end.
  12. Normally that might be true, but apparently the American youth are deserting Biden in droves over Gaza, so they might vote third party ( I can't see them voting Trump either ) or just not vote in an election about two very old men, both with physical and mental problems. It's not much of a choice, is it? What the <deleted> happened to the US that it got this bad with two appalling choices for POTUS? Where are all the young Jack Kennedy's now?
  13. Officers get the medals, squaddies get a bag.
  14. Which is why they will never see it. There is no glory in a trench, except for the generals miles and mile and miles behind the lines. The WW1 squaddies knew a thing or two about trench warfare 'Hanging on the Old Barbed Wire' If you want to find the lance-jack, I know where he is I know where he is, I know where he is If you want to find the lance-jack, I know where he is He's scrounging round the cookhouse door. I've seen him, I've seen him Scrounging round the cookhouse door, I've seen him, Scrounging round the cookhouse door. The company sergeant...He's laying on the latrine floor The quarter master...Miles and miles behind the lines. The sergeant-major...Thieving all the squaddies' rum. The buckshee private...Buried in a deep shell hole. The C.O....Down in a deep dugout. The brasshats...Drinking claret at Brigade HQ. The politicians....Drinking brandy at the House of Commons bar. The whole battalion...Hanging on the old barbed wire.
  15. The obvious conclusion is that either the western propagandists think everyone is as dumb as a rock and will believe the BS, or they are as dumb as a rock and can't get the message right. Follow the money!
  16. It's nearly a month since this thread was started and what has Blinken, Biden etc done about it- nothing is what. The bombing still goes on, the children still die. Blinken IMO is just a windbag good for nothing.
  17. IMO the zionists are doing their best to link it to Jews, then it will be illegal to be anti israel.
  18. I'd say both sides post as many polls. You are fond of them yourself.
  19. NATO may not be the machine it once was, but it doesn't matter when they have MAD as a backup.
  20. Instant families might seem like a good idea, till reality slaps one across the face a few dozen times.
  21. He sure got that wrong then. They may have been prototypes, but hardly laughing freemen- just as messed up in the head as the rest of us, and all those drugs didn't help.
  22. I absolutely believe that we are the remnants from an alien race that lived on Earth so long ago that we have forgotten they existed. There is plenty of evidence pointing to a race that built things impossible for primitive humans to have built, mainly in Sth America, but also in Egypt. I don't think that we are of that race though. Makes no difference to believing in God though.
  23. I found a rather interesting quote about life on the internet.
  24. I watched a Tull VDO once. He had a rather unusual leg activity when performing. Music wise I'm not a Tull fan- does that put me beyond the Pale?
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