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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. They can keep the security ( non security ) council if they want, but the veto should go. At least if should require a majority vote to quash a resolution. Allowing one country to do so is an abomination IMO.
  2. My 2 bob's worth is that western powers, mainly the US decided to punish Russia by a rapid victory over the invasion, but erred in the assessment that Russia would quickly be sent packing, humiliated. I doubt they anticipated the resilience of the Russians, or appreciated the cost of a drawn out stalemate. Having boxed themselves into a rhetorical corner, it would be too embarrassing to admit they were wrong and to give up, so IMO the debate is now as how to extract themselves, and their taxes, from the Ukrainian fiasco without losing too much face.
  3. Doesn't seem as though the horrid man was popular outside certain circles in the US. Perhaps like Cromwell his body needs to be executed.
  4. The majority of the people in your country elected them, and we all happily enjoy and are proud of all positive products of that relationship, those things we don't like we happily blame on others. Pull the other one. I doubt we had a government elected by a majority of the population for a very long time. It's only a majority of those that bothered to vote. Especially under MMP any useless crowd can become the government using a coalition, as happened in adhern's first term when NZ First joined them instead of National, subjecting us to the worst government in my lifetime. we all happily enjoy and are proud of all positive products of that relationship, Now you are really trying to pull the wool. Adhern's government may have produced something positive despite people living in cars and youth criminals, but I'm not aware of any. Perhaps you can inform us of any such. As far as "despite every single person I know despising them " Of course everyone you associate with would despised "them". The people you associate with tend to reflect your own mindset. Even staff in shops that I bought things from were less than positive about labour, despite me not associating with them. Never mind, keep trying to prove I'm wrong.
  5. Seems that certain elements are using "antisemitism" in the same way as "misoginist" is used, to try and shut down speech they don't like. Doesn't seem to be the same emphasis on anti Islamic speech though.
  6. LOL. we grieve for ourselves, not the one departed. They are dead so they are not grieving, are they? We are sad because we miss them in our life, not because they are dead.
  7. I never claimed to believe in re incarnation or that we retain our individuality after death.
  8. Sometimes the trees need to be burnt so their seeds can germinate, and the trees themselves survive. All part of nature's cycle. As for the bulldozers, there are millions of them all over the world, some of which are making roads through virgin forest so the human hordes can destroy them. There is no excuse for humanity's destruction of the planet.
  9. Not the only great child musician in LOS. Kid of about 12 playing drums in a band in Chiang Mai was absolutely amazing.
  10. As most bags are of the soft variety today a thief can simply cut the case open. Happened to me with my checked luggage flying to Thailand. Only safe place for large amounts of money passport etc is in a money belt inside the trousers. My money belt even had steel wire in the belt so it couldn't be cut. Re the OP, one wonders if the guy has enough sense to be traveling, if he leaves that amount of money where others can easily get it.
  11. Carry on without me. Far as I'm concerned that's a non starter. A week is a long time in politics, never mind almost a year.
  12. I have to agree with Huckabee, As long as the senate is Democrat majority, impeachment goes nowhere.
  13. I don't think I've ever referred to a government of a country I lived in as "my" government and if I did shame on me. I don't actually believe we live in a democratic system as most of us have zero say in how the <deleted>s run the country, Voting for the party that we dislike the least is not a good way to select a government. In NZ which had a truly awful government, IMO, we came perilously near to having them stay in power, despite every single person I know despising them. I'd be happy to see an AI become the government if programmed properly to care for the citizens over the companies and not to give preference to the rich.
  14. He nailed it. Follow the money. It took the GOP a while to wise up, but the light bulb has finally illuminated. If they can take the senate and the W H, I expect the end of the Ukraine conflict to follow soon after.
  15. They'll be cheering in Cambodia and all the other countries he damaged. IMO a truly vile man, and the world is a better place for his departure. I just wish his death had been in jail.
  16. Good for Elon. I couldn't care less if X fails, but we still have freedom of speech, till good men allow the woke to take it away.
  17. BTW, I doubt Hamas fighters will surrender, knowing the fate they would have in israeli hands. I'm pretty sure they knew there was only one way it would end and not happily for them. A fight to the death, which means they are far more dangerous than a normal reservist soldier that just wants to go home in one piece.
  18. There is no reason Saudi should not make up the shortfall, except they apparently don't like Palestinians. They have plenty of western money to send some to UNWRA. As for the western countries that voted to create modern israel, it's their fault that the situation is a disaster, so they should pay up.
  19. Mass starvation, disease and wounds ( no hospitals left to do more than first aid ), hypothermia as living in tents with no winter clothing. Take your pick and likely all will do the job for isreal, as it's intentions have become pretty clear from comments made by senior israeli officials. A Gaza devoid of Palestinians is apparently the objective, and IMO will be reached one way or the other while the western governments look the other way, and when it's too late, will shed crocodile tears and say that they "didn't realise what would happen". However, western citizens may have differing ideas and force their governments to do what they don't want to do, and I expect that the Arab street will not stay quiescent. Iran may also have something to say and do about it. Can even Biden turn a blind eye if the death toll approaches 100,000, 200,000, 500,000, or a million or two? If the israelis have a plan for "after" they are being pretty quiet about it, other than muttering that they will occupy it "indefinitely" Then, there is only the West Bank and East Jerusalem to take care of, in due course.
  20. I did that in the village. Well worth it and the kids love it.
  21. You spent a lot! I could get a big box of fried rice chicken from down the road that lasted 5 meals for 50 baht. I bought fried rice chicken all the time as I didn't like spicy food and that was the only thing I liked that was free of the dreaded chilli.
  22. Re "deliveries", I never saw the point of restaurant food not eaten in a restaurant. it's not like most of us didn't have time to cook our own food if at home. Personally, I married a restaurant chef, so I did get restaurant quality food at home.
  23. Don't they have any worthy causes you can help out at? Like an orphanage or animal shelter or such like.
  24. I saw a show like that in Phuket. I was the only farang, so the waitresses looked after me. One even made me a paper crane ( bird ) souvenir from a paper serviette which I still have somewhere. The singing was un memorable, and the most striking thing about the dancers were their thigh high boots. It was interesting though.
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