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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Sounds like Penang. I loved it in the 70s, but in 2017 it was horrible. More people does not make places better. International mass tourism is not good for the favourite places, but hopefully it means that other places don't get destroyed.
  2. As good a reason to live in LOS as any. I suppose some on here don't like sex.
  3. I'm puzzled as how you claim to know such a lot about myself when you get it so wrong in that? If I failed in "my own culture" it was only in getting leg overs from willing women, and in truth I gave up even bothering with western women after my first disastrous relationship showed me how two faced they can be. Nice as pie till they get everything they can out of you willingly, and then suck on the corpse of the relationship for any remaining scraps of benefit for themselves. Far as work goes, I had three successful careers, so where was the 'failure" in that? Regarding Thailand, I fail to understand why I "see Thailand as something it might not be" when I spent many decades in that wonderful country, and saw both the good and bad of the place. I love Thailand, but am aware that it's not perfect by far, though I preferred it to any western culture, which may appear superficially superior, till one looks under the carpet, to see the hidden deficiencies. One thing I liked about Thailand was that it doesn't hide it's bad side- it's right out there in full view, unlike western countries that are just as corrupt, but manage to hide it enough to pretend it doesn't happen "as much" as in so called third world countries. If Thailand has a really unfortunate characteristic, it's that it has welcomed all the bad stuff from western culture, to it's own disadvantage. For just a couple of examples of that, many once beautiful beaches were destroyed to provide flashpacker accommodation for western tourists, and the plague of western fast food chains has been a disaster for Thai health. I never used to see an obese Thai when I first arrived in LOS, but now they are all over the place. As a last example of how little you know about me, I'd never have left Thailand if it had been my choice. Sometimes we don't get to do what we want.
  4. I wasn't aware that Trump started the Syrian war, so thank you for correcting me on that. Sarcasm alert for the easily offended.
  5. All I did was ask you a question as to why Trump is more popular than Biden in the polls that currently exist, but you didn't answer that question and chose to deflect instead. Seems that when you don't have an answer, you resort to personal comments instead, and it's not just at me. So, to repeat my question, if Biden is so great, why is the liar in chief, the great fraud, the bombastic fool, as your side like to call Trump doing better than Biden in the polls at this time?
  6. Never mind bars, how is the girl scene? Any comparison to Thailand?
  7. IMO any place occupied by Aussies is best avoided.
  8. Did he actually have a harem sex life though? I worked with hundreds of educated women, but it didn't lead to bountiful sex by any means. Such things are illusions in the fevered minds of young boys in the grip of puberty, IMO. My experience of dating was, I assume fairly average, many free dinners and movies for young women and lacking in leg overs. That was a long time ago ( before the pill ), so perhaps it's different now.
  9. I hate PC and despise woke. It doesn't keep me awake at night though. The forest is lifestyle and pleasure in living. Western people are not happy. Thais used to be happy in general, but the more westernised they have become the unhappier they have become. I've seen Thailand go from a poorer and happier country to an angry and unhappy one, though not wealthier for the masses. The smile vanished long ago, and I was fortunate enough to see it for real, not on a TAT poster. Even now though, given the choice I'll go back to live in LOS in preference to the west, which you consider so superior. I may not know much, but I know it's a better life there than here. Many thousands of farangs, some of which post on this forum also prefer Thailand to the western <deleted> they escaped from. Who cares if the Thais never invented anything, not I. I did not invent the microchip Neither did I, but it hasn't made my life better, or wealthier. I just waste time on the internet instead of doing something worthwhile- yes I'm an internet junkie, to my everlasting shame. Do you know what the internet is used most for? Apparently for porn! 50,000 years of progress and the best humans can come up with is easier access to porn!
  10. Today's beach didn't exist back then. It was reclaimed, as photos of the era show. I've seen humble Thai fishing villages and that was as close as I wanted to go. The only GIs I saw in Thailand were in a GI bar in Bkk having sex behind a curtain in booths, and watching a couple of Thais pretending to have sex in a sort of box. I don't know that a grotty fishing village on a grotty beach would have tempted them, especially as it took a really long time to get there ( I doubt taxi drivers would have been keen to go there ) and there were not many hotels to stay in. Before the expressway was built it took many hours to get there, as I know well. From what I've heard the GI bars in the Philippines were better. The basket sounded quite "exotic", for those that know what I mean. In my experience, soldiers just want to get p****ed and have sex when on R and R, and it doesn't need to be on a beach. If there are any actual vets on here that visited Pattaya back in the early 70s ( the war was over by '73 ) and say different, I'll bow to your greater knowledge.
  11. Err, that was a few millenia ago, and humans were just another ape species. They genetically altered the apes to be trainable, a trait still found in humans today.
  12. Actually my aura attracted the Dali Llama, as that was who the guy that asked me for money outside the World Trade Centre in Bkk told me he was. I didn't give him any money, but I bought him a beer while he told me all about it. Yes it really was called the World Trade Centre, but that was many, many years ago. Changed it's name a long time ago.
  13. I have the car attracting aura too. Every time I want to go to town all the cars in town come past the driveway. What I don't have is an aura that attracts beautiful women. I think my aura actually makes beautiful women run away as I haven't seen any in 3 years.
  14. It was from an israeli newspaper. Next. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/israel-police-slams-haaretz-claim-idf-helicopter-may-have-harmed-civilians-on-oct-7/ The Haaretz article in Hebrew cites an unnamed Israel Police official saying that its investigation of the incident found that an IDF helicopter at the site that was firing at terrorists “apparently harmed a few partygoers who were in the area.”
  15. The point of increasing taxes is to reduce spending, so it's a balance between controlling inflation and causing a recession. Reducing taxes allows more spending, thus stimulating the economy, but you knew that, didn't you? When the deficit is as big as it is, changing taxation is going to do sod all to that.
  16. Will you post them if he doesn't improve? He doesn't look as though he's coming back from what ails him. None of us are getting younger.
  17. Actually only a few tried to convince other people that God exists, and for myself I don't give a rat's bottom if anyone doesn't believe . That's their business, and I'm not trying to convert anyone.
  18. My theory is that a super intelligent species of aliens colonised Earth and enslaved the early humans, but the humans rebelled and killed all the aliens.
  19. You are wrong. A genetic study was done that determined all humans originated in an area of Africa. Humans did not come from apes, or monkeys, but we have a common ancestor. https://www.yourgenome.org/stories/evolution-of-modern-humans/ Modern humans originated in Africa within the past 200,000 years and evolved from their most likely recent common ancestor, Homo erectus, which means ‘upright man’ in Latin. Homo erectus is an extinct species of human that lived between 1.9 million and 135,000 years ago.
  20. Only the Hamas supporters and the foolish believe their claims about deaths - enough said. Arrogant rubbish. I should have known better than to quote you. I'll try not to do so again.
  21. Didn't they teach origin of the human race in your school?
  22. LOL. Everything human started in Africa as that is where humans originated, so everything is "borrowed" somewhere along the line.
  23. The west has a caste system, that doesn't look like a caste system. Only opt out if don't care about being part of the sheeple. In England I had the misfortune to have to spend a day with a "lord" and had to bite my tongue to not say the wrong thing.
  24. All people know what is good and what is bad, unless they do not have a concience. Being human they can choose to ignore it though, and many do.
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