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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. He was too dismissive of Thais for my liking, and by implication was saying western culture is superior, which IMO is completely incorrect. Thailand was better before it became consumed by western garbage culture.
  2. Nature is designed to stop species exceeding their allotted space, by the use of diseases etc, but humans invented antibiotics and suchlike to do so and look at the mess we have got into. Nature uses extinction for such folly, so counting down for humanity.........
  3. IMO worshiping anything is what religions do and I reject all religions. Most of the "nature religions" involve dressing up like a nutter and talking to trees or other suchlike nonsense. There was ( is ) a community in Britain that loved nature and lived wholesome lives, but I could never live in a community that expected me to ask permission of a carrot before I pulled it out of the ground.
  4. Some of us are already there, but it's nothing to do with religion, rather a way of life.
  5. While that is about as arrogant as a farang can get, the Thais are the better for not "conforming" to the western ideal, which is IMO rotten to the core. Western nations were great at subduing other races and exploiting them, but Siam was quite good at avoiding such a miserable fate, so kudos to them. They still, for the most part, have avoided the evils of PC, wokism and gender insanity, so more kudos for that. What every western person that rubbishes the Thais and their culture can not explain is why, if they are so inferior to the great western culture, millions of western men flock there to find out what real women are like. Pish posh to western culture, give me Thailand every time.
  6. LOL. Did any Thais care how farangs pronounced it? No they didn't. Perhaps they went woke after I left the place.
  7. My western partner was a well respected head of a charity, and everyone she knew loved her. She ignored her children in pursuit of her career and took me to the cleaners ( at least she certainly cleaned me out ) when I walked away from her. She wasn't a "gold digger" as I had no gold, but she still took my nice car, and my house that I loved. Compared to her, bargirls were saints.
  8. I didn't come into existence by random chance. My mother and my father did something that made me, on purpose. How does it feel to believe that your existence is so devoid of meaning that it ends when the biological chariot breathes it's last? IMO that's rather sad.
  9. Perhaps many don't want to face reality, but reality says that for most of the human species, life is indeed random and short, though nothing proves consciousness is finite. The biological machine that carries us around ends, though it just becomes something else as nothing is actually lost on the planet, just gets recycled. You may be correct that we all want "something" or "someone" to be in control, so we invent ways to pretend that the world isn't actually chaos, but humans, as the only animals with free will, are still mentally in the cave, fearful of the unknown and the "other". 50,000 years of existence and we still can't stop killing anyone we don't like, or destroying the environment. If God actually had human like emotions, God would have sent another asteroid last century about 1918, IMO.
  10. Does it just co incidentally look like a Cyberman? Congrats for staying out of it for so long. I tried, but I got sucked back in. The other long time member of the thread seems to have successfully escaped for good.
  11. If Trump is as bad as you proclaim, why is he doing better in opinion polls than Biden? Everyone knows what he is, and what Biden is and more people choose Trump.
  12. Do you ever think about what you post? How many wars did Trump start? Avoiding boys coming home in a bag is all a good president has to do.
  13. One suspects the "evidence" is not true beyond the shadow of a doubt.
  14. Is that a rhetorical question? Obviously a great deal of money is involved, though I suspect a great deal of subterfuge is being used to avoid telling the British taxpayer just how much is involved.
  15. Certainly safer than being a Palestinian in Gaza. I'm constantly bemused by claims that anyone has a "right" to be taken care of by British taxpayers as long as they can arrive on a leaky rubber boat. If it's the "law", then the "law" or rather the <deleted>s that wrote it is/ are <deleted>, In My Opinion. If Thailand had the same nuttso laws, I could have turned up on a leaky rubber boat and be living the life of Riley there. Unfortunately it doesn't, so kudos to them for not being sucked into the morass of western lunacy.
  16. Trump hasn't been in government for 3 years, so if he was the problem, why has it not been fixed? Perhaps because Biden talks to dead people instead of fixing the economy.
  17. Indeed. IMO the only reason China has such influence and military might is that the USA and other western nations gave them the money to become so. Another reason to dislike the 1% that exported all the real jobs to China, so they could get even richer exploiting poor Chinese.
  18. I liked Tucker, and I was always entertained by hoping to see a different expression on his face, but never did. Regardless of how Fox portrays itself, it's an opinion channel, not a news channel, other than the weather report. Obviously I refer to the shows, like Tucker's and Hannity's, not to the items showing destruction by yet another whirlwind or hurricane etc.
  19. Just follow the money if one wants to know why countries on a certain continent are a disaster. Look at who has got most of it.
  20. Seems like a good way to develop a better culture, but the forces of darkness will never allow it to flourish, IMO. Seems to me that the bad people are winning. I fear for the future, and hope not to be around to see the end.
  21. Capitalism is a rotten system and deserves to sent into the sun. Unfortunately the 1% will see it survive, as otherwise they are in the tumbrils. I lived under a REAL socialist system for a year and it works, but only if the lazy and criminal are absent. What would be a better system, you ask; certainly not communism. The best actual society I lived in was in 1970s Singapore under a benevolent dictatorship, but that was a small country with a small population and zero tolerance of lazy or criminal elements. Perhaps an AI dictatorship would be of benefit to those not lazy or criminal, backed up by police that actually rid society of bad elements. You refer to the pension by which I eke out my remaining years- certainly not a generous one. Regardless, when I was young it took 5 people working on a farm I know to produce a livable income for all those on it. The same income is generated by 2 people now. For those that are ignorant of farming lives, machinery has replaced people, and soon even those overseas fruit pickers that arrive on our shores every year will be replaced by a machine. As long as other countries need food and timber, NZ will earn money to pay pensions despite having less people working. What would render us into poverty would be many more unemployable bodies, as every extra unemployed body sucks the available funds into smaller portions. NZ actually needs less people, not more- machines will do the work and the bodies will find work in caring for the aged. The survival of the Human race is, Because, as far as we know, humans are the only way the the Universe has by which to examine itself. Sorry, you lost me there, but if you think humans are the only "intelligent" species in the universe you should go out on a dark and cloudless night, look at the countless billions of stars in just our tiny portion of the universe, and wonder if we are the only ones that can think about such things. BTW, I use the term "intelligent" with caution when referring to humans, given the mess we have made of the planet. Also, humans are, like the dinosaurs, just a temporary visitor on planet Earth, and if we keep going the way we are, gone even sooner than expected. Like death, ends are inevitable.
  22. Surely Ukraine can only WIN if Zelensky leads his troops into the Kremlin to arrest Putin? Short of that, a negotiated truce along the more or less present front lines would be a WIN for all those that don't have to die. There are those that are hoping for Putin to exit, but it's likely his replacement would carry on, given Putin is not the only official committed to the cause. Of course, Gorbachev may be resurrected from the grave to end it, like he ended the Afghanistan fiasco, but don't hold your breath.
  23. The lack of new posts was already obvious before the site went down. Even before the Gaza conflict. That's what happens when nothing much is happening there. A "few weeks"? Doesn't "few" mean 3 or more?
  24. How many of the over 5,000 children killed by israeli ( and American ) bombs were Hamas fighters?
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