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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Perhaps he subscribes to the notion that if one tells a lie often enough, people will believe it. I wonder who originally said that? ( rhetorical question )
  2. Until proven guilty he's innocent of the rape charges in my book. IMO doesn't matter to some on here that are only too eager to jump on the metoo bandwagon. Of course, if it were a woman being accused of doing something "bad" it's be different because in their opinion women are never wrong, and never ever make false accusations against men.
  3. "The end of democracy in America"- are you taking the mickey? If democracy is so fragile in the US, it's unlikely to survive whoever is in the big chair. Also, there is such a thing as a constitution to overcome and that would not be easy, would it? 4 years of this malignant clown show in charge will cost the USA its political, economic and moral lead on the world stage, and leave it as an inchoate state, I have to agree on that statement, but not regarding Trump, rather the present bumbling buffoon ( and the current unpopular VP ) in the Oval Office.
  4. What else would she say? If she agreed, it would not look good on her CV. I'm sure that even in the current US political environment biased judges are not in favour.
  5. Gotta love the well researched and presented argument as to why Trump is not an ideal candidate. Keep them coming.
  6. Psychic, are you? Let's wait till next November if that is true. Personally I think it's a long road to the only poll that matters and a year is too long to say just who will be the GOP candidate.
  7. Of course it was, which is why I have not jumped on the "stolen election" bandwagon. I just think they elected the worst candidate.
  8. . Perhaps you could address that to the posters that make personal insults to me.
  9. I guess you watch different news reports to myself. Nothing I have seen resembles a "mobilization of people around the world against an increasing trend towards authoritarianism" Apparently in the EU right wing governments are getting elected, not rejected.
  10. Russia will win, and be able to dismantle a democratic European Country. Democratic? Are you sure about that? Russians get to vote too, but I doubt you'd call Russia "democratic". Everything I've seen points to Ukraine being hugely corrupt, and isn't that one of the reasons the EU wasn't going to allow them to join the club?
  11. As you quoted me I have to assume you are calling me undereducated, which is a personal insult- something that does not surprise me from any poster on here that lambasts Trump supporters without understanding their motivation. I'm not a fan of any millionaire upwards, but I regard the current occupant of the Oval Office as a bumbling boob that is a bought and paid for member of the very establishment that got Trump elected in the first place on a protest vote. IMO your post is a blend of arrogance And while many of his supporters are undereducated and psychobabble Milgram studies replicated many of their results in his social experiments on obedience to authority, and showed that these tendencies were present in the American social character too. To say It is an almost inexplicable phenomenon that tens of millions of Americans can support such lying, cheating, all round hideous specimen of homo sapiens without understanding the reasons millions of Americans chose him over the pants suited one is just superficial thinking IMO. However, carry on with Trump in your head, and we'll see who gets to sit in the big chair next year.
  12. How many farangs in LOS actually get together to bitch about "being discriminated against"? IMO hardly any. How many go for a Thai passport? IMO even less. Want equality? Go home.
  13. Not our fault if you didn't make it plain on your post that it was a joke.
  14. Massive backlash by whom exactly? Won't be by farangs as we know the situation before making a decision to live there, and tourists have other things on their mind. Farangs should, if they don't already, understand that farangs are just not important in LOS. IMO the only Thais that care about farangs are those that live off farangs as in BGs, or ones that have caught a tame ATM.
  15. Plenty of conflicts ignored by western nations but they involve non white nations.
  16. Nursing was good for off hours start/ stop times. When doing 8 hour days if I remember correctly it was 7am to 3 pm or 3 pm to 11 pm. Nights were 11 pm to 7 am. meal times were not counted as work hours.
  17. Your facts are not proven to my satisfaction. I don't ignore them as much as reject them.
  18. As I already pointed out sea ice varies year to year and one year is nothing to get excited about. Get back to me in 20 years if it continues.
  19. Still trying to excuse yourself for not abiding by forum rules. If it's an opinion, make that clear.
  20. Don't see what being an "expectant father" has to do with it. Plenty of criminals are fathers, which is a shame.
  21. If the suspect refuses to stop on police orders and there is sufficient evidence that the suspect is a danger to the public yes, absolutely.

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