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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Would that have been me? I'd never hit anyone on the back for choking as the proper procedure is to reach around from the back and do the Heimlich maneuver. Don't know how to do it- find out as the life you save might be someone you love. Perhaps he had a case of something gone down the wrong way and coughing, but not obstructed- happens to me occasionally. That might explain why he was PO about some stranger rushing in and hitting him.
  2. Yes. I gave up sugar as much as possible, no more cake, chocolate, soft drink with sugar etc. Lost a lot of weight and no progression towards diabetes ( far as I know ). Luckily there are many sugar substitutes available, so I can still have soft drinks without sugar. Unfortunately, most processed food seems to be full of sugar.
  3. Given the amount my western ex partner took me for when we broke up ( legally she was married even if no bit of paper ) I'd have been better off if I'd used prostitutes. I'd also have actually had sex, unlike our sexless relationship. It was a high price to pay for a bit of conversation.
  4. That is becoming quite easy to do now, given we can do our job/ shopping/ banking/ everything on line. No need to talk to anyone anymore. I don't do anything on line but I can go to town and use machine checkout in supermarket, cash machine in bank, self service petrol pump, ticket machine in parking building. I only talk to anyone if I want to, not because I have to. IMO humans will lose the ability to communicate verbally once sexbots take the place of the wife/ gf.
  5. The thing Connda referred to was vomiting. As Sheryl pointed out that isn't an allergy- it's a side effect.
  6. It's an addiction and she may not be able to control it. Just make sure she can't access your money if she starts gambling and make sure you ain't going to be liable for her debts. Perhaps you caused the problem by giving her everything. Free stuff is never appreciated, IMO.
  7. Did you miss "for the vast majority is entirely avoidable." in my post?
  8. No amount of training can stop the other idiot on the road driving into you. I was stationary when some guy drove into me. I was lucky to just have a broken hand and lose several thousand baht. My helmet saved my life.
  9. She may be responsible, but will she say no when 4 of her friends want a lift somewhere? Is she immune to teen pressure which will be not to wear a helmet, IMO. If she doesn't have a license will she be insured? I don't know the death rate, but m'bikes are apparently the major participants in fatalities on Thai roads. The accident may not be her fault, but how will you feel if the m'bike you give her lets her be killed or maimed.
  10. I don't understand why the OP is having a GA for a colonoscopy anyway. I had one done under sedation without any problems. I could have had it done without sedation had I opted for that, but I thought it might have been a bit much.
  11. NO. I worked in theatre for 10 years and the number of patients that I assisted with that had an allergy to anesthesia were ZERO. Ask someone that actually knows about that thing- an anesthetist consultant would be good if you could, but failing that an anesthetist that has been doing it more than a few months. What Joe Blogs on here had may not be applicable to you.
  12. I wish I'd had a FIL to be that so disliked me marrying her that we didn't for 10 years as after 5 years we'd be separated, and I'd still be living in LOS.
  13. I don't think farangs pay the wife to like them. That'd be nice if she did but it's not necessary to like someone to have sex with them.
  14. Didn't you know that Thai women are "different"? 55555555555555555
  15. That's not the same as some woman getting paid to sit around house, playing on phone and watching soaps on tv. If she's taking care of the farm she's not a/ getting bored, b/ getting in the way of the farang.
  16. Sounds like bureaucracy gone mad. Luckily I didn't need that when I got mine ( not from UK embassy ) as the first place wouldn't do it because of some problem with paperwork. IMO tell the agency to get a move on- I did all that in a day on my own. Perhaps it's got more difficult now, which would not surprise me.
  17. Type 1 diabetes is different from Type 2, though result is the same if not treated. So, thin people can be diabetic. The point about fat people being likely to develop diabetes Type 2 is valid, along with more likely to have heart and joint problems and for the vast majority is entirely avoidable. Many of us, myself included, eat too much, eat too much sugar ( not myself now ) and carbohydrates, and exercise too little. For the poster that wrote that we had to give up processed food, that may be correct, as well as bread and gluten foods, but given I buy my food from the supermarket I'd starve if I didn't eat any processed food. The days of the butcher, fishmonger and greengrocer are pretty much distant past now.
  18. My father never hit me, just didn't show any affection at all. He could have been a stranger to me for all the time I spent with him- a bare minimum when I was a child. I didn't take after him when I grew up. I learned to be what the schools made me, as I spent most of my childhood in boarding schools. When I joined the military it was just like school.
  19. I learned long ago that I would never understand women, so I stopped trying and accepted that they are the way they are and that's that, even though they are a strange breed IMO. They will fend off Joe Average even though he'd be a great friend and a considerate lover, but will throw themselves at scumbags because they play a guitar or have a lot of money, and then complain how all men are awful when they end up alone with a kid or two. Worst thing IMO is that the laws in western countries encourage them to do so- have a kid because they couldn't say no, and then get taxpayer money to live on. I had a solo mum friend way back- had a nicer car than me, had a house when I couldn't afford one, had a great life while I had to work like a dog.
  20. In an ideal world. My father got rid of me to boarding school as soon as possible. Never had a conversation with him like normal people do. Only left me something in the will when he died because he probably forgot he had one. When I see fathers that actually like their children I wonder if I'd have been a better person had my father been a father to me, but I'll never know, of course.
  21. If a guy wants his wife/ g f to stay at home as a companion/ housekeeper/ sex goddess then yes, he should give her money in compensation for what she could have made working, but only that amount- no 20,000 baht when she could only earn 9,000. Personally, if I was a young woman and an old guy asked me to stay home with him all day, I'd have dumped him on the spot. My father tried that on with my mother and ended up alone ( they were the same age but you get the picture- I'm referring to farangs in LOS- probably no way they are marrying some old woman ). I can't imagine anything more soul destroying than being forced to hang around with one person for years. Perhaps it'd be different with small children, but that only lasts till they go to school, so what happens after that? I liked that my wife worked. It gave me my own time to do what I liked while I was by myself.
  22. Nurses have always been too submissive for their own good. If they were like men and prepared to go on strike they'd be paid properly. I was in a meeting to decide if the staff in the hospital I worked in should go on strike, but hardly anyone agreed, so they got screwed over. Shortly after that I got a pay rise anyway, as the NHS couldn't get enough nurses because the pay was rotten, so the government had to give all low grade nurses a big pay rise. I could have become a higher grade with better pay but I didn't want to be part of the oppressors. Many of the nurse managers were bullies, but as that included the manager nothing ever got done about it. I retired early because of her.
  23. and unlike a dog, it can be programmed to say "I love you" ( before a short circuit causes it to crush one to death in it's powerful arms ).

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