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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. You need to provide proof that the Russians are blackmailing Trump. This from the start of World News. Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source.
  2. Short of expelling Russia from the security council, the rules say they have to get their turn. BTW, I think the general assembly of the UN is a bad joke, so if the entire thing was ended no loss IMO.
  3. and as long as Biden is POTUS I doubt we'll see Hunter getting mug shots, as if he goes down, IMO, likely the "big man" goes down too.
  4. I don't get the level of vitriol posted at Trump. He didn't start a war based on a lie erroneous information that caused the death of many US soldiers and vast numbers of civilian casualties, but the POTUS that did do that got elected again and I don't recall anyone baying for his arrest, while a POTUS that didn't gets vilified.
  5. Agree. My best years were between 19 when I joined the military, and 30, when I got hooked for the first time. Saw a large part of the world and a very interesting and adventurous life. I love being retired, and not having to go to work, but it's not at all adventurous. Even if I could afford to be adventurous, the body just ain't what it used to be.
  6. Seriously, I envy you and anyone that has a long lasting marriage. I have terrible judgement when it comes to women. Tried twice and not going to bother again. I have actually met some delightful women in my life, but they were already married, and in some cases still are. However, almost everyone I know is divorced, so even the long lasting marriages are second time around.
  7. It is. To know what it's like, get someone to hit the outside of whatever room you are in with a big hammer for several hours. Unfortunately, seems like there are loads of people out there with zero consideration for other people.
  8. That'd never have worked for me as my wife earned her own money and I didn't give her an "allowance".
  9. I was treated well by almost every Thai I interacted with. IMO Stapleton can stick his book where the sun don't shine.
  10. I have a female friend of many years and whenever I'm over in her vicinity we have lunch and catch up. Couldn't believe how much she had aged last time we met up. I can't look my age as I'm quite often asked what work I do, when I started on the pension many years ago. Perhaps they think I'm a dole bludger or something like that.
  11. LOL. I did move to Thailand to get everything out of a relationship but I picked the wrong woman. I would get a dog, but I'm not allowed to where I live, and they are a bit hard to hide.
  12. Perhaps time to end this particular sidetrack, but it's hard to be happy when one is surrounded by the sort of idiot that thinks everyone else wants to share in their <deleted> choice of electronic noise played at level 11. Wearing earplugs for hours really sucks big time. Just as well I don't need audio to post on here.
  13. They can say whatever they like within the rules, but IMO they are wanting other people to go fight and die with some of the more OTT posts. I served, so I was prepared to go fight in my generations war if I had to. Actually I was next to go when it ended, which disappointed me at the time.
  14. Agree. There's a lot of that going around.
  15. It's happening next Tuesday, so was he lying? Not his fault if they were tardy.
  16. Don't think he needs to if he turns himself in voluntarily. Could be a long time before the case goes to court. I guess the Dems hope it won't be over before the election.
  17. Reported on Al Jazeera that he's getting a large amount of financial support now for his election campaign. Be ironic if by indicting him they give him the means to win next year. LOL.
  18. Well he got the day right. Let the circus commence.
  19. According to what I saw on Al Jazeera, Ukrainian men were not allowed to cross the Polish border. If it is men that left before they must have been in LOS a long time. Perhaps Al Jazeera got it wrong.
  20. How about those of us that have no interest in playing the dating game of "will she or will she not" and just want a guaranteed happy ending and don't want to be in any sort of relationship with them? I knew a female that boasted how she could get free drinks all night at a bar from all the guys trying to get into her knickers, only to go home alone and laughing about the sad mutts she strung along. I certainly have no wish to get into that game.
  21. How can it be Ukrainians if all Ukrainian men are forbidden to leave Ukraine? Some thing has not been reported correctly. Unless it's just Ukrainian women.
  22. Forum software deleted part of that, 55555555555555. It's Kung f u movies of course
  23. Thanks for that. I'm not sure but I think Seletar was where I got myself arrested for trespassing when I went to have a look at a couple of derelict fighter planes on the far side of the runway from the control tower. It's not like I snuk in or anything- just walked through the gate and the security let me pass. As I was with ANZUK they just called up the duty officer and I was taken back to Nee Soon where I was confined to barracks for the weekend. Happy days back then, LOL. Best memories I have from that posting are of SCUBA diving off Mersing with the base sub aqua club. Also lucky enough to do security on Butterworth where they were flying Mirages. Used to take the ferry over to Penang to see Kung <deleted> movies.
  24. Sorry, but I'm well past use by date and have no wish to hang around in a rest home which is not far off if nature doesn't eliminate me first. So for me it is almost all over, not that I have any desire to live longer. No family or girlfriend to want to carry on for. Never was the term "God's waiting room" more valid. I do write quite a lot that is positive, so you must have missed those posts. On any thread complaining about Thailand I'll be there pointing out why it's the best country in the world. It's hard to find anything positive to write about when politics is just barking crazy these sad days, and the human race is busily polluting itself into oblivion. Feel free to put my posts on ignore though. After I put about 20 posters on ignore my posting experience was much improved.

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