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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I didn't like it. I never got to see the appeal, but I only ever got to visit the new place. Apparently the original was better.
  2. That was certainly true in Chiang Mai. RE the OP, nothing ever stays the same, and my country bears no resemblance to the one I grew up in. The secret is being able to adapt to change eg if Bkk is no longer worth it, move elsewhere. The above probably apply in many countries.
  3. Indeed, it's best to agree with intolerant people as they are immune to reason. People sometimes say things in hope of having a confrontation. Agreeing with them ( even if one is telling porkies ) removes their excuse for getting agro.
  4. Can't say I've noticed much tolerance from other people in my lifetime. The official dogma may have changed, but in the real world I live in if I were to wear a dress in public I would expect a bashing. However, I have noticed that people of a certain mindset on corona are becoming waaaaay more intolerant of those that don't toe the government line. Even those I'd least expect it from. Before corona it was intolerance against those that didn't kowtow to the official line on PC or climate change. On this very forum, there was a great deal of intolerance towards those that supported a certain politician.
  5. It's strange times, expect strange behaviour.
  6. There has been so little worth watching at the cinema, I'm going to anything that might be OK so I went to see the new "Ten rings" movie. I was reluctant because it's from Marvel and their recent efforts have IMO been dire, but as pure escapist fantasy it was OK. Not at all like the usual Iron man etc garbage from Marvel.
  7. You do realise that you are posting on "The Pub", do you not? For information about current events in LOS, this is not the subforum to be on, IMO.
  8. Perhaps a little thing like corona lockups making people PO and wanting to vent. Anyway, I haven't seen anything different since before world news was eliminated, except certain posters from there are now lurking on other subforums IMO looking for someone to attack. Back then they more or less stayed on that forum, so one may not have noticed them.
  9. News flash- some of us do want to visit LOS in preference to anywhere else. BTW I never went to LOS for the architecture.
  10. IMO those farangs that can't see that they are living in the best place IMO in the world. I know there are a myriad of problems with LOS ( no saffron glasses for me ), but it's just better than anywhere else I've lived. That doesn't mean LOS is perfect, it just means, IMO, the others are worse. For the easily offended, note well that I was posting my opinion. Others do not have to agree with me.
  11. It'd be a cold soul that on their beloved partner's death ran to the bank to withdraw his money. If they can't wait till the lawyers sort the will, put enough money into a safe. In the event of death they can get the safe cut open. In retrospect, that's what I'd do with my wife, rather than giving her a sum of money with instructions not to spend it unless I died. Lesson learned!
  12. To my knowledge as soon as the authorities learn of your death all bank accounts are frozen, till the legalities are sorted. Just make a will in Thailand. It's not expensive.
  13. Don't obstruct the top of the earth rod by covering it in concrete or such. If the ground dries out apparently the earth may not work very well. I had a short length of plastic pipe around the top of mine and I poured in some water when the ground got dry. Also make sure they use the proper length rod. The clown I employed to install my electric water heater used a 1 foot rod.
  14. The previous road collapsed because the sand under it washed away, and guess what they are putting under the "new" road! Where is a brick wall to hit head on when needed?
  15. Great opportunity to read all those books that you never had time for.
  16. Indeed. Way back in 1973 Singapore built just such a walkway over a drainage canal along Orchard Rd. That they COULD fix the problem if they wanted to is without doubt IMO, but do they WANT to fix it, that's the real question, IMO?
  17. That's true, but there are such things as pipelines. The one in the US that Biden stopped was going all the way from Canada to southern USA. It would be useless in a time of war as the Suez proved how easy it is to block a canal, so IMO they will go for an overland option. I could be wrong, but only time will tell on that.
  18. Did you miss the bit where he had basically no savings? Perhaps he gave her a better life for 20 years than she would have had otherwise.
  19. 2 sticks move towards each other and we have to say when they are the same distance. Depth perception. Not something I ever had to do to get my western driving licence.
  20. Let's not forget that G G does not believe in actually having rumpty, so he has loads of time to peruse the forum looking for entertaining posts.
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