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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. You are only giving 1000 a month for health. My insurance was over 60,000 a year and rising with age. That's way more than 12,000 a year. You spend 15,000 a month on entertainment? I'm boggled.
  2. I agree. So long as I could satisfy the financial requirements for a retirement extension, I'd never submit myself to the hell more onerous requirements of a marriage extension. I got a non O based on marriage to enter, but always extended based on retirement.
  3. Seriously? IMO they are both positives, but I'd have lived in Alaska if the girls were more beautiful and available than in LOS.
  4. It's NOT, but the ones that claim it is would, IMO, be unhappy wherever they were.
  5. Been too many bars in Pattaya for at least 20 years. Never stopped the party before, though this time around may indeed be different.
  6. Do you remember the Cinerama cinemas? Movie projected by 3 projectors on a very big curved screen. How the West was Won was on Cinerama in Auckland for ages. I think I have it on DVD, so I might have a look again. Did see Shalako way back, but don't remember anything except the title. There have been many movies with Cowboy in the title- I don't recall one with just "Cowboy".
  7. IMO he's saying that he has better things to do with his time than watch a screen. I won't even watch main stream tv now it's so bad, and while I do like my movies, and some tv series, I really should be reading books or doing something instead of spending a lot of time on the internet, but the dark side is strong.
  8. IMO the /29/30 indicates that his post is satirical. Got a few jumping though.
  9. Do any Thai insurance companies actually insure 90 year old farangs, and if they do, is the insurance actually worth it?
  10. and in other western countries there aren't. This isn't an American specific forum.
  11. Given that, IMO, most retired farangs in LOS are divorced from wife in home country, they probably won't "own" a house there.
  12. You have conversations with the totty? Can't say that I remember anything beyond asking her what restaurant she wanted to eat at. My priorities when finding one to rent was never her conversational ability.
  13. Perhaps, but he made the on film character his own, plus he oozed sex appeal, which always sells movies.
  14. I was similar till she decided I was yesterday's news. I had to pay her 20 baht for the haircut as she claimed it was something to do with "Thai culture". Unfortunately she was the untidiest person I ever lived with, and I did the housework. As for ironing, never do that for myself, as in my clothes are never ironed. Don't wear anything that needs ironing. I let her do the laundry as she insisted on hand washing it before putting in the machine. Given she was a chef I was happy to let her do the cooking.
  15. and for the sake of balance you asked him as well, or did you just believe her? In my experience they'll say anything, whether true or not, to suck up to another potential customer.
  16. Unless they invent a new sort of battery soon, lack of raw materials may make that a bad dream. Also if too many all electric cars are owned, the source of electricity may be causing "problems" as not enough available in many countries to vastly expand electric car numbers, without using fossil fuel to generate it. IMO they should be going hydrogen and I'm not the only one thinking that. Personally, I wouldn't buy an electric car unless it can do a 7 hour journey with no longer than 15 minutes to recharge half way, which is what I do in a petrol car.
  17. There was reason Lazenby didn't get to do a repeat. Unfortunately, IMO, Brosnan did get to play the man, as he was my least favourable Bond. IMO, Connery was Bond, and they should have ended the specifically Bond movies with his departure, though spin offs would have been acceptable. At least that way they could have put a woman in the leading role without it being sacrilege.
  18. Depends entirely on how long it is before mongers are able to return in significant numbers with enough money, on whether the cops go crazy trying to make up for lost "income", on whether the hotels don't go crazy trying to make up for lost income, on whether the bar girls don't go crazy trying to make up for lost "income", on whether the restaurants don't go crazy trying to make up for lost income, on whether the airlines, airports, bus companies don't go crazy trying to make up for lost income, on whether the government doesn't go crazy trying to make up for lost "income" with loads of extra taxes, anything else that might want to make up for lost earnings. Also depends on whether the bar girls go on line and don't bother returning to the bars.
  19. IMO Sois 7 and 8 died many years ago., Last time I walked up Soi 8 it was a sad remnant of past glories. Buakhao is where the action is/ was IMO. IMO Pattaya nightlife will become like that in Hua Hin, which was mainly restaurants over the water, and a tiny farang bar area.
  20. I regard the city as all the developed area with houses and businesses on them, ie with Pattaya in their address. However, many posters apparently think Pattaya is bounded by Dolphin roundabout to Bali Hi and inland no further than 3rd road.
  21. LOL. That's basically what happened when they built Promenada shopping mall in Chiang Mai. Must have cost a very large pile of money to erect, and virtually empty of shoppers apart from the supermarket. Having the immigration there probably doubled the visitor numbers, IMO.
  22. Pensioners?????? Most of Pattaya doesn't rely on western pensioners. IMO apart from the expats, Pattaya is a Thai city for the most part. I doubt tourism is significant outside the coastal strip. Tell me if you live outside the coastal strip and I'm wrong.
  23. News flash- men and women have different priorities in life, which could be one contributing factor to the 50% + of failed marriages. Just because women can live happily without men it doesn't work visa versa.
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