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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I was pretty conventional as a youth and assumed I'd get married and have kids- fait accompli. Luckily for me I joined up and was saved from that fate for many years. Still didn't escape in the end though.
  2. I loved horses as a child so I wanted to be a shepherd on a large sheep farm. Sadly I never managed to achieve that as I was led into a different branch of farming. Took me 2 years to realise that is a dead end unless owning the farm, so joined up and had a great life seeing the world, till I went bonkers and thought being a nurse was a good idea. I certainly never dreamed of being a nurse as a child, as that was a female occupation till many years later. Even then, the numbers of male nurses in the largest hospital in NZ were less than the fingers of 2 hands.
  3. If you are referring to Pattaya I'd agree, though not those I saw in Bkk.
  4. It seems a lot of western men have a problem understanding that some women regard sex as a means of getting rich quick, and not as some sort of holy grail to be doled out sparingly as a sort of reward for behaving, as some women do. Some of the nicest women I've ever met were prostitutes, while the worst were not.
  5. Sorry, but I have no idea of what point you are making. Can you reword it please?
  6. I wasn't aware we had a genuine psychic on the forum- one that can look into his crystal ball and see what I did. Depends on what you consider "fun" anyway. Perhaps you consider giving loadsacash to people you never met a "fun" activity, but I'd rather spend it on enjoying myself. Why would I care if the bargirls were pleased to see me? They were there to earn money, not be thrilled at my presence. Yes, I did stay in the fun devoid zone of C M before I left, but I wouldn't say I didn't have enjoyable moments, though I doubt you and I have similar interests eg I found Game of Thrones very enjoyable, while you apparently like to buy girls affections with bell ringing at any opportunity. To each of us our own versions of enjoyment. Have a nice day.
  7. Why should they not perform tricks? Humans have to to earn a living, so why are elephants exempt from earning their keep? Would you rather they were put down as too expensive to keep alive? Horses learn tricks, dogs learn tricks, birds learn tricks, and we don't say that's wrong.
  8. IMO we know the world we knew has been well and truly <deleted> when there is even a discussion about whether Bond should be anything but a white Scottish heterosexual man that engages in casual sex with many women. I saw that wokeness has set in when Bond remains a one woman man the entire movie. Pity, as it was good while it lasted, though IMO Brosnan was as badly cast as Bond as he was in Mama Mia. IMO worse than Lazenby, and that's a low bar to crawl under.
  9. On my last year in LOS I did indeed withdraw funds to travel on a holiday to the UK, Before I left I transferred the balance to home country, but I was still in the country without any money in the bank for a while.
  10. Every day at 1pm the government version is broadcast via radio ( I won't even watch tv it's so ad riddled now ), but I'm so turned off by the same old same old that I don't bother listening now. Life goes on regardless.
  11. I only got one dose ( drank it out of a little cup ) and that was when I was older than 10, but don't remember exact year. Far as I know everyone only got one dose back then. Times change I guess. Never had measles/ mumps/ rubella vaccine as didn't exist, and deliberately infected with measles, got chicken pox naturally, only one smallpox scar for sure.
  12. LOL. Of course I didn't ring the bell, and what "fun" came after? None that I ever saw.
  13. Strange question. You think I'd be allowed to stay in a gogo and not buy a drink?
  14. As I recall, we did know about the atomic bomb, but we just didn't care about it. Having too much fun playing with conkers, or kites- stuff to do outside and not in a room watching a stupid electronic machine. Never had any lesson ever that mentioned the subject or what to do in the event of a threat. Teaching kids that hiding under the desk will save them from nuclear death is an atrocity IMO.
  15. You're easy going. I once lived with a woman that had 2 kids. I wouldn't let them watch more than 1 hour of tv a day, and had such existed I'd have banned them having internet, x box etc in the house. IMO childhood is when a child should be learning about stuff, not getting switched off by manufactured electronic garbage. Kids do have the ability to think, but when they are engrossed by electronic medium they ain't thinking, IMO.
  16. I was once at a party and got into a discussion with a political scientist that started on about the "dangers of nuclear war". We all ridiculed her. 40 years later, IMO we are at no more danger of nuclear destruction now than then- perhaps less.
  17. Millions take morphine legally for post op pain relief, or for chronic pain.
  18. The alternative, since elephants are no longer required for logging, is to do such shows for tourists, or be put to death IMO. Elephants cost a lot to look after, and if they don't earn their living, they will not be cared for. I read about one elephant that was chained up to a tree in a wat because no one wanted it- now that IMO is cruel. Release into the jungle is not really viable, if only because domesticated elephants probably wouldn't survive anyway.
  19. Even people never worked a day for pay in their lives get NHS treatment free at point of delivery, but you knew that.
  20. Well, have you considered that the vaccines apparently require multiple doses, in some cases 3 and maybe more after to come. The examples you give required one. Cost alone indicates that poor countries will simply be unable to afford to vaccinate their entire population multiple times- I believe some companies increased their prices recently. IMO western taxpayers will not accept paying for everyone in poor countries, which is apparently what some organisations want. BTW, in some countries, some children are apparently not vaccinated for polio because of religious beliefs. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2727330/ Religious opposition by Muslim fundamentalists is a major factor in the failure of immunization programs against polio in Nigeria (2), Pakistan (3) and Afghanistan
  21. IMO, NO. They know that fakes are easily available in LOS. Better have more than a piece of paper.
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