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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Sex is just sex unless one has feelings for the person one does it with. I sometimes asked ones I knew well if they were ever abused on the job and none were. It's a completely different scene in LOS than the kerb walker, pimp controlled abomination practiced in some western countries.
  2. I would prefer a programmable sex android that I could own.
  3. You must have lived in a very strange society. The rumours of incurable clap have been around since at least the 1970s when I heard of it. It's not just this that is a problem, as all diseases cured with antibiotics are probably becoming resistant, due to overuse and abuse of antibiotics. So far, I understand no effective alternatives are available.
  4. More females in Thailand than males as any google search tells us, and why would they want to marry an inferior male? Probably don't think that getting married is the be all of life any more. Why would they want to have children? Try carrying a big weight around for six months, morning sickness, massive pain delivering, saggy boobs, stretch marks etc and see how keen you would be to have one.
  5. Poor but intelligent enough to know that having sex is probably the only way to make a lot of money. I knew many wonderful women that became bargirls for a limited time. Certainly nicer than most non bargirls I've known. Western people have this strange hang up about sex, which is just a normal human activity. Seems western people got brainwashed that it's some sort of prize only to be allowed if the guy makes the woman a treasure for allowing him to do it with her. I certainly had the brainwashing, and it took Thailand to learn the truth.
  6. I'm pretty sure that moderation doesn't work. Try to get some support if you can.
  7. It's good to have an achievable goal. You're wrong about non drinking though- I gave it up for good half a lifetime ago, and don't miss it at all. If they made weed legal here I'd be permanently stoned though.
  8. One day is a victory. I gave up alcohol half a lifetime ago, but my addiction is sweets. It's hard going to supermarket and all those cakes, sweet buns etc on sale.
  9. and climate change fanatics and in general woke people.
  10. Does masturbation to porn count?
  11. Agree with your sentiments, but IMO most have sold out to greed and will accept the evil doers as long as they are all right Jack.
  12. At my stage of life just hoping to get to the departure stage without having to live in my car, given the pathetic pension, inflation and unaffordable rents. This ain't the country I grew up in any more.
  13. Not as bad as watching people simulate sex on tv or movies. Never understood the need to do so, as it's entirely possible to imply sex happens without watching the pretend version. Porn is OK as it's real.
  14. LOL. I was shorter and heavier, but not unhealthy. I have no buoyancy in a pool. I can sit on the bottom without needing weights. When scuba diving I never needed weights, and had to inflate my vest to prevent me sinking. Trying to diagnose health from such minimal data is bound to be wrong.
  15. I enjoyed blocking the folk trying to get on the skytrain before the ones wanting to get off were able to do so. They didn't like that, no not at all. Thing is... they can't get angry cos I did nothing wrong. LOL, LOL, LOL. Ever had someone looking at their phone instead of where they were going walk into you standing still? IMO looking at their phone makes them angry people, and they don't like it when other people don't make way for them, no siree, they don't like it at all.
  16. but we are not talking about that unfortunate country, are we? Never been, never want to.
  17. Yeah, I've never understood the bonkers obsession of standing in the aisle soon as seat belt sign goes off ( or even before while plane still moving ) and waiting 10 or 15 minutes before getting off. I always waited till the sheeple had flocked off the plane and strolled unimpeded to immigration. It's like they thought all the taxis would have left if they weren't first to the kerbside.
  18. It may be but you should have added government office to the title. Gave me the wrong idea as to what the thread was about.
  19. I liked flying in them far more than in the 777, the only two planes I flew in since the mid 90s. I'd always get a seat right at the back where only 2. Advantages- only one other potentially annoying person to put up with and got to go on first without a load of idiots trying to stow bags too big to fit in the overhead lockers blocking the aisle.
  20. If he can lose so much in such a short time IMO it means he didn't have anything of substance other than shares, which means he was only worth as much as other people wanted to pay for those shares. Those who live by the share die by the share. Strange world we live in where people proclaim themselves to be rich because they have shares or bitcoin- a world built on shifting sand.
  21. Ah, nothing of relevance to say so resorting to personal attacks I see.
  22. Even more relevant with the discussion today between Biden and the leader of the house concerning the debt ceiling. The GOP want to reduce military spending, and one would imagine that it would be difficult to cut spending without impacting the support to Ukraine.
  23. LOL. IMO Mr Trump will be laughing when he hears about that. I understand that was what he was trying to do when he was berating the Europeans for depending too much on the US and not spending enough on their own military forces. I remember him getting a bit of opposition for doing so.
  24. Agree about the Polish pilots, but a bit different flying a Hurricane or Spitfire compared to a high tech modern fighter plane in the length of training required. To decide that it is worth it to train Ukrainian pilots to fly them is to admit the war will last a very long time.
  25. I've been saying that for a while on this thread. It's good to see that my opinion is somewhat validated. Fighting a war after many years of inactivity always takes a while to weed out the incompetents in command, and to re learn the lessons of previous wars that were forgotten.

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