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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. There were a thousand things I disliked about LOS, but there's no point complaining as it won't change anything, and living there was a million times better than any other country I've lived in. Posters have been complaining about the same things on this forum ever since I joined it, but it hasn't changed things in LOS an iota.
  2. Agree 1,000,000 % Western country I live in has a gazillion laws and regulations, but has a massive crime problem and I feel less safe here due to violent people than I ever did in LOS.
  3. No one is saying we should "like" selfish and dangerous behaviour, but it's not up to us to tell them how to live. We ain't colonialists, are we?
  4. I was happy about that. Meant I didn't get any tickets. Constantly checking speedo so as not to get a fine is a drag.
  5. I'm sure that Thais are aware of all that, but if they CHOOSE not to do anything about it, it's not up to us aliens to demand they change. If any farang is not prepared to accept LOS as it is, they know where the exit is.
  6. We all decided to live in LOS because we preferred it to wherever we came from. Some things are not so good, but the good things, IMO, outweighed the bad. I'd leave the "advanced and highly regulated" western country I live in and return to live in LOS in a heartbeat, if I could.
  7. There's miles and miles and miles of deserted beach south of Chumphon that they could build on, but as usual they'd rather destroy what was once upon a time a rather nice beachfront town, because they can siphon off get more money for it. It's all about greed. The rot set in when they let the horrid big hotel in the town center ruin the place.
  8. Last time I visited Hua Hin I attempted to walk along the beach at high tide but was unable to do so because the condos had all encroached below high tide line. I guess a few envelopes had been passed to the usual suspects to break the law. I never went back to that corrupt <deleted><deleted> place.
  9. Chomsky has an opinion, but he presumably isn't psychic so he doesn't KNOW. We all die, and perhaps the human race will all die at the same time, but what will be will be and there's absolutely nothing any of us on here can do to change it. If not the bomb, pollution or overpopulation or war over water etc. Sooner or later humanity is doomed, IMO. It won't be the end of the world as the planet will just start over with another dominant species. Rinse and repeat till the sun expands and consumes the planets before dying.
  10. I worked with many Filipinas and met many Thai women. IMO Thais are generally slimmer and Filipinas speak better English. Other than that, I doubt there is any difference.
  11. We all die, but lack of exercise may result in an earlier death than desired.
  12. Any ex servicemen that were in the Nee Soon area might see the relevance of mentioning Virgin's Corner.
  13. The "boss" in the Pattaya Malibu show used to do a Tina Turner impersonation when that show existed. Pretty good too. Sadly, the Malibu show decided to go full katoey and ended not long after. When it was mixed girls and ladyboys it was great.
  14. Give it up before you dig that hole deeper! https://www.internationalinsurance.com/hospitals/thailand/ You do not have to be a resident of Thailand to access the public hospitals, you will have to pay for your care there.
  15. Interesting fact. She was 28/ 29 when she played a school girl in Grease. From google How old was Olivia Newton-John when she starred in Grease? 29 Although she had little acting experience (and turned 29 during filming), Newton-John gave an indelible performance as Sandy, a sweet-natured Australian transfer student who romances Travolta's alpha greaser Danny at a Southern California high school in the 1950s.
  16. We farangs are, in many cases, loons. We find someone that can't possibly "love us" as we define "love" and give them land, houses and cars etc, Then we wonder why we end up divorced and broke. I didn't buy mine any land or houses, but I still ended up broke ie I was a "loon".
  17. Does Japan teach in schools how they invaded Korea and China, and many other countries and killed many more than tens of thousands of people doing so?
  18. Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital is a university teaching hospital, affiliated to the Faculty of Medicine of Chiang Mai University, Far as I know that is a government hospital.
  19. Indeed rural England is beautiful- the result of thousands of years of farming and civilization. Unfortunately I had to live in London, which ( apart from some old buildings and parks ) is ugly, dirty, polluted and overpopulated.
  20. LOL. The Thai consultant I went to sorted the problem Drs in western countries had been unable to diagnose correctly. The bill was a few hundred baht and no drugs or bandages. To get an appointment to see a consultant in my country requires me to pay biggly to see a GP and then I have to wait who knows how long before I actually see the consultant. I saw the Thai consultant without an appointment on the day I went to the hospital. I'll take the Thai health service over what I have to put up with here any day.
  21. That's easy to answer. No matter how bad it is in the UK, it's better than the <deleted><deleted> place they came from. Unfortunately they may cause the UK to replicate the place they came from the way things are going.
  22. You visited often, but didn't live in the UK? IMO one has to live in a country to understand the real problems. I left the UK some years ago, but it had some deep rooted problems that had been caused by politicians, and short of some unpleasant solutions are, IMO, unlikely to be solved. Will China be the next empire? Given the corruption and lack of moral fiber in the west, probably, but I hope I'm dead before it happens. IMO the west has become too soft and lazy to survive for much longer.
  23. Indeed, and yet there are those ( and some on this forum ) that think the NHS should do everything for anyone eg gender changing, no matter how irrelevant to the reason the NHS was set up ie treat sick people that couldn't afford to pay. I left the NHS some years ago, but the rot had already set in. Gordon Brown gave the NHS 6 billion quid and they wasted it on flash buildings and more managers. Such a shame, but that's managers for you- little empire builders. The money would have been better spent on more cleaners and nurses that actually nursed ( instead of sitting in offices thinking of ways to make life harder for the actual workers ). IMO the NHS was a brilliant idea, but it was sabotaged by those that should have known better. I knew a few surgical consultants that regarded the NHS as a source of cheap nurses for their private work. IMO if there is anything that could save the NHS it would be to oust consultants from doing private cases in NHS hospitals ( private cases should be done in private hospitals ) and reduce the number of managers by 70%.
  24. I'm sure it would, but the only people that can say for sure are the relevant British authorities. I'd start by asking the airline if they'd even allow anyone to board in that situation.
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