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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. None of which excuse the Israelis for occupying land that is not part of the 1948 UN resolution and depriving the Palestinians of a homeland. The only reason they get away with that is because of the IMO strange power they have over the US, which vetoes every resolution against Israel in the UN.
  2. Seriously. Do you expect us to believe that Arab and Jewish Israelis are treated equally? The facts are out and can't be covered up, ( as seen on Al Jazeera ) arresting family and friends of those that attack Jews and sealing their houses, which is collective punishment, and trying to make it possible to revoke their citizenship, none of which apparently happens to a Jew that attacks or kills an Arab. Trying to force Arabs to sell their houses in the non Israeli part of Jerusalem to make it de facto Jewish. I think the Israelis have been remarkably restrained in their responses to numerous provocations from the members of the death cult that infests the Palestinians. Seriously? Try being a Palestinian being attacked by settlers and see if you'd not respond. Any "provocations" are from the Israelis against Palestinians as much as from the Palestinians. However, you can continue trying to excuse the actions of the Israelis but don't expect all of us to agree with you.
  3. I wonder how much experience the rider had with bikes like that? Be different than riding a scooter for sure. In NZ the cost of keeping a large bike legal is very high because the cost of injuries and death of such riders costs the state too much.
  4. 2 billion $ being the significant words. I wonder how long financially devastated American citizens will accept such payments for a war a long way off, that does not threaten them. I imagine some congress people will be getting letters from their constituents about it.
  5. Exactly. They ain't going to be giving out bad news, are they? Remember a few months ago when the Russians were supposed to be running out of missiles, ammunition etc? Doesn't seem to have happened so far. However, the US might run out of anti tank missiles to send. https://www.csis.org/analysis/will-united-states-run-out-javelins-russia-runs-out-tanks
  6. Why would he want peace? Peace will only come when the Palestinians get a viable state of their own, and his own ministers are saying that they will continue to build illegal settlements on Palestinian land. Also, arming as many Israelis as possible is only going to end badly. I don't believe a word he says and I'm not alone in that by far.
  7. Well said. Much of wealth is cornered not by those that create or produce, but by those that use money to make even more money, Drones that suck the life out of the underclass in pursuit of far more money than any human ever needed. Does Amazon create anything at all, or does it just move things from the creators to the consumer? Do stock brokers create wealth, or just move money around? Etc.
  8. BS. The country of my childhood depended on farm produce grown by farmers, of which there were many, for export, along with forestry and fishing etc. I doubt there were any entrepreneurs about in those golden days before greed ruined the place. Other than farming and forestry, many worked in state owned businesses, and the rest were probably small business owners. Hardly a capitalist society. Your society is IMO built on greed, and we are the worse off for it.
  9. Also as mentioned assuming that robotics could provide all the labor to produce everything mankind needed, no one would have a job with any income necessary to purchase anything. You are trapped in capitalist thinking. If robotics can provide everything we need ( it will be able to ) why would anyone need an "income"? I know it won't happen because the rich will use it to get even richer while the unemployed will rot in ghettos. End of society as we know it? Yes, and it's going to happen anyway. Our society, IMO, is too rotten to survive, and will get swept into the dustbin of history. Future societies will look at ours with horror, and regards us with revulsion, IMO.
  10. Antarctica is indeed interesting. What did I do there? I had the most amazing year of my life there, but if you mean what did I get paid for, I was a handyman, and did maintenance, and vehicle repair etc. Every organization depends on the guys that do the dog work, though they get no thanks for it. Sadly, I never got to South Pole, but it's just a vast expanse of snow, so nothing to get excited about, beyond being there. Did I drill holes in the snow- yes, but not as a "scientist". I did a real job. I met a LOT of scientists down there, and it stripped any illusions I might have had regarding "scientists". Most of them were IMO a waste of aircraft fuel. Some did important work, but not most. However, the base staff did get to participate in an interesting project on the transmission of colds or flu. It's a unique environment where once the flights stop for winter, no new diseases can be introduced. Once anyone that had a cold got over it no one had another till the flights resumed in summer. Basically, one does NOT catch a cold by being cold or wet- one catches a cold from an infected person.
  11. Look at what we are doing to planet earth and ask that again.
  12. I agree that the tanks won't change the course of the war. I've seen no expert on tv that claims they will. Who wins depends on too many variables to know- if another Gorbachev took over from Putin, likely the Russians would withdraw.
  13. I don't have a basement to be comfortable in- such would be a step up from what I can afford, given the insanity of rentals at present. Thailand is the best country on the planet by most criteria- I miss it. Want an expensive, over regulated, woke, PC country- stay in the western country you call home.
  14. I hope they have a nice comfy spot in a thirty prisoner room waiting for him.
  15. Agree. Do not pass Go, but straight from the plane to jail. He's already been convicted, I understand.
  16. One wonders why they thought it a good idea to build that close to a cliff which had no retaining wall?
  17. I have seen rain like that before, many years ago. However, it didn't last long. Before that, too long ago to remember the year, loads of hillsides fell down inland from Papamoa when there was heavy rain- rural so not affecting people much. Then there was the Wahine storm in 1968 which was rather bad for destruction.
  18. The council can be blamed for closing many of London's public toilets. Beginning of this century there were plenty, but slowly closed permanently, or "under repair". Last time I visited I had to buy something at McDonalds to use their loo. It's an absolute disgrace and shame on the council for it.
  19. Perhaps they agree with Trump's opinions. Unfortunately, IMO Trump will not win if he stands.
  20. Is the Bible taught in US public schools? In NZ it's not at all ( at least not when I went to school ).
  21. You said "they are screened to have low IQ's" as a fact not as an opinion. You need to back that up with proof.
  22. If I were a cop in a society that is heavily into well armed criminals I'm pretty sure that going home uninjured would be my priority. However, I would never become a cop as it's just not worth it anymore. Cops no longer have any respect as PC hobbles them, IMO. Seems that people forget that cops are human too and have to deal with things most of us never experience in our entire lives. That's not excusing blatant excessive force as in this case, but if it's a case of no cops or cops that sometimes do bad things, I think I know what most people would choose. IMO never going to get the perfect police force that never does anything wrong- that's not human nature. What I'm pretty sure is going to happen though, is that less "good" people will join the forces as they don't want the attacks being leveled at all police people. Much like males are hard to find as teachers anymore because of the negativity towards them. https://www.starnewsonline.com/story/news/2011/09/17/male-teachers-are-a-rarity-in-classrooms/30872523007/ Male teachers are a rarity in classrooms What I find astonishing in this case in particular, is that they must have known they are on camera- they were even wearing body cameras- but assaulted him anyway.
  23. She must be dumb as a rock if she left her fingerprints on the envelope that tried to assassinate a POTUS.
  24. IMO Trump has lost it and is in danger of allowing the Dems to win the next POTUS election. He was the man needed to stop her winning, but sadly he may end up getting someone like her elected next time. I just hope no one finances his attempt, if he doesn't see the light beforehand. The problems that allowed him to win before haven't gone away, and as long as the Dems put people like Biden into the big chair IMO it's just going to get worse.
  25. Unless they started a year ago it might not make any difference. https://military-wiki.com/how-long-does-it-take-for-a-ukrainian-pilot-to-master-the-f-16/ Thus, trainee pilots will spend about 1.5 years, before being officially seated in the cockpit of the F-16 fighter for the first time.

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