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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Only if it changes the meaning. 16) You will not make changes to quoted material from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. This cannot be done in such a manner that it alters the context of the original post.
  2. IMO the visa situation was a result of local headmen in immigration making up their own rules. I say that because they were not on any official website. The Chiang Mai office used to add their own made up rules in handwriting on the typed official document.
  3. Unfortunately I never got to see that series. Poor Bruce got royally screwed by American producers. Kung <deleted> was apparently his idea, and he wanted to play the lead, but they put David Carradine instead, and Carradine doesn't look Asian at all, so I was confused at why he was an outcast because of his mixed race.
  4. Given there is no direct translation of Thai to English, IMO any English spelling of a Thai word is correct as long as others understand the meaning of the word.
  5. Yes I did go to Scotland on a visit in the 70s and it wasn't raining. I got to watch the military Tattoo in the Edinburgh Castle for free because I knew the guardsmen on duty. It was very entertaining, and especially so when a young elephant with the Sri Lankan contingent decided to urinate. It was on the upper part of the parade ground at the back, and the tide of urine washed down through the entire massed parade. Who would have thought a young elephant could hold such a large amount of urine! Other than that, it was quite scenic outside the city.
  6. LOL. No western woman I knew was open minded on Thailand. I made the mistake once of telling a female friend that my wife to be would take my shoes off for me. From the reaction I got I thought she misheard me and thought I was talking about being an axe murderer.
  7. My point was that the government never bothered me ( except for Purachai ), and I don't understand why other farangs believe they are affected by the government. I'm still waiting for an explanation after many years of such posts on this forum.
  8. Sorry, but he's so boring that I forgot why I was watching that about 30 seconds in. I hope he doesn't depend on U Tube interviews for a living.
  9. IMO she was finding out what it's like to be an unmarried old white man without children that love him in a western country.
  10. Chiang Mai was not my first choice of places to live in LOS. However if I could live in N E Phangan I'd be as happy as a sandboy in a very big pile of sand.
  11. Other than in Thailand, they must have been hiding from me, as I never found any "ready to rock".
  12. Sorry, but I was never impressed by a degree. Met too many plonkers with degrees in my hospital career. Obviously, THAI people will be affected by THAI politics. I fail to understand why some farangs claim to be. The government never hassled me- perhaps other farangs have a different experience. Do tell.
  13. I'd agree with that. People that enjoy any activity usually try to do it as often as possible. If someone doesn't do something very much ( not just sex ) it's likely they ain't that interested in it. IMO if someone is "conservative with sex" they are likely to not be very adventurous, and unadventurous sex gets boring very fast, IMO. Why do you think promiscuous women wouldn't like sex, if they do it a lot?
  14. Unless the guy had a high body count to teach her how to do it properly, I can't see that sex with her would be anything but boring.
  15. Personally, I reckon the one man girl would be pants in bed. It takes practice to be good in bed.
  16. IMO Thaksin did more fundamental damage to LOS than any succeeding PM. However, other than Thaksin's loathsome stooge's ( Purachai ) attempt to destroy the farang nite scene, no government prior or after affected me personally. I don't even understand why so many posters are so consumed by the military government. They did nothing to make the Thai experience worse for me.
  17. While I'm not a golfer, I have read that Pattaya is popular with golfers. What most posters forget when discussing Pattaya, is that there is more to the city than the bar area. IMO the real alternative Pattaya has been a building quietly along the waterfront past Jomptien. That area has zero need for night life to attract wealthy foreign tourists. Take a ride along Sukhumvit towards Samet to see what I'm talking about.
  18. My first thought was Bali, because of the Julia Roberts movie. No doubt in my mind that every western woman on the planet watched that and planned to go there in search of Mr Perfection.
  19. Who is Roger Bert, and why should I care what his opinion of movies is? I said I don't think it was a great movie. Others may disagree, as is their right. This is a discussion forum, isn't it, or did that change when I wasn't looking?
  20. But for corona, IMO the change would already have taken place. Are you saying the Chinese prefer ladyboys?
  21. I remember the totty, but not the screaming. I didn't like having to "negotiate" with one in front of all the others, so I never went into a bar, but I'd walk down the soi quite often just to look.
  22. That's my recollection as well. Lots more big boats anchored in the bay as well. The speedboats were pulled down Beach Rd to be launched as no Bali Hi slipway.
  23. I grew to dislike all that stuff working on the wards so much I became a surgical theatre nurse to get away from it. I think that was the only reason I didn't give up nursing altogether.
  24. Oh my, ignorance is bliss it seems. I did work weekends and even public holidays just to earn enough to survive, as I wasn't married to someone also working. Time and a half of a pittance is still a pittance. As for overtime, 5555555555555555. In my hospital we were not allowed to work overtime as that cost them too much. They moved nurses from a ward that wasn't busy to a busy ward. We were also not allowed to have a second job. In the London hospital I worked in, they stopped Australian nurses working agency, and employed African nurses that had to join the staff. The Aussies wouldn't join the staff as they would have lost too much income. As for weekends, are you saying it's OK for nurses not to have a family or social life? Nurses are mothers too, and would like to be with their kids on weekends. When I first moved to London I was agency, and did some shifts at the Royal Marsden Hospital in a posh part of London. After my shift I'd walk back to the Tube station and pass all the rich people like stockbrokers and bankers and lawyers having a meal on the pavement outside some restaurant. I'd think to myself that the bottle of wine they were drinking cost them more than what I earned on a hard day's work, and what I earned as an agency nurse was way more than the hospital staff I'd worked with.
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