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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Do you actually know any NZ farmers? Seems not.
  2. Unless Thailand is going to give them refugee status they will have to leave when their visas expire ( unless on indefinitely extendable visas ). How is that going to work out for your friends?
  3. Well said. IMO countries would benefit if there were half the number of politicians and 2/3 less bureaucrats.
  4. Alas, governments and bureaucrats need to do something/ anything, else the populace that pays them might wonder why there are so many. Just paying people to have babies doesn't qualify as requiring so many.
  5. If DT had only 26 classified documents, would the poster that you responded to accept the same excuse for DT? I suspect not.
  6. Well they won't invade any country in NATO, will they?
  7. They must be expecting a very long war. https://military-wiki.com/how-long-does-it-take-for-a-ukrainian-pilot-to-master-the-f-16/ After 2 years of training with the F-16 fighter, the pilot basically mastered the fighter, but could not participate in the war, but needed to undergo a training course in air combat.
  8. and where would that money come from? Every yen given to parents is a yen less to spend on other things. Anyway, women are coming to realise that having children is not the only thing in life. I suspect it wouldn't make much difference. I heard somewhere that the Chinese birth rate is falling, despite the restriction on having more than one has gone.
  9. Why should people who choose not to have children subsidise those who do. Rats to that. It's bad enough in my country. Not really controversial, IMO just common sense. Singapore tried that a long time ago, but I don't know if it was successful. Many career women just don't want to get married and have children, and I don't blame them.
  10. I never said it would be cheaper. The point is that there are less people to look after them now and even less in future, so if the government isn't going to let carers in, they will have to go where there are carers, or do without. As for being picky, LOL. Beggars can't be choosers.
  11. They used to be subservient, just as Thai wives were. I said "they have emerged", so I'm not surprised that they are not now.
  12. I fundamentally disagree. Have to go back a few years to when societies were more equal, but people were happier. Some people being really rich and loads of poor people does not make a happy society.
  13. IMO the answer is not ever more people- planet earth is being destroyed by too many. If we were able to build a rocket to go to the moon using slide rules, we can find a better way, if we want to- I suspect we don't really want to deal with it- so much easier just to breed more people. Just a thought, but if Japan doesn't want to let in more immigrants, send the old people to other countries with high unemployment to be looked after. More people are retiring and fewer people are paying into the social safety net. I suspect that Japan is very wealthy, but most of the wealth is in the hands of very few, as in most countries. Let's redistribute the wealth then. Problem solved.
  14. Perhaps it's a male thing. If you had had a daughter, would she have been treated as a superstar?
  15. I doubt anything is going to make Japanese women decide that popping out children equals a good life. They have emerged from a patriarchal society where they were subservient to husbands and IMO they ain't going back to it. I don't blame them in the slightest. As for having babies, if men had to carry them around for 9 months with morning sickness, stretch marks, etc IMO the human race would have died out long ago. If I were to wake up a fertile woman one day, no way would any man get to impregnate me- no sex without a certificate of vasectomy and a recent test. I've actually seen loads of women giving birth as part of my job, and nothing about it is worth it IMO.
  16. No problem really, just invent robots to look after the old people- problem solved. If I were a lot younger I'd probably have been interested in living there, but I started to learn about Japan and the culture too late in life, and anyway, it's just too expensive. Thailand is as close as I'll ever get to Japan.
  17. I have to disagree. Giving up would lead to Putin's demise, IMO, so he's not going to give up.
  18. Do think the Russians will not have taken that into account and prepared accordingly? It's not like the Russians don't have the means to destroy tanks, is it? They were probably unprepared for the resistance they got at the beginning, but the longer the war goes on the more lessons they learn and revise their tactics accordingly. It's never as simple as some on here think it is.
  19. They probably have a girlfriend. Not many bars to hang out in without the "girls".
  20. She looks amazing for 63. Either she has fantastic genes or not having children is a good idea. He looks pretty good too. One has to remember that the astronauts that went to the moon were the very best people, physically, that they could find. BTW she's been his girlfriend for a while, so not a sudden thing brought on by dementia or suchlike.
  21. LOL. It's always about D T judging by the number of threads he features in regardless of the thread topic.
  22. I missed that, but it's BS. Customers have never been unable to refuse "services".

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