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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. No reason at all, but it is western women that denigrate us western men for even being in Thailand.
  2. I'll be sorry if they go out of business, as Thai was the only airline I'd fly that did Bkk Auckland direct. Hated stopping off in Oz and having to get off the plane, go through security etc.
  3. I can't speak for SEA outside Thailand, but I never saw much mask wearing in Thailand outside cities where they apparently thought cheap surgical masks would protect against pollution. I fail to understand why anyone would claim Thais have a mask wearing "culture".
  4. IMO it'll be like the flu- always there, but not considered a big deal by most. I've had the flu injection, and I don't go around worrying about it.
  5. Given the woke claim that only white people are racist, in my experience the most racist people were not white.
  6. You wuz lucky then. The times I was treated fairly by my masters and bosses were notable by their rarity. Most of the time I just tried to keep my head down and not be noticed. Also treated very badly by people I knew and didn't expect to screw me over. As for 90 day report- it's their country and they can do whatever they like. I was happy 90 day report ( and extensions ) were as bad as it got ie not very bad at all, compared to what might have been.
  7. I left through choice, but only because after my marriage ended I couldn't afford the medical insurance. I did not WANT to leave.
  8. Given I used to be able to stay on 90 day visa exempt with a ( visa free ) visit to Malaya 4 times a year of course I have seen it, but the requirements as set out on the official information were not onerous, and certainly easier than for a Thai woman to visit many western countries. What made the process exasperating for me were the stupidities the local offices introduced on their own initiative.
  9. Other than Antarctica I don't know any other country I'd WANT to move to, and Antarctica isn't a country, so that's out too.
  10. Don't know about the Thais, but I violently disagree with you. IMO Thaksin was the worst thing that ever happened to Thailand since the 1930s. You appear to believe Chuan Leekpai was corrupt. That's not how I remember him, and IMO that was the high point of modern Thailand. IMO since Thaksin was elected LOS has been on a slow but gradual downhill slope to some unknown existence, if the Chinese don't change things to something more to their liking. Just as one example of Thaksin's bad leadership, Swampy could have been as good as Changi, instead of the dump it turned out to be, for the usual reason.
  11. Assuming you are a foreigner, and not a Thai, I don't get why you would be "elated" by whoever runs the country. You don't get to vote.
  12. IMO they were probably created to correct a situation that existed then, but are kept now to remind us that we are "guests" that are only tolerated, and IMO not really welcome.
  13. Might as well for all the good it's done. Oceans polluted to the point of extinction of fish, rainforests disappearing at an ever increasing rate, greed runs rampant in the exploitation of anything that makes a buck. Saving a tree here and there in wealthy western countries is hardly saving the human species from being polluted into extinction, IMO.
  14. IMO it's always a bad idea to expect fairness in life. I have rarely experienced it from other people and very often not at all from officialdom. If a 90 day report is the worst thing that happens to you in your life, you are blessed, IMO.
  15. Only if it changes the meaning. 16) You will not make changes to quoted material from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. This cannot be done in such a manner that it alters the context of the original post.
  16. IMO the visa situation was a result of local headmen in immigration making up their own rules. I say that because they were not on any official website. The Chiang Mai office used to add their own made up rules in handwriting on the typed official document.
  17. Unfortunately I never got to see that series. Poor Bruce got royally screwed by American producers. Kung <deleted> was apparently his idea, and he wanted to play the lead, but they put David Carradine instead, and Carradine doesn't look Asian at all, so I was confused at why he was an outcast because of his mixed race.
  18. Given there is no direct translation of Thai to English, IMO any English spelling of a Thai word is correct as long as others understand the meaning of the word.
  19. Yes I did go to Scotland on a visit in the 70s and it wasn't raining. I got to watch the military Tattoo in the Edinburgh Castle for free because I knew the guardsmen on duty. It was very entertaining, and especially so when a young elephant with the Sri Lankan contingent decided to urinate. It was on the upper part of the parade ground at the back, and the tide of urine washed down through the entire massed parade. Who would have thought a young elephant could hold such a large amount of urine! Other than that, it was quite scenic outside the city.
  20. LOL. No western woman I knew was open minded on Thailand. I made the mistake once of telling a female friend that my wife to be would take my shoes off for me. From the reaction I got I thought she misheard me and thought I was talking about being an axe murderer.
  21. My point was that the government never bothered me ( except for Purachai ), and I don't understand why other farangs believe they are affected by the government. I'm still waiting for an explanation after many years of such posts on this forum.
  22. Sorry, but he's so boring that I forgot why I was watching that about 30 seconds in. I hope he doesn't depend on U Tube interviews for a living.
  23. IMO she was finding out what it's like to be an unmarried old white man without children that love him in a western country.
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