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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. While prostate cancer deprived me of the ability to make children, it did save me from having any with my wife, so at least one good thing came from it.
  2. Only if one puts more importance on sex than it really is. If having sex is like going to the loo, why would it matter who they have it with, as long as they didn't marry the penis? BTW, no bar girl in the farang scene "HAS" to have sex with anyone they don't wish to. Have you even spent any time in Thai bar beers or gogos?
  3. In a perfect world without STDs or unwanted children that would be true.
  4. While I gave that a like, in my experience working with hundreds ( ? thousands ) of women over decades, they are no more mildly unpleasant to violent and insane than most of the men I knew and worked with. IMO all people of whatever gender are similar, but some are more pleasant to associate with than others. Also IMO, there is no such thing as "normal" when it comes to human personalities. We are all individuals, not like ants or bees with a collective society.
  5. I spent a lot of time in Pattaya back when it really was a fun city, and spent a great deal of time in barbeers just observing. In all that time I only saw one that was obviously mentally damaged. Of course, not all mental problems are obvious, but in my experience, none were more mentally damaged by being bar girls than would be found in any occupation. Society is full of nutters and antisocial individuals, IMO, and most have never been prostitutes in any setting. We live in a damaging world, and it takes more than renting one's body to make one mentally "strange", IMO. However, there may be a tendency for girls that are already mentally damaged to gravitate to a prostitute's life, but that would be for the psycholgists to determine.
  6. Are you saying that non prostitute Thai women are easy? IMO somewhat strange in a country with a reputation for HIV/ AIDS.
  7. What about a girl that has sex for free with hundreds of guys? I'm sure there are plenty of party girls that like to get drunk and fornicate.
  8. Yeah. I forgot to add that any farang able to afford to live in LOS is "wealthy" by home country standards.
  9. IMO the culture behind the movie is awful. Based entirely on consumerism, and crush anyone that gets in the way of one's own desires, no matter how despicable.
  10. Bar girls don't necessarily have sex with customers. I have encountered such. Never heard of Coyotes? https://www.lexico.com/definition/bar_girl An attractive woman employed to encourage customers to buy drinks at a bar.
  11. NB the bit about "in a bar". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bargirl A bargirl is a woman who is paid to entertain patrons in a bar, either individually or, in some cases, as a performer. The exact nature of the entertainment varies widely from place to place; depending on the venue this can be individual entertainment ranging from light conversation to sexual services, or more public entertainment in the form of go-go dancing or striptease.
  12. I'm as well acquainted with the use of quotation marks as any English speaker thanks. Perhaps a better choice of description would have served more accurately for whatever you are trying to portray.
  13. If they didn't work in a bar how could they be a "bar" girl. If they don't work in a bar they would be a prostitute/ street walker, depending on their location of business, IMO.
  14. Sorry, but you lost me there. I see no difference between "bar girls" and bar girls, except for the quotation marks.
  15. As I understand it they only left Afghanistan because Gorbachev became leader. IMO it depends on many factors that may not be obvious at present. Besides, they may not want to control the entire country. I doubt Putin is sharing his objectives on social media.
  16. Remember the intro to "Married with children"? The poor sucker dad sat on the couch handing out money to his family. Says it all.
  17. Either you are telling porkies, or you found the one in a million. Perhaps she likes you because you can do it 3 times in a night, so better pray you don't get prostate cancer as you'll not just lose your erectile capacity. BTW, if she is up for digging septic tanks for a living, she ain't going to be beautiful for long. Hard physical work has a detrimental effect on looks.
  18. I had lots of female friends, and worked with probably thousands over my nursing career, but always accepted that they were just friends or work colleagues, and not casual sex opportunities.
  19. My twenties were traveling the world with the military, so not interested in any relationship, 30 to 35 learning that women were not all a good relationship prospect, and afterwards not interested in western women. It wasn't till I discovered Thailand that I discovered the guaranteed happy ending, and couldn't be bothered playing the silly games one has to to get a freebee. Would I do it differently if I could go back? Probably just eliminate the wasted 5 years with a western partner, and go directly to visiting Thailand.
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