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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I dream of living in a house now. Rents in NZ are so absurd that a pension just doesn't cover it and food any more. Apparently due to new government regulations they'll be going up again soon, but I'm pretty sure pensions will not be increased, or at least by enough. Roll on the next elections when they can all lie about the great things they will do to help pensioners.
  2. Woah dude- bored with bonking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's a tragedy. You must have long time covid. Take it from one that had a sex life destroyed by prostate cancer that you should do it just because you can. We had similar lives apart from the long marriage and children to the wrong woman. I didn't get married early or have children, and I did escape the wrong partner even if I did have to start from scratch at 25. I don't remember ever having a life plan ( beyond getting married and having a family ). I started as a farm hand after school, but joined up because a guy I worked with had been in the service before and it sounded more adventurous. I didn't even know what I wanted to do when I signed up, and just lucky I got offered an apprenticeship. I decided to go to Antarctica just because I knew a guy from skiing that had been there. Never even thought about it before. Pretty much the same with every life decision I made, or perhaps didn't make but allowed to happen. I guess I just went with the flow. The only times I ever made a decision about what to do with my life I regretted it.
  3. I would have been a winner if I'd not have had my cancer treated and passed over in my early 60s. Unfortunately it was too young to accept death, but it's been a downward spiral since. Don't get me wrong; I do appreciate all the great years I had, but I've had a <deleted> life since for longer that I had a great one. I might be happier if I could actually remember the good times, but old age has robbed me of my memories as well.
  4. Agree, but unfortunately my regrets can't be fixed. However, I don't think that it's possible to not make mistakes if one doesn't risk regret.
  5. LOL. The only time I ever thought about what I wanted my life to be it was to get married and have a family. Thank the deity that didn't happen. I did get married eventually but was spared the "family" bit. I know very few children of friends that I'd have liked to parent, and in my twenties/ thirties I'd have been a terrible father, so mine would have turned out rotten too. As for my real life, Occasional years of fantastic adventure and wonder interspersed with many more years of mind destroying tyranny from employers and the wrong partner. Sadly the good times are gone and there's nowhere to move on to. I'm with the poster that says his life is <deleted>.
  6. Please don't post incorrect info. "ALL" were not already wearing masks prior to covid. In Lamphun where I lived some did, but definitely not all, and same in Chiang Mai.
  7. Gor blimey. I would never have been bothered with all that BS just to get a bit if I was lucky and had the right chat etc. Complete waste of my time when a happy ending is a given from a bar. I'll bet the cost of all those dinners etc is more than a night with a bar girl.
  8. ?????????????????? I never said I didn't get it, and I did. Just took a while.
  9. I also didn't get the ending till I had thought about it for a while.
  10. I wasn't and saw it then but while it was certainly a good movie I don't recall any uproar about at the time.
  11. I saw the trailer last night. Can't be bothered paying to see it. If the trailer doesn't catch my interest I'll be keeping my money.
  12. Watched Blacklight last night. The new one from Liam Neeson. Wish I hadn't. Apart from being too old to play action man any more, he's now making woke movies. I go to his movies for action, death and mayhem. I don't go to see family man with a mental conflict, and second rate ethnic minority actors put in to tick the boxes. I won't be seeing any more Neeson movies for sure.
  13. Days of conscripts long gone. Iraq 1, Afghanistan, Iraq 2 all volunteers, far as I know. If I'm wrong tell me which country sent conscripts to those conflicts.
  14. Fair enough, but in this case ideals are more likely to get one dead or injured than such as the Spanish adventure. BTW, any thinking of doing so should check their life insurance policy to see what it says about being a mercenary.
  15. You actually think Ukraine can win? You actually think a few foreigners can make a difference? They didn't in Spain and they were on the side of right. What makes this war different? BTW, after it's over, if you live you'll likely go home, and if you should stay you'll just be some foreigner, unless you have it tattooed on your forehead.
  16. No it isn't. Technology has made war much less survivable that it was in the 1930s ( for the losing side ).
  17. For once I agree with you. IMO other than adrenaline junkies war is only a good idea for those that were never in one. BTW, getting shot isn't like in most movies. The most realistic movie demonstration I ever saw was in "The Thin Red Line" where a young soldier is gut shot and screams till someone takes him enough morphine for him to kill himself. IMO for most soldiers war is long spells of boredom interspersed with terror. I was never in action myself, but I served with men that had been.
  18. I believe that in the US a blood test is mandatory before getting married. Now I know why! Personally I would prefer to have a relationship with a women that has been sexually active as it means that they ain't frigid. I can't imagine the horror of marrying a virgin and finding out she doesn't like sex on wedding night.
  19. Hmmmmm. If they are only looking for a penis for the night should the owner of the penis be looking for payment for the rental ie p4p but with the female the "customer"?
  20. After my wife decided that sex was no longer on the menu cuddling was a substitute, till even that was no longer available and that really was the end.
  21. I would suspect that to be the case. I know a guy that thinks he had a mild dose of covid and became very uninterested in everything including sex.
  22. WELL SAID. Nothing else is free for farangs in Thailand, so why do some expect boosters to be free? Up to the individual to make it happen in LOS, as it's not a nanny state country.
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