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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Oh we can dream can't we. If I could go back knowing what I know now, I'd never have a partner. That would ensure I was wealthy, which in turn would ensure the ready supply of women looking for a free dinner.
  2. Partner??????? LOL. One should not assume that we all have a "partner" that is actually willing to do the hokey pokey, or even have a partner at all.
  3. Never saw Eat, Drink, Man, Woman, and don't have a dvd of it so probably never will. My movie preferences at the moment are Japanese anime, especially Ghibli movies, but I tend to watch any genre if I think it looks interesting. Unfortunately, the quality of movies has gone down since covid, and I don't see many as Hollywood has decided that woke is in, which means I'm out. Besides, with the cost of petrol now, it has to be something important to get me driving.
  4. Problem is that except for the very wealthy the ride is no longer enjoyable. Not a day goes by that I'm not glad that I never had children to suffer what is to come.
  5. ??????? I had many liaisons with bar girls and except for a tiny number they were perfectly "normal" psychologically. It's normally possible to identify a nutter if one spends time with them in the bar before taking them out. Thai bargirls for the most part IMO are not making a career out of it, and do it for a couple/ few years to make some capital, then go off and live a "normal" life. I put normal in "" because in my experience there is no such beast. We all IMO have our little "quirks". It's just that some are more OTT nutters than others.
  6. After trying a beautiful one there was nothing that would induce me to repeat the experience.
  7. These days most women that would have sex with us ( without having the ring on the finger first ) have had an active sex life, IMO involving sex with many different men, whether casual or serial monogamous. No way I'd ever be interested in a virgin of any age. BTW, no matter how often it gets used, it doesn't wear out, and it's easy to test for STDs ( if one doesn't want to use a condom ).
  8. I'd trade all my remaining years for a single session that was so good it killed me. I've no idea why any woman would be so perfect, but make the most of it. Both my long partners were perfect till they were not.
  9. To read some of the posts on this forum, it would seem that millions of non prostitute Thai women of all ages and wealth are willing to engage in casual sex with foreign men on a first "date". Frankly, I just don't believe it. Personally I couldn't be bothered with playing the "dating" game when a happy ending was guaranteed at any Thai bar.
  10. Perhaps she wants something other than money, like a long term visa to a western country. When things seem too good to be true, they usually are.
  11. Misunderstood the OP. Does "dating" include happy endings?
  12. how has this film affected you, .............................? And, don't we just love this film, as a cult film, almost as much as we love The Big Chill? Watched it last night, and the only effect on me was to want to punch certain characters till they woke up and appreciated their affluent lifestyle. Didn't love the Big Chill either. The puzzle for me is why Ang Lee wanted to make this film, given it's IMO about human drones that fill no meaningful function in life other than consume and engage in mediocre sex ( or not at all, even with a husband ). I had no connection on an emotional level with any of the characters. The anime "I want to eat your pancreas" was more emotional for me than the death of that kid at the end of the movie. The movie seemed to me to have something profound to say, but it was struggling to get out, and given it is a movie that I never want to watch again, I, for one, will not be discovering it. Weaver deserves an oscar for portraying what must be one of the nastiest female characters I've seen in a long time. Made in 1997, what was blazingly obvious was that it was not PC or woke in any way. Not a single ethic minority inserted for no good reason. How the movies have fallen since those days!
  13. Anyone else see Afghanistan version 2? IMO it will end when Crimea is linked to to the breakaway regions. I certainly hope NATO does not get involved. As Ukraine is not a member it's nothing to do with NATO. Have we learned nothing from Vietnam and Iraq?
  14. Before rushing off to volunteer, check the law in your own country. Some countries do not allow citizens to become mercenaries. It might also be a good idea to be a trained soldier, as there's more to it than pointing a rifle and pulling the trigger. I'm not even going to get into being able to speak Ukranian.
  15. Speaking of incorrect angles, after my hand bones were OK to remove the pins the little finger was slightly misaligned, but over the years it realigned sufficiently not to be an annoyance. I did make a mistake having it pinned instead of plated. More expensive, but no need to have pins sticking out for weeks and requiring daily dressings.
  16. While I don't know all of Sam's poetry, the ones I've read don't seem to do much rhyming. They're on the internet for those interested. I was lucky enough to see him orate in Wellington way back in the late 70s or early 80s and have one of his books signed by him. To add something on topic, I reckon money would exchange hands for a street food hawker to operate from a certain location and if anyone was to deny that space they might regret it. Same with regards to parking m'bikes on a public road in a town, There is usually someone collecting money to allow your m'bike to remain in one piece.
  17. Oh, how satisfying it must be to a cultural rejectionist. Sam Hunt ( the poet I went to see ) is a great NZ character, much loved and cherished, who gives more of a performance than a poetry reading. However, wrap yourself in whatever assumptions you may have about poets and don't go to hear them. More room for those that do appreciate it.
  18. Soooo, what is your pin less solution for a fractured femur? Before steel rods came into use they were in traction for about 12 weeks ( I forget the exact length of time ). Superglue?
  19. Given I worked in orthopaedics for a few years I find your post unconvincing.
  20. When I was facing the cut off age for insurance from a Thai company I seriously considered option b, but getting divorced and not being able to get pension in Thailand meant I had to exit anyway. However, from what I'm told by those that have been in hospital in NZ recently, staff shortages mean that getting a "good" stay in a public hospital is unlikely, so no satisfactory options these days it would seem.
  21. After someone drove into me while I was stationary I ended up having pins put into my arm. Had I not had insurance it would have ended badly for me. Sometimes one is just unlucky. I was very happy to be insured.
  22. Never saw it yet, but I'm sure I have the dvd somewhere, so I'll try and watch it soon to know. No wonder I find marriage to be a nonsense. If people don't care enough about their partner to be monogamous, what is the point of getting married?
  23. If, after working one's butt off doing a job one doesn't like for 40 years, one is actually able to retire, one should be able to do whatever one wants to, even if that involves not doing anything important. I do not accept that that applies to those that live off the proceeds of crime or those that exploit taxpayers all their ( non working ) life.
  24. I know I said I wouldn't respond, but how do you make that about you when it was referring to "young girls haven't lived long enough to become jaded with life, cynical and bitter"? The GIRLS, not YOU. If you don't understand that by now I give up trying to explain.
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