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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. The good news, as always, would be that it's not back in the country we want to leave. I'd go back to live in LOS in a heartbeat if it were possible, but I'll never qualify for a non O again unless I win lotto.
  2. No guarantees of a long life and death can come at any time. We should all live each day as if it were our last.
  3. No guarantees about living long. Friend of mine same age died 20 years ago from natural causes. We die when we die- end of.
  4. What on earth are you going on about? From your own data 53, 544 died from the flu and pneumonia in the US alone in 2020. I said "many", and 53,544 is certainly "many" by any calculation. I never said it was the main cause of death. I have no idea why you are saying I said that, but I can guess.
  5. I see it more along the lines of the Gulf war #2. Intention of going in and changing the leadership then getting out, but it didn't work in Iraq and may not work this time either.
  6. Exactly right, and applies equally to you and everything you say.
  7. I don't think I've ever presented myself as anything but an opponent of mandates and suchlike, but that applies to any situation, not just covid. It's that that I confront, not vaccinations per se, given I have all the relevant vaccinations in my life. I have reservations about pfizer and related vaccines, which I refused to take, but that is related to the technology used and the short time taken to bring it into use. I took an alternative as soon as it became available that didn't use the same technology. Don't bother trying to blind me with science about it as I've heard all the pro arguments and they make zero difference to my opinion. Saying something is "misinformation" 500 times isn't going to change my mind, given that the pro side is IMO trying to bludgeon us into submission. Even if I had no problem with the technology, the attacks by the pro side are such that I'd not have it just to oppose that abuse.
  8. I'll just add that I had thought it was Putin saber rattling to deflect attention away from any problems he may have been having, so I'm a bit surprised he went through with it. The biggest danger IMO is that the west may actually get involved in the fighting, and if that happens covid would be the least of our problems, IMO.
  9. The only female interest likely to be displayed is in bar areas and only so long as one has sufficient cash. I put stories of non bar girls throwing themselves at farangs for free nights of unbounded lust firmly in the urban myth category.
  10. I prefer being being alone, but with friends I can visit occasionally. I'd be happier if I had friends that I could live with, but separately, as I used to do back in the 80s. Best of both worlds, when I lived in a sleep out on friend's property.
  11. I don't watch the news routinely, and I haven't been listening to the radio recently so first I knew about it was this thread. I'll switch on Al Jazeera for an update. I doubt this thread will survive long though, given it can only become political.
  12. and from all the reports I've read, omicron is, for most that catch it, no worse than flu ( from which many died every year ). If omicron had been the first version of covid, does anyone think the western world would have locked down as they did?
  13. No dispute from me, but I was talking about labeling him "legendary", which IMO takes more than being "pretty good". I was never in a Thai bar for the music anyway.
  14. I agree 100%, but some posters are sure to recite the same reasons they post for the umpteenth time whenever anyone posts anything saying a vaccination is not needed because of natural immunity.
  15. I hated the pop ups, but personally I don't have a problem with the ones in the OP, which have been included for a long time, so long as they don't make them flash at me. Not much different to having to put up with the ones on U Tube. If it takes ads in the OP to have a free site I'll accept that, as no way I'd pay to use any forum.
  16. Happily in NZ it's LAW that one can NOT be forced to have any medication against one's will. Parents in the case of children. They can make it inconvenient to not have a jab, but they can't forcibly inject anyone against their will. If they tried, they'd have a fight with the voters. There are large popular demonstrations against the existing mandates already, as is the case in other democratic countries. Anyway, IMO sensible countries like the UK are abandoning all the mandates and imposed requirements without having mandated jabs.
  17. Doesn't stop you reading the various opinions posted on the internet and making up your own mind. That's what I did before deciding to refuse a pfizer jab. I had an alternative when it became available, though I'd prefer to have had Novovax, but it wasn't available when the IMO <deleted> anti unvaccinated penalizing measures came into force, so to have a life I took the option least likely to give me problems. So far it was a good decision.
  18. Which is what I and many others have been saying all along. Let those that wish to protect themselves by whatever means they choose do so and leave the rest of us to get on with our lives, as we see fit. I very much hope some governments are punished at the next polls for what they have done, and in some cases are still doing.
  19. If going to describe a post as disgusting, IMO it's the one threatening other posters with violence. Your OP is entirely valid, IMO.
  20. Life isn't the same as when I was young. I had the choice of jobs ( didn't have to compete at all ), and the future was mine to make. Anything was possible if I wanted it. Now it's all about money and status, and it's hard to get a decent job without paying to become qualified ( I was paid to train ). I think if I was a kid now I might very well kill myself, as trying to look at it from their point of view the world looks like <deleted> to me. A world without hope is bleak indeed. No wonder so many of them use drugs.
  21. I have friends, but they are all too busy with their own lives to have me hanging around with them all the time. No interest in joining the clubs where I live, and the ones I would join are far away in the city. Losing most of one's wealth to the wrong woman does not bode well for one's social life, given the price of petrol these days.
  22. Only if you have good friends willing to help. If have money easier to pay for help in LOS than in a western country where home help costs large. In NZ they don't even have enough hospital staff, so how could they provide help in one's home?
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