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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. For instance? Can't just make a generalisation like that and not back it up with so much better alternatives.
  2. Depends on too many things yet to come to make an informed decision IMO. What new rules will immigration come up with? Will the supply of bar girls willing to marry old farangs be sufficient? What will be the real cost of living when the exchange rate with inflation rampant western nations is taken into account? Etc.
  3. Perhaps you can explain just where the "delta" in Thailand is. I've never heard any where described as "the delta" and google does not help.
  4. While I have no comment regarding the rest of your post, I have to inquire as to whether you consider Chiang Mai to NOT be in the north of Thailand? I lived in Lamphun, 20 minutes from Chiang Mai and the hot season was very hot. Being outside was like being in an oven that was turned on. AC was essential for me to be comfortable. However, in the winter it was probably a lot cooler than in the south.
  5. Might explain why I never heard of him, as I'd rather cut them off with a rusty razor blade than go on that IMO despicable medium.
  6. So helpful I never saw any of it. I've heard the name before on this forum, but never in real life while living in LOS. While she lives I doubt the name of the medal will change as when she was born it did indeed exist. That it has come to the stage where Britain can't even make it's own planes to put on the new aircraft carrier is IMO a stain on all British politicians that reduced Britain from the ruler of much of the planet, to a sick joke.
  7. Agree about NATO. it should have been disbanded after Soviet Union died. IMO it's been an organisation in search of a mission to justify it's existence since. Militaries without a war are not happy places, as I can say, since I was in one when Vietnam finished and we had no real purpose in life. I got out because it became overwhelmed with the bovine dust once all those that had fought left, and the idiots took over.
  8. That's not what I was referring to but when you wrote which I took as saying all Thais have always worn masks prior to covid.
  9. I liked Dune. Best movie version I've seen. At least the stillsuits are realistic, unlike the shams in the Kyle MacLachlan version.
  10. I never said it was required, but IMO if one doesn't have it one needs to be extremely wealthy or carry a sharp blade.
  11. IMO if not prepared to give your life to YOUR children you shouldn't have any.
  12. I hope you had a work permit as a teacher. These girls crying on my shoulder were not lying to me. LOL. I made a point of asking bar girls I trusted if they were ever abused or mistreated by the farangs they went with, and none were. Yes, bad things happen, but they can happen to anyone and being a Thai bar girl is not a dangerous job in the same sense as being a street walker in an American city. For starters they don't have pimps that force them to go with anyone, and they can ( and do ) refuse to go with nutters. sweaty, fat, bald, drunk singha tank top wearing mongers You say that as if it's true of all mongers when it's blatantly obvious to anyone that actually frequents Thai bar beers that it's not. The vast majority are nothing like that at all. When you come out with statements like that it causes me to doubt that you actually spent much time in bar beers to know anything about them other than what you read. "help them cope" LOL. Most bar girls share a room with other bar girls, unless they live with the husband/ boyfriend that DOES exploit them, so they don't need some farang to talk to about the job, which often involves long periods of boredom. I lived with my wife in an single room apartment block in Pattaya where many bar girls lived and they mostly shared with 3 or 4 in a room.
  13. You are confusing your posts. I said that, but I never said ALL Thai girls. Don't change the meaning of what I wrote.
  14. I never said "wealthy" per se. I meant "wealthy in COMPARISON to being back home and trying to survive on the same amount of money". I had a "wealthy life style" in LOS on the same amount of money as I have for a <deleted> life back home. I paid less to live in a very nice hotel with everything than I do for the less than satisfactory room I live in now that has nothing except electricity.
  15. My first Thai GF left the bar to work as a maid. It was such a vile job that she went back to the bar as a service girl.
  16. I said that sex can be like going to the loo. However he got it wrong as I didn't say that ALL Thai girls think sex is like going to the loo, as I was referring to a specific post which to my recollection was implying that sex was "special".
  17. Bar girls are expert at knowing what to say to any particular farang. I didn't believe anything they said to me except when they told me how much they were going to cost. After all, they make a living from making farangs believe that they are a "good thing".
  18. If a guy can afford the money necessary to have a non O visa extended and pay for health insurance he's better off in LOS than trying to survive back "home". PERIOD.
  19. Agreed. I was lucky in that I was raised in NZ at a time when I could do any job I wanted to do, provided I turned up to sign up. I do feel sorry for young people that some of the jobs I did without any prior qualifications now require a university degree to be accepted, as it must make it very difficult for those that can't afford a university education. Even the military now requires educational passes in certain subjects when I was accepted without any and was offered an apprenticeship.
  20. Need to have a future to look to it. When one is in the waiting room for the end all there is is the past. When the present sucks it helps to have a past that one can be satisfied to have had, and my Thai decades are very satisfying to look back on.
  21. I've read that story before, but it should be mandatory reading in school. I've been the fisherman all my life, but it did come to haunt me in late life.
  22. Agree. Just like nobody gets married with the intention of getting divorced, except gold diggers. It just happens for about 50% of people that do.
  23. My 20s would indeed qualify for one of those made for tv movies, but I doubt having fun in Thailand in my 40s and 50s is what they are after. However, I could provide information for a great expose of what was bad about nursing from the 1980s decade to the 2010 decade.
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