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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Is this "massive" enough for you? https://www.nytimes.com/article/canada-trucker-protests.html For weeks, Canadian protesters fighting vaccine requirements have paralyzed Ottawa and key border crossings, inspired demonstrations around the globe and injected political instability into the stunned top of Canadian government. > > The weeks of protests have become one of the most visible, and contagious, eruptions of anti-vaccine anger around the world. Similar caravans have clogged traffic on the streets of Belgium, France, New Zealand and even Finland.
  2. I thought they made the airline that brought one take one back from where one came from if entry is refused.
  3. Not ridiculous at all. Even when I did shave I never used smelly water on my face after. Don't see the point.
  4. Haven't shaved my face for a very long time, so no need to pay for smelly water.
  5. I did if they sold something I liked. In Lamphun the only place to buy proper satay was from a street vendor.
  6. Must be something about entitled people looking to be offended. Many years ago I went to see a well known poet giving a session in the theatre hall, and an American asked if he could sit at my table. I was on my own so said yes. We were making small talk to pass the time, and I made a completely inoffensive comment about something to which he flew into a rage and started abusing me. Some very strange people around! Unfortunately I couldn't tell him to go away but it made for an awkward time till it was over.
  7. How on earth does responding to a post about guys that want the youngest around become about you? This is what I quoted and what I responded to "I admit to being baffled by guys that want the youngest around". specifically the bit about "guys that want the youngest". I fail to understand how you make that about yourself. Sparktrader understood when he wrote " Perhaps you were having a bad day or something. I will not be responding to anything further about this.
  8. Read my post and what I quoted again, it wasn't about you personally.
  9. I don't know about that, but IMO many have had a gutsful of the mandates and governments have to be concerned about the massive anti mandate protests going on. If they can't defeat it after 2 years and all the socially destructive mandates, I doubt they ever will. IMO it'll be like the flu- some will get a jab every year and the rest will live with it. They won't be obsessing over it like now though. Most I speak about it with are so over it all, if they were ever invested in it to begin with.
  10. Obesity causes many problems ( eg diabetes ), and is, IMO for most, avoidable. Are they to blame for any obesity related health problems when they could have avoided them by not eating too much bad food and exercising more? I have my own opinion on that, but perhaps you have a differing one.
  11. The mandates are alive and well in NZ ( while other countries like the UK have abandoned most ), and except for the shopkeepers that can't be bothered checking vaccine passports are as inconvenient as ever. Beginning to change though, and many have had enough of it all. Massive protests against the mandates, as in other countries. Was discussing it with a friend and she reckons those that were sacked for not having the vaccine will be getting re employed ( while still unvaccinated ) by June. Have to wait and see if she's right on that.
  12. Married the wrong person, but many different reasons was the last straw.
  13. If one enjoys that why not? IMO few of us get to live the dream, so if the dream is achievable, go for it.
  14. Could be 'cause they haven't lived long enough to become jaded with life, cynical and bitter. Not having any desire to be in the slammer for a jail bait I never tried, but I understand why some risk it.
  15. I'm pre diabetic and had to give up sugar. The battle to not buy any sugar laden food that I loved is ongoing and difficult. That's for a non addictive substance that does not cause withdrawal symptoms. I just thank the deity I never tried any hard illegal drug, as I have no doubt I'd have died with a needle in my arm long ago.
  16. Absolutely NOTHING to do with the junta, unless you blame them for not changing the existing rules to suit under 50 farangs. Has been as long as I can remember for most. Their country and they can let anyone they want to live in or not live in the country.
  17. Correct, but have you considered they don't want someone that isn't working, studying, retired or married living in Thailand? Their country their rules.
  18. I'm not a fan of rehab for drug addicts. Either one chooses to give it up, or IMO nothing will make them do so.
  19. Last time I listened to the radio ( about 10 days ago ) they were still bigging up omicron in NZ, though for all the practical difference it's making where I live it hasn't amounted to anywhere near as bad as the media doom sayers were claiming. When it first came to public notice I thought it would be everywhere by now, but I don't know anyone caught it and only 1 reported case of omicron infection in the city so far.
  20. Do a boat/ ship's engine oil change and dump the old oil overboard could be one reason.
  21. Rules are often broken. It was against the "rules" to invade Ukraine, but that didn't stop Putin.
  22. May not be dumped at sea, as it could be dumped in rivers and float down to the sea. Stuff like the rubber that flip flops were cut from might fit that category. Some probably comes off fishing boats like the oil containers, and plastic bags I used to pick up.
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