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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Ummmm. Should that not be "we DRILLED" an artesian bore? What sort of English do you teach those newbie bar girls?
  2. and yet you continue to regale us with stories of how a rich Thai woman that owns property with no input from yourself is willing to give you some ownership over them, and how in between fishing all night, planting trees and digging wells on her land, etc you find time to oversee bars for absent owners despite never spending time in bars as a customer ( so how do you get to know the owners so well that they trust you with their finances ) and give English lessons to fresh off the bus village girls. ????
  3. IMO if a guy gets bored with sex he ain't doing it right, or his partner is boring.
  4. What happens when someone points out that National Insurance is for the pension, not the general spending pot?
  5. However, I doubt the MPs will restrict their own lucrative pension arrangements. I wonder how they will react when they count up how many votes they will lose by doing so? At least in NZ we get the opportunity to give them the boot every 3 years, which constrains the real insanity they want to inflict on us.
  6. I understand that you dislike the present government, but your hatred for them is not born out in the reality of life such as I experienced when living in LOS. Certainly not as bad as when Thaksin was in charge. That really was a low point for LOS IMO. If expats want to leave that is up to them, but IMO they won't find it any better when they get back to where they belong. Doesn't matter how bad it gets in LOS, it can't be worse than where I am now, and at least it's hot there.
  7. If you think having sex is just a craving like the need to drink alcohol, IMO it's no wonder you have your attitude to sex. However, IMO few men ever have really good sex, so it's understandable if they ain't particularly enamoured of it.
  8. Which is why I would spend a lot of time with a bar girl before deciding to take her out. I'm sure if I were a BG and guys used me as a <deleted> bucket I'd have a negative opinion of them too, but if they took the time to get to know me a bit, and were considerate, I don't think I'd hate them for it. Anyway, why should a customer care about the girl when the likelihood is that they'll never see them again? Besides, if the girls dislike it that much they can always go plant rice or work in a sweat shop. I have zero sympathy for BGs that complain about it when none are forced to do it. It's a choice to work in the farang bar scene.
  9. Call me abnormal then, but I doubt you are correct. IMO more likely it's just a myth because old wives don't want to do it and only the very rich or the Heffners of the world can get young adults to do it with them in western countries. I reckon I'll be dead before it gets cheap enough in LOS for me to return there, so that leaves only 1 option.
  10. The worst U turn I saw in LOS was on the dual carriage way going south from Lamphun. On a very windy bit of road there was a U turn WITHOUT a dedicated lane for turning vehicles, so anyone waiting to turn was in the main road and given that it was just around a blind corner the possibility of a collision was rather high. Luckily, I never saw anyone actually attempting to do so.
  11. Jury is out on that, but while the official line as gathered from the radio ads ( I don't watch local tv as IMO it's unwatchable <deleted>) is that it's still something to be feared, the reality is that it doesn't appear to be so. The death toll is announced every day and on the last day that I heard the stats 8 died, all old. They won't say if people die FROM or WITH, so I'm only guessing if I opt for WITH. It's probably too soon to be saying it's all over bar the shouting, but if a more deadly strain appears it's probably really going to knock the economy for six, as it's getting pretty bad already, and IMO has barely begun as the knock on effects of two years of restrictions is going to make things awful for a very long time ( rather like long covid ).
  12. So far, from what I've read on here he is a farang that lives in Thailand and writes about it on social media. Given that there are many sources of info about Thailand that don't involve social media I fail to understand exactly why his twitterings are worthy of recognition by the Crown. Of course, given that I will never use face thingy or such like, I guess I'll never find out for myself.
  13. Ask google "What was the average height of a French man during the French Revolution?" and the answer is "The estimated average height of a French man in 1820 was 5 feet 4 inches (about 1.65 meters). At the time of his death in 1821, Napoleon measured about 5 feet 7 inches (roughly 1.68 meters) tall, meaning that he was actually of above-average height."
  14. Sure about that? Stalin ordered the deaths of millions of his own citizens and died in his bed. Short of a war with Russia by the west, I don't see Putin at risk of being removed. They've been saying for years that Bashar Hafez al-Assad will be gone, but he's still there. BTW, seems to me that the Russians like strong men for leaders, unlike in the west where we elect people like Tony.
  15. I'm assuming you are being satirical. Unless you also cauterised all your hormone producing organs the lust will, IMO, return. I haven't had any since leaving LOS and moreover have not seen anything resembling a pretty and feminine female such as are in abundence in LOS. Plenty of females, but feminine, not. However, the internet provides us with what we used to have to buy magazines such as Playboy to see, and imagination is wonderful.
  16. IN his case, WHY? What has he ever done that made the life of the average farang living in LOS better? Given I never heard of him other than on this forum, I doubt he did much that made a real difference. Did he make immigration easier/ better for us, make us qualified to be treated in a Thai pubic hospital at Thai prices, stop the cons against farangs, etc? Do tell.
  17. Firstly you called out the wrong poster for my statement about it. Secondly, I never said that it was like going to the loo for ALL Thai girls.
  18. I once thought of joining the SAS, then I gave myself a slap and forgot about it.
  19. I wasn't aware that Mauritius has lovely maidens available for a pittance. However the politics makes it a bit iffy for me anyway. I once would have made the Philippines my base had I asked the lovely Filipina lass I met in Cyprus for her address, but the fact that they need shotgun wielding security guards puts me off there. I once wanted to visit Cambodia, till I read it was over run with Russians and later Chinese. Soooooo, for me LOS remains the cheese.
  20. Is climbing Everest even a big deal now that so many have done it?
  21. Unless diseased, fresh urine is sterile and IMO will not harm you to drink. I wouldn't drink stale urine though. The problem is that it tastes revolting, so the addition of cordial is recommended.
  22. Gonna send me a cheque for the payment then? If I could afford a small unit or townhouse do you think I'd have ever left LOS? You rich guys have no idea.
  23. I agree on "less", but IMO it will be because 80s style inflation will return to destroy people's economic worth. I don't recall huge numbers of farangs emigrating to Thailand in the 80s.
  24. I'd certainly like to escape back to Thailand, but that's because it's too expensive to live a decent life here now. IMO any without large financial resources are going to find themselves in the doodoo before it's all over.
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