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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. No, I dug a big hole at the end of the beach where nobody stayed, and each day I put the collection of garbage in it. On my last day I burnt it all, then covered the hole with sand. The hotel staff where I used to stay swept up the garbage from in front of the hotel and buried it in front of the hotel. No doubt it's still there under the sand today, decades later.
  2. Many used to give a hotel address for first night and then move on. Some just gave any address from a travel guide and went elsewhere, but that MIGHT be risky now. Seems to be the age of idiots in places where they can make things difficult for normal people. Probably won't change when covid finally ends as anything important, because the bureaucratically minded won't give up their power to inconvenience easily. Whatever, I doubt they will listen to common sense, so just play the game.
  3. Always been so, but when the tourists came they cleaned it up. Probably can't be bothered now with few tourists. I used to go for a morning walk along Chaweng beach with a bag and pick up the rubbish, so what is to stop the OP doing same if it's that upsetting.
  4. So, let all the "immunocompromised, more susceptible to severe COVID outcomes, or still too young to be eligible for the vaccine" wear a mask and take whatever steps they think necessary to protect themselves, and leave the rest of us to not wear one and live our lives as we think fit.
  5. If he has a happy marriage, kids that love him, and enjoys his life he's a winner. I enjoyed traveling very much, but the bits between when I had to work to afford to travel sucked mightily, and now that my traveling days are over, life is <deleted> and I'm not for the exit any time soon. I'd trade all my travel days to have/ have had a happy life.
  6. Of all the people I know who got married, most divorced, and the few that did stay married I wouldn't change places with, as their marriages are not what I consider "enjoyable". The only man I know who had a happy long marriage died 20 years ago, so we'll never know if it would have stayed happy. That's a pretty significant reason to doubt that marriage works for the guy.
  7. Ouch! Reminds me of the time I wanted to attach a coat hook to the wall and used an all steel push drill to make a hole and bridged the positive and earth wires on a cable cunningly run just beneath the wall board by someone before. Melted the drill bit before the fuse wire melted! Had it been just the positive I'd not be writing this now. I did stop using the steel push drill for house walls after that.
  8. After 2 years of it, IMO time to face reality ( it's everywhere now- not going to keep it out any more ), man up and scrap all the mandates. If people are scared, let them be responsible for themselves. If they want to say that people refusing to get the vaccination should have to pay if end up in hospital, that OK with me, but they should at least at least provide an affordable insurance in that case.
  9. No one to blame except themselves. If the woman wasn't prepared to marry them without a house and car etc being included she WASN'T WORTH IT.
  10. How about letting a trusted sibling "buy" it with the understanding that it would be to "rent" if one had to go back? My sister is into renting houses, and had I "sold" it to her before I left my partner, I'd still be able to live in it now. In the meantime any profits from renting it would have been hers.
  11. If that were the case, IMO women intending to get wealthy off a man would be nice till the new time limit was reached. I've never understood why any wealthy man in the US would get married given their strange alimony laws that allows a woman to live off a man with whom they do not live, presumably for life, unless she remarries. Tell me if that's wrong.
  12. Oh my, that's going to upset a few on here that want everyone to wear the things. They are so invested in them that it must be upsetting as more countries remove mask mandates. Hopefully even NZ will do so, and the sooner the better IMO.
  13. You reckon the new guy is doing any better? 55555555555555555
  14. Just as well for many that promises made during a Church wedding ceremony have no legal standing, given that so many break them when the going gets tough- there is apparently no such thing as "for better or worse" in real life. No wonder I now despise the entire marriage industry. Spend a fortune on dresses, and a big dinner/ dance, make promises not intended to be kept, and soon as it gets a bit stale pay lawyers large to get out of it. That people even think a prenup is a good idea says it all. Enter marital bliss by preparing for the end of it! Bah humbug to the lot of it.
  15. Big mistake, IMO. I've been visiting/ living in Thailand for decades, and in that time not a single work colleague or friend has brought up the subject. Few of them were travelers themselves, and far as I could see had no interest in anything outside their own little bubble. The rare times Thailand comes up with others that have actually visited Thailand the conversation begins and ends with "I loved Thailand", but not, apparently, enough to have a discussion about it. I spent time in Antarctica, and on my return not a single family member or friend asked me about it, so it's not just Thailand they have zero interest in.
  16. Nothing to do with wisdom, IMO. The guys you reference probably never had a chance in life ( it happens ) and they are bitter. Such people probably go after the "other" as it makes them feel better about themselves, as in "I'm not as rubbish as them". Often used by politicians to gain votes. Many examples in history- Hitler and the Jews etc.
  17. I don't see what that is to do with me, so why quote me? I've been in NZ for a while already.
  18. Wishful thinking IMO. Statistically you have about a 50% chance of the marriage lasting.
  19. Ask yourself if it all falls apart in the new place and you have to return home, can you afford to rent/ buy something decent there. I'd give anything to have had a house to go back to, as I'm living only one step above a public car park. Houses prices and rents here are entering insane territory, and it's going to end very badly, IMO.
  20. Do they have the village marriage option in the Philippines?
  21. Unless you are some sort of Adonis, IMO she is looking for something more than a roll in the hay, so yes, a pre nup, if legal in Oz. If like NZ, just living together for a certain length of time makes her "entitled" to half your treasure except for that acquired prior to your partnership, but consulting a lawyer would be prudent.
  22. Didn't I already say that few are wise? We just know more, though IMO most of what we know is of not much use. Am I more wise because a news item tells me that 21 people died in a bus accident in a country far far away that I'll never visit?
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