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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. OR, we can just say to <deleted> with it and live our lives till we can't.
  2. Just curious, but what country has the most beautiful then, in your opinion? Can't be Britain- I've lived there to know. Japanese women can be more beautiful than Thai women IMO, but I doubt as available, or as reasonably priced.
  3. Why? All Thai women are not the same ethnicity. Chiang Mai girls are IMO far more beautiful than girls from Issan, but that is probably down to the Chinese genes.
  4. I don't know if that is a recommendation for Buriram or not, but she's definitely not my type.
  5. Why are you surprised when women use their beauty to get assets? Mick Jagger is IMO as ugly as they come, but has no problem getting attractive women to bonk him.
  6. I wish there was more info about the sort of people dying. It makes a difference if it it were for some preventable condition like obesity or down to no particular reason. I just haven't seen any such info out there.
  7. But there aren't 1 million hospitalizations, or deaths a day, are there? Sounds like people have had enough of the government <deleted> and are just getting on with their lives. Good for them.
  8. In who's opinion is it "sleazy"? That's the sort of comment I expect from a wowser. For actual "sleaze" one would have to go to Soho in London, IMO.
  9. IMO there has been very little released about the sort of people most at risk, other than the very old and those with underlying health problems. I have to wonder if it was known that obese people are at high risk, would PC be suppressing that info?
  10. Some of us are not antivax per se, just anti pfizer. I got an alternative as soon as it was made available. Had an alternative been available when they first came out I'd have had it then.
  11. Anything related to MSM gets an automatic dismissal from me.
  12. IMO only to be expected, given the ( IMO ) disastrous way most western governments have handled the situation. I would include the Thai government in that.
  13. What would happen to a Thai woman that WASN'T married to a farang ATM? Would she still have to stay in an hotel, or be allowed to quarantine at home?
  14. Can't say I have any sympathy for Phuket hotels. IMO they have been ripping farangs off for decades, and that was part of the reason I stopped going to Phuket last century- IMO the whole island became a tourist rip off.
  15. Google is your friend. One only has to type the right question, and one would probably come up with aseannow, and even a short read of this forum would provide enough info to decide not to go to LOS.
  16. What I find AMAZING ( get it? ) about foreign tourists even deciding to go to Thailand, is why they made the decision to go there, rather than a country that isn't such a mess. Do they not do any research in such times, or do they just believe the travel agent's propaganda? I love Thailand, but I'd NEVER go there at the moment. BTW, compulsory testing is just asking for scams, in LOS ( land of scams ), IMO.
  17. From what I read on the Pattaya subforum, they closed an entire area.
  18. Which is what some of us have been saying from the very start. Nearly 2 years and billions of $ wasted, lives destroyed by lockdowns, multiple entirely forseeable side effects of lockdowns, and we appear to be no nearer to an end of covid than at the beginning. Never mind, some politicians got popular, despite having achieved ( IMO ) sod all, so not bad for them.
  19. "it protects you from having severe symptoms" ? What about all those vaccinated that the media has been telling us are in hospital? Are they putting people without severe symptoms in hospital now? 15% is not an insignificant number. IMO the vaccinate vaccinate vaccinate mantra is looking rather threadbare now. https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/characteristics-of-vaccinated-patients-hospitalized-with-covid-19-breakthrough-infections/ While people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 have a significantly reduced risk of severe illness, some hospitalizations and deaths have been reported among fully vaccinated people with breakthrough COVID-19 infections.
  20. 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 I only retired in LOS BECAUSE of my time there before I retired.
  21. 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 I only retired in LOS BECAUSE of my time there before I retired.
  22. If you know my welding ability from what I wrote you must be psychic. BTW anyone can claim to do anything on here, even qualify 50 welders, LOL.
  23. The malls IMO will survive because the mall owners don't own the individual stores- they rent the space. Therefore, they only need a constant stream of small shop owners renting, even if they go broke and have to leave. I don't have any figures, but I'd expect the attrition rate to be high. The small shops seemed to change quite regularly. The malls could look busy, as people like I would go there to eat at the food court, see a movie, buy some groceries etc. No point in looking at popular shops like Apple or Power Buy. Need to look at the little watch shop I liked that vanished because not enough customers.
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