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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I gave the vdo a fair go but at 8.30 when the guy started spouting such a nonsense conspiracy theory I had to give up. Trump haters are quick to accuse his supporters of being conspiracy theorists, but seems a few among their side as well.
  2. Which girl are you referring to? The thread is about A, or are you saying she is lying?
  3. Sooooo, the real question is if all those will use the train instead of cars. Time will tell.
  4. True love is free and it works really well. NB I said TRUE love, not that fake love bought with shiny trinkets.
  5. If normal is continual comments about climate change or rants about ex presidents I scorn normal.
  6. If this is the end of Musk as any sort of important person, IMO it's a good thing. If it's the end of twit thing even better.
  7. According to Al Jazeera this morning, Musk is planing to sack half the staff and advertisers are leaving in droves. I wonder if the first thing he did when taking control was to sack the managers as revenge for going to court to force him to buy it? I wonder if they thought it through when going to court?
  8. It's apparently only misinformation if it's the "wrong" side saying it. On the "right" side everything they say is truthful. LOL.
  9. Having been involved with Thailand for decades I know very well what a coup is. It's not a demonstration followed by a riot. The lack of any military involvement on the side of those accused of fomenting a coup would be significant, would you not agree?
  10. Just keep telling yourself that after the GOP takes the house ( hopefully ), and all those "get Trump" committees go away.
  11. and lucky for the GOP. Given how close the polls are, they might have had a chance if they stuck to what the populace care about. 3 days to go!
  12. Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. Had Trump said anything along the lines of "break into the Capitol building, hang the government and escort me in to become a dictator" he'd be in a federal jail already.
  13. LOL. It's likely that after the 8th there will be no Jan 6 committee, ergo no need to testify to anything.
  14. I thought your post is nonsense. You have no way of knowing that the thousands that went to demonstrate intended to have a coup. You didn't even support that supposition with a link.
  15. How's the weight/ measurement around waist going? ????
  16. Indeed they are and it's making them so stupid they don't even look where they are going. <deleted> phones are an ideal medium for the sheeple. The clever people I know have them, but only use them when they need to, not all the time.
  17. Didn't stop me posting.
  18. There is nothing wrong with the format. Most of the sub forums are to do with local stuff and never had loads of posters on them. The popular sub forums no longer have as many posting IMO because the popular subjects are apparently no longer allowed. "Where is the best pizza in Pattaya" may be relevant to pizza lovers in Pattaya, but not, IMO, to anyone else. On one subforum, it's basically a small number of posters attacking anyone that has a different opinion that is IMO driving other posters away. About 6 years ago it had a large number of posters contributing, but no longer. No one wants to post something only to be vilified or abused for it. If one wants to see why people have left, do an internet search, as they tell it as they experienced it. Like E-mails and things , technology moves on If you mean to those horrid not as smart as they think they are phones, some may like that tiny screen, but I never will. Hate them.
  19. A few good bits amongst the bad or boring does not make the reality of those times better. I just forget the bad bits now.
  20. Reminds me of the time I was passing security in Heathrow. English guy made a joke and the ( foreign ) security person had a full on melt down, and held us all up for about 10 minutes. They obviously don't train those security people very well. Pathetic lack of self control.
  21. Even American and British humour is different. I can't stand Jerry Lewis, or Adam Sandler.
  22. Agree. Long ago when a certain hotel existed near Soi Cowboy, I stayed in it every time with my CF of the time. One time the drinking water jug was contaminated with dirt or something, and I was going to complain to the waiter, but GF told me to say nothing. I didn't say anything, and didn't drink the water, but wondered why. Your post explains it nicely.
  23. I feel nostaglic all the time, but I know in my heart nothing was really as good as I remember it.
  24. IMO no such thing. I think it's the same as Utopia, a place everyone wants to be, but will never find. I've never known "normal". Every day is different, so how could they be "normal"? I'll accept that what we do every day can be the same, till they are not, so that could be a sort of normal.
  25. IMO thought is something beyond reality shown to us BY electrical impulses in the brain, but not CREATED by the electrical impulses. Ie we "see" images in our brain much the same way we "see" images on a tv. A tv shows us a picture by means of electrical impulses, but it doesn't create the pictures itself. They come from elsewhere. Far as I'm concerned our bodies just carry "us" around, but it isn't "us". For all I know we might be like a computer using the "cloud" and our brains are just a receptor for "us" beyond this planet.
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