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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Don't understand how any guy with a modicum of energy can "do nothing". I was retired in LOS and never had "nothing to do". Up to the guy I guess, but don't bitch about "nothing to do" when there is a world of things to do in LOS and many of them cost little to nothing to do.
  2. Do you not believe that sex ( at least for men ) is something that should be part of a long term relationship? Why else would most men get married?
  3. Disagree. Much of my working life was unpleasant, and it was always under coercive control. So what if the wife doesn't get much if anything from sex? As long as it's not injurious to the woman, if she is going to get married she owes it to her husband to at the very least lie there while he does his thing. Anyway, if he isn't doing it right for her she owes it to herself to explain what she wants to her husband. Seems to me too many women use sex in marriage to get what they want, rather than recognising it is part and parcel of marriage. Don't want to do it, don't lie to your husband to be when making those vows. However, seems many don't believe their marriage vows when they promise "till death do us part". Liars all that get divorced when they had a religious marriage ceremony.. I doubt many men got married not expecting sex.
  4. Re "speaking to professionals" you do know that they cost biggly, and unless rich, rich, rich are not an option, unless living in a Utopian country where the taxpayers funds such? The NHS used to fund such, but only for a limited time, which may not be long enough to make a difference. Do you actually have friends that would let you tell them all your problems? IMO most would cease to be friends if they had that sort of thing put on them, and even if they did allow it, what solutions could untrained folk offer? As for relatives, I don't know any that I would want to unload on even if they allowed it. Not all relatives are caring people.
  5. "God does not seem to be very busy" Do you think planet earth is the only one with life on it? How about the other billions of planets in the universe that probably have life forms on them requiring some attention as well?
  6. My parents divorced in 1970. Frankly, given the way the law favours women in western countries, I don't understand why guys get married, unless they have no significant assets. A lot of men did avoid getting married and that was countered when the law became that anyone living together longer than 2 or 3 years ( can't remember which off hand ) was legally regarded as being married, and liable to the same asset stripping as for actually married men. Just wait till sex androids are affordable and see how many men still get attached to real women. I fully expect laws will be brought in to ban them. Any guy that thinks they have a perfect marriage should watch Eat Pray Love ( Julia Roberts ). I actually know a woman that divorced her husband because he was boring. So much for no fault divorce.
  7. Silly thing to say. My world for over 30 years was Thailand and I wanted to live there till I died. Losing my money to the wrong woman meant I had to leave Thailand that I loved and exist in a cold country. So, for me it was the end of the world.
  8. We should bear in mind that "death do us part" was invented when many men didn't live long lives.
  9. I discovered TVF long before I got married, but I'd never read the divorce sub forum. Had I done so before getting married my life would be very different today.
  10. To be fair, marriage has a 50/ 50 chance of failure. That's not good odds.
  11. I wish more farangs were like you, then we wouldn't have a forum full of farangs that got suckered by Thai women into marrying them, giving them a load of land, houses and cars etc, and then losing everything.
  12. Umm, that's not actually accurate to what the post you replied to said ( "If you take a decent hard working woman away from her job it's only fair to compensate her." ) . Bar fines are paid to compensate the bar owner for losing a worker, not to compensate the girl. She has to get the client to pay her for her time.
  13. IMO it's relevant because many guys that married Thai women are buying the relationship with property. If it was true love, money wouldn't even come into it.
  14. Being in a long term relationship or being married didn't guarantee that my partners had any concern for me in the long run. I guess that applies in the 50% or so of married couples that get divorced as well.
  15. I don't know what Thailand you are referring to, but in the LOS I know one can rent by the day, the week or the month.
  16. Shallow worked for me. The sex was far better with Thai rentals than with my first partner, and sex with my wife was far better before we got married than after ( she seemed to lose interest once the paper was signed- funny that ). Soooo, from my limited experience, if one wants good sex, don't get married. If sex is uneventful, IMO that's down to the individuals involved, and if renting one can keep trying a new rental till one finds the right one to keep till the rental gets too complacent.
  17. Out of all the people I know that got married, only two couples didn't get divorced.
  18. None of that works for about 50% of married people, given the divorce rate. It's certainly never stopped people having sex on the side. Would anyone buy a new car if there was a 50% chance it would break down and be unfix able within a few years?
  19. Did I say because I'm old? If I did apologies. However you have to accept the existence of mental deterioration, which was what I was talking about when I said I couldn't absorb too much information in one post. I'm not going to go into specifics, but you can accept that, or not. Up to you.
  20. 100%. Unless one wants to have kids. IMO no reason to get married.
  21. Marriage IMO is so 18th century. It's become something that benefits western women over men now. I never said why I got married after a disastrous first relationship with a western women- I was stupid and thought a Thai would be different. I have no problem with being weak. If I'd been strong I'd never have become a nurse. Had I been strong I'd have gone to work in the Australian mines and minted it large. Unfortunately I was weak and thought I should do something for society. My mistake.
  22. LOL. Both my long term partners were "the right one" till they weren't. I can cook and clean, and don't need anyone to do that for me. I'm also a great handyman. I only got married to have sex without having to go look for it every night. I happened to love her till she changed into a horrible person, so love ain't worth a <deleted> when it comes prolonging marriage, IMO. The first year of marriage was great, but then it wasn't anymore.
  23. What I don't get is why any woman would marry a man been divorced 5 times, unless she was planning to get rich off him.
  24. I got married to a Thai and lost a lot of my pension despite her not living with me in my country and not contributing financially to the marriage. If I could go back and do it all again I'd have village wedding and never tell social services back home I was in a relationship. Would also have made it more likely she'd have been a good wife if she knew I could just walk away and she'd get nothing.

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